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Endorsements for the
Abstentionist Manifesto


Translated from “Adesioni al manifesto astensionista,”

L’Agitazione (Ancona) 1, no. 2 (March 21, 1897).

Due to time constraints, we have not been able to ensure that every locality has let us have their opinion of our draft manifesto.144

Therefore, we have published it with just the signatures that reached us in time. Given, though, that beyond any effect it might have on the current elections, the point is that we should understand one another and affirm the line of conduct that the party intends to follow, in the next issues we shall print the endorsements as they come in. And we would beseech all those groups that share the manifesto’s ideas, including those to which we did not send the draft for lack of addresses, to send us their support, however belatedly.

Some groups have written to say that they are supportive and would like to place their support on record, but decline to sign their own names so as to avoid possible harassment.

It is our belief, however, that the only way of winning our right to exist as a party and of preventing the monstrous as well as ridiculous trials for criminal conspiracy that the government tries its hand at from time to time, is to ensure that we always loudly and publicly affirm our ideas and our organization. And if there are persecutions, we need to face them and assert ourselves louder than ever. No struggle is ever easy and free from danger… unless it is trotting along to drop a ballot secretly into a ballot box and then wait for godsends from the deputies.

Be that as it may, we will of course respect the wishes of the interested parties. Except that we want assurances as to the actual existence of the signatory groups, because we have no desire to help with the creation of illusions, which are then, inevitably, followed by let-downs.

Above all else, truth. If there are lots of us, so much the better. If we are few… well, that will be one more reason for us to busy ourselves at becoming many.

[Followed by a list of endorsements for the manifesto]

144 An abstentionist manifesto appeared as an insert in this issue of L’Agitazione, on the occasion of the political elections that took place on March 21, with runoffs to be held on March 28. For the text of the manifesto, see the volume of the present Complete Works containing pamphlets, programs, manifestos, and other miscellaneous publications.

The Complete Works of Malatesta Vol. III

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