Читать книгу It Is Time To Go Deeper - Ernest Forbes - Страница 13

The Word of God


The Bible is God’s Word all the way through,

But what is it used for? And why read it?

What can we receive? What can it do?

Why do we really need it?

It is a map you use for direction,

It is a compass that points the way,

It’s profitable for doctrine, for reproof and correction,

It’s the gospel of truth that will never pass away.

They are words that comfort the soul, it quickens and revives,

The anointed Word is both inspiring and encouraging.

The Word of the Lord is pure and will always remain alive,

The Word is God’s set standard for holy Christian living.

It is filled with prophecies, promises and revelations,

They’re words that can give life and hope to a dying soul.

The holy scriptures are able to make you wise unto salvation,

They give you the strength you need to reach that desired goal.

It’s our inheritance of covenant promises, which cannot be altered or shaken,

They are promises from God, there for us to claim,

They have been sealed, secured and God has promised they will not be broken,

They’ve been given by the inspiration of God, receive them in Jesus’ name.

The law of the Lord is perfect as we have read and heard,

But it’s not just a case of reading it because you think it’s right to do so.

Instead we must have a spiritual desire and hunger for the Word,

Receiving spiritual food we need to make us grow.

It is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword,

Piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,

Making it active and effective, that’s the Word of the Lord,

Which cuts into the deepest parts of our nature as we ‘live it.’

It is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart,

And of the joints and marrow, cutting all the way through.

If you haven’t yet examined the Word deeply, now’s the time to start,

Because it will divide as it penetrates. Why? ’Cause God’s Word is true.

It has to be accepted as it is written and not as we see fit,

It is not to be misinterpreted or misused,

We just can’t apply part of it, but all of it,

It shouldn’t be taken out of context or confused.

The Word is and will always be, the beginning and the end,

Digest this spiritual food every day and every minute,

Because it’s the sword of the Spirit and on it we can depend,

Be at a place where you just cannot do without it.

You can never get enough of the Word, even when it starts to overflow,

The unmoveable Word of God is what we all need.

The Word is never outdated and reveals all that we should know,

Take a hold of it because it is satisfaction guaranteed.

It Is Time To Go Deeper

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