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Table of Contents
1 Cover
4 Introduction About This Book Foolish Assumptions Icons Used in This Book Beyond the Book Where to Go from Here
5 Part 1: Understanding Financial Security Chapter 1: Navigating the (Bumpy) Road to Financial Independence Reaching for Financial Security Coping with Crises Making Decisions Based on Changing Circumstances Chapter 2: Understanding Capitalism and Economic Downturns Understanding Our Economic System Touring Past Crises: What Happened and Why Mistakes Made … and Lessons to Carry With You Chapter 3: Coping with Personal Crises When a Crisis Comes Calling Success Plans for Personal Crises and Life Changes
6 Part 2: Crisis Mode: Accessing Safety Nets and Emergency Measures Chapter 4: Your Safety Nets Taking Stock of Your Resources Surveying Societal Safety Nets Chapter 5: Digging Out and Forging Ahead Turning Your Eye toward Recovery Thinking (and Researching) Before Making Financial Moves Leaning on an Expert for Help Minding Your Media Intake
7 Part 3: Being a Smart Consumer of Economic Information Chapter 6: So Many Numbers! Making Sense of Economic Reports Keeping Economic Reports in Perspective Sleuthing Through Economic Reports Interpreting Media Coverage of Economic Data Chapter 7: Says Who? Weighing “Experts’” Advice Understanding Why Particular Pundits Get Attention Uncovering Gurus’ Agendas Deciding Whether Hiring an Advisor Is the Right Choice Chapter 8: Following Financial Markets Understanding Stocks and Bonds Making Informed Investing Decisions Challenging Financial Markets During Changing Times
8 Part 4: Keeping Your Personal Finance House in Order Chapter 9: Getting on the Right Road with Spending and Saving Getting a Handle on Your Spending Saving: Necessary Rocket Fuel Upping Your Income Lowering Your Tax Bill Ouch! Dealing with Major Medical Bills Chapter 10: Investing Wisely and Securely Checking Out All the Places You Can Invest Your Money Cultivating Good Investing Habits Developing a Personal Investing Plan Selecting the Best Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) Seizing Investment Opportunities During Tough Times Chapter 11: Getting and Maintaining Proper Insurance Being Prepared: A Quick Lesson on Insurance Protecting Your Health Securing Your Income-Earning Ability Insurance on Your Assets Will, Trusts, and Estate Planning Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft and Fraud
9 Part 5: Prepping for Future Armageddon Chapter 12: What Pundits Scare People About Fearmongers Have Been Scaring Folks for Generations Surveying the Leading Worries Being Pitched Today Chapter 13: Preparing Yourself for Unexpected Future Crises What Possible Future Crises Should You Be Prepared For? Preparing Financially and Otherwise for New Future Crises
10 Part 6: The Part of Tens Chapter 14: Tens Ways to Improve Your Personal Safety Combine Your Instincts with Proven Strategies What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You Err on the Side of Caution There’s (Some) Safety in Numbers, But There May be a Weak Link If It Looks Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is Don’t Assume “Lightning Never Strikes Twice” Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover Trust Your Instincts Share Your Concerns with Someone You Trust Chapter 15: Ten Ways to Address Over-Saving Understanding the Over-Saver Mindset Balancing Spending and Saving Keeping Money Accumulation in Proper Perspective Giving Yourself Permission to Spend More Doing Some Retirement Analysis Getting Smart about Investing Your Money Going On a News Diet Treating Yourself to Something Special Buying More Gifts for the People You Love Going Easy When It Comes to Everyday Expenses
11 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2TABLE 2-1: Annual GDP Change for the United States
2 Chapter 11TABLE 11-1 Chronic Conditions Affecting Activity
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: A drop in GDP followed by recovery. FIGURE 6-2: GDP trend from 1948 to present. FIGURE 6-3: An example of a payroll survey. FIGURE 6-4: Labor force participation rate. FIGURE 6-5: University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment. FIGURE 6-6: Overall versus core CPI.
2 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: Insurance needs worksheet.
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