Читать книгу All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque - Страница 20



under his orders I have scrubbed out the corpo-rals' mess with a tooth- brush.

kropp and I have been given the job of clearing the barracks-square of snow with a hand-broom and a dust pan.

for six weeks I did guard every sunday and was hut-orderly for the same lengh of time.

when he reported us, the company commander laughed at him and told him he ought to keep his eyes open.

at bayonet practice I had constantly to fight with himmelstoss, I with a heavy iron weapon, bayonet covered with its scabbard, whilst he had a handy wooden one with which he easily struck my arms till they were black and blue.

once I became so infuriated that I ran at him blindly and gave him a mighty jab in the stomach...

...and knocked him down.

All Quiet on the Western Front

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