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A great many colleagues and friends have contributed to the thinking behind this book. Many of them will disagree with much of what follows. We have benefitted hugely from reading and discussing many of these ideas with Martin Wolf, Martin Sandbu, James Mackintosh, Adair Turner, Angus Armstrong, Roger Farmer, Carolina Alves, Anand Menon, Michael Burleigh, Frances Coppola, Daniel Mytnik, James Hanham, Simon Tilford, John Springford, Dave Fishwick, Jenny Rogers, Tony Finding, Tristan Hanson, Juan Nevado, Megan Greene, Simon Wren-Lewis, Kate Raworth, Roman Krznaric, Sony Kapoor, Alev Scott, Rupert Taylor, Clare Patey, Stewart Gilchrist, Nigel Kershaw, Kevin Riches, Matthias Matthijs, Jonathan Hopkin, Stephen Kinsella, Holly Goulet, Joe Hanrahan, Kimberly Witherspoon, Sarah Russo, Vicky Capstick, Rose McDermott, Carys Roberts, Wade Jacobi, John and Shelley Sawers and Matthew Lawrence.

Some of the policy ideas – such as dual interest rates – have been road-tested in the Financial Times and on Twitter. In the latter forum, we have greatly benefitted from the reflections of Brad Delong, David Andolfatto, Nick Rowe, Tony Yates, David Beckworth and Chris Dillow. Fran Boait and Stan Jourdan at the not-for-profit, Positive Money, have influenced our thinking on policy, as has Gregory Claeys at Bruegel. Steven Gerrard, at Agenda, has once again helped with great insight and care.

Eric would like to acknowledge his partner Corinne Sawers’s intellect and sparkle, which has challenged and aided him at every turn. His daughters, Gina and Maia, are a constant inspiration, as is their nonna, Corinna Salvadori.

Mark would like to acknowledge his wife Jules steadfast refusal to engage with anything that he writes. Perhaps this book may prove the exception.




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