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Evaluating Risks


Everywhere you turn, risks exist; some are just more apparent than others. Many people misunderstand risks. With increased knowledge, you may be able to reduce or conquer some of your fears and make more sensible decisions about reducing risks. For example, some people who fear flying don’t understand that statistically, flying is much safer than driving a car. You’re approximately 110 times more likely to die in a motor vehicle than in an airplane. But when a plane goes down, it’s big news because dozens and sometimes hundreds of people, who weren’t engaging in reckless behavior, perish. Meanwhile, the national media seem to pay less attention to the 100 people, on average, who die on the road every day.

Then there’s the issue of control. Flying seems more dangerous to some folks because the pilots are in control of the plane, whereas in your car, you can at least be at the steering wheel. Of course, you can’t control what happens around you or mechanical problems with the mode of transportation you’re using.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t drive or fly or that you shouldn’t drive to the airport. However, you may consider steps you can take to reduce the significant risks you expose yourself to in a car. For example, you can get a car with more safety features, and you can choose to drive less aggressively and to minimize riding as a passenger with poor drivers.

Although some people like to live life to its fullest and take “fun” risks (how else can you explain mountain climbers, parachutists, and bungee jumpers?), most people seek to minimize risk and maximize enjoyment in their lives. The vast majority of people also understand that they’d be a lot less happy living a life in which they sought to eliminate all risks, and they likely wouldn’t be able to do so anyway.

Likewise, if you attempt to avoid all the risks involved in investing, you likely won’t succeed, and you likely won’t be happy with your investment results and lifestyle. In the investment world, some people don’t go near stocks or any investment that they perceive to be volatile. As a result, such investors often end up with lousy long-term returns and expose themselves to some high risks that they overlooked, such as the risk of having inflation and taxes erode the purchasing power of their money.

You can’t live without taking risks. Risk-free activities or ways of living simply don’t exist. You can minimize but never eliminate all risks. Some methods of risk reduction aren’t palatable because they reduce your quality of life. Risks are also composed of several factors. The sections that follow discuss the various types of investment risks and go over proven methods you can use to sensibly reduce these risks while not missing out on the upside that growth investments offer.

Investing All-in-One For Dummies

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