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I endured some trials and tribulations that made me bend, but not break, that made me bruised, but not broken, that made me frown, but with faith, I always come around. And without a strong mind, and strong support from some outstanding people in my life (They know who they are) Thank you.

First off, I got to thank the Lord my personal savior for all that he has done for me. I know that without Him that I am nothing and I give all glory to Him.

But I have to thank all my readers, fans, family, and my fellow authors who supported me all these years. Those that know me know that I’ve been through some hard times—

The road would have been much unsteady and challenging. I stumbled a few times, but always caught my grip and stood tall and say to myself no rest till I reach my success.

It doesn’t get easier, we only get stronger.

I would love to have y’all comment me on my book, so get at me by email grayspencer2000@yahoo.com

Love and a Gangsta

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