Читать книгу All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque - Страница 32


we have to go up on wiring fatigue. the motor lorries roll up after dark and we jammed in together, shoulder to shoulder, there is no room to sit. it is a warm evening and the twilight seems like a canopy under whose shelter we feel drawn together. mu ̈ller is in a good mood for once; he is wearing his new boots.

even over the sound of the motor, kat and I hear the cackle of geese from a nearby farmyard.

the lorries arrive at artillery gun- emplacements, and the roar of the guns makes our lorry stagger...

...we are now within the front’s embrace.

as we leave the lorries, english batteries fire from beyond the right of our lines. our faces change imperceptibly. men who have been up as often as we have become thick-skinned, but the young recruits become agitated.

...now you’ll hear the burst.

that was a twelve-inch. you can tell by the report...

kat, I hear some aspirants for the frying pan.


All Quiet on the Western Front

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