Читать книгу Critical Infrastructure Risk Assessment - Ernie Hayden MIPM CISSP CEH GICSP(Gold) PSP - Страница 5



The Genesis

Within the last few years — especially as my 65th birthday crept up on me — I decided to write a book on how to conduct risk assessments. Yes, there are multiple books on the theory of risk assessments but you simply cannot find handbooks identifying the practices and techniques to use when performing a risk assessment of a large facility. Therefore, I began the process of working on a book without a publisher with plans to simply self-publish.

Then, in 2019, Phil Rothstein of Rothstein Publishing posted an invitation to submit book ideas. Since I already had an outline, a chapter or two written, and even a business plan, I submitted the concept material for this book. Phil invited me to write this book for publication as part of the Rothstein Publishing family of books.

I’ve spent many hours working on this “letter to the industry.” I’ve done this through two house moves and a knee replacement! But I’ve been persistent and excited to get this knowledge out to the industry and to new engineers who will be conducting risk assessments in the future.


I dedicate this book to four people who have had such as strong influence on my life and my pursuit of this idea. First, on the professional front, I dedicate this book to my friends, mentors, and colleagues — Messrs. Mike Assante and Kirk Bailey.

Mike Assante passed away in July 2019. I’ve known Mike since about 2007 when I first met him in Chicago at an Information Security Magazine awards event. Since then Mike and I had occasionally exchanged emails as he moved up in the industry to Chief Security Officer of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and then to lead the SANS industrial control security efforts. Our paths literally crossed in 2018-2019 when we were both being treated for cancer at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, mine for melanoma and him for his leukemia. At that time, we exchanged many an email, text message, and phone call. Finally, on July 2, 2019, Mike sent me his final text message...“Love you shipmate.” He died on July 5th. This book is dedicated to Mike’s memory.

Kirk Bailey has been my security mentor and best friend since 2001 after the horrible events of 9/11. We first met when he was the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of the City of Seattle then later, when he was CISO of the University of Washington. We were even published on the cover of Information Security Magazine in January 2005. Kirk has been a positive intellectual influence on me. He has offered me ideas and perspectives on risk and security that I would never have considered without his stories, philosophies, and viewpoints regarding the world around us. Kirk is a brilliant man and I include him in this dedication.

My final, most loving dedication is to my wife, Ginny, and our daughter, Karina. Without their love, patience, and support through many interesting “opportunities” in my life, I would not be where I am today. I love you both so dearly!


My work on this book has not been a solo journey. I would like to thank the following friends and colleagues for their support, counsel, and ideas: Gil Oakley, Jennifer Tavaglione, Jose Alvarado, Brenda Serna, Kip Boyle, and Peter Gregory. I also want to thank Phil Rothstein and Glyn Davies for their support, encouragement, and editorial improvements.

Finally, I want to thank God for his foundational support and protection.

Ernie Hayden

August 2020

Critical Infrastructure Risk Assessment

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