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I thank all the gifted students who taught me to see.

I thank Michael Hauge — man of wisdom, accomplishment, and generosity — who also, on the side, is one hell of an editor.

I thank my brilliant colleagues in the California State University, Northridge, Department of Cinema and Television Arts, who each day reveal to me the power of mission.

I thank Dr. Linda Venis and my compatriots at the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program for the chance to share this extraordinary journey that is a writer’s life.

I thank Michael Wiese, Ken Lee, Matt Barber, Gina Mansfield, and all of the stunningly talented people at Michael Wiese Productions for their full faith and support.

I thank Michele Samit, esteemed comrade in arms, who taught me how to preserve a poet’s soul beneath that required alligator’s hide.

I thank the producers, directors, writers, executives, agents, and actors with whom I have worked — people who prove daily that courage is indeed grace under pressure — many of them generous of heart and a few not so much, but master teachers all.

I thank my friends for those deep bonds of affection that revive and restore.

I thank my family — Dianne, Elise, and Owen — for their unconditional support through hours both dark and light, who discovered the hard way what “obsessive” really means.

And most especially I thank Isla and Kenneth Edson, who first showed me what love looks like, and without whom this book truly would not exist.

The Story Solution

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