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Getting Started with Investing


Before the rest of this chapter discusses the major investing alternatives, this section starts with something that’s quite basic yet important. What exactly does “investing” mean? Simply stated, investing means you have money put away for future use.

You can choose from tens of thousands of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, and other investments. Unfortunately for the novice, and even for the experts who are honest with you, knowing the name of the investment is just the tip of the iceberg. Underneath each of these investments lurks a veritable mountain of details.

If you wanted to and had the ability to quit your day job, you could make a full-time endeavor out of analyzing economic trends and financial statements and talking to business employees, customers, suppliers, and so on. However, you shouldn’t be scared away from investing just because some people do it on a full-time basis. Making wise investments need not take a lot of your time. If you know where to get high-quality information and you purchase well-managed investments, you can leave the investment management to the best experts. Then you can do the work that you’re best at and have more free time for the things you really enjoy doing.

An important part of making wise investments is knowing when you have enough information to do things well on your own versus when you should hire others. For example, foreign stock markets are generally more difficult to research and understand than domestic markets. Thus, when investing overseas, hiring a good money manager, such as through a mutual or exchange-traded fund, makes more sense than going to all the time, trouble, and expense of picking individual international stocks.

This book is here to give you the information you need to make your way through the complex investment world. The rest of this chapter clears a path so you can identify the major investments, understand the strengths and weaknesses of each, and get information on seeking advice.

Investing All-in-One For Dummies

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