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Methods of Wrapping

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Secure wrapping

Wrapping flat objects

Wrapping long and slender objects

Gorgeous Wrapping

Wrapping bottles

Carrying on your back

Wrapping with a handle

Carrying on your shoulder or arm

Decorating a bag

Attached on outside


Interior decorations

Some Furoshiki Memories

By Amy Katoh

Two mornings every week a red-cheeked farmer’s wife came to our neighborhood with a giant indigo furoshiki lashed to her back bearing everything she had pulled and picked from the fields that morning in Chiba Prefecture. Thirty years later, she still comes, but today her son drives her here, and the produce is brought in cardboard boxes that she wheels along on a dolly for easy movement. We both remember the furoshiki deliveries.

When I lived with a family during my first year in Japan at age 20, specially made clothing was delivered to our house in furoshiki. I remember my feeling of wonder when the cloth bundles arrived.

Furoshiki picnics—the thrill, the promise, the surprise, of opening them.

The kimono salesman who sold his wares at the house where I stayed when I first came to Japan in 1962 would carry his whole shop’s inventory tied in a furoshiki on his back. Upon entering the tatami-matted room he would open his furoshiki and, with a flourish, roll the splashy bolts of kimono silk out onto the mat to show the full length of his treasures.

Art dealers keep their treasures in bright yellow squares of cotton furoshiki. I know the package contains something special when I see that distinctive color.

Huge furoshiki are used to wrap futon bedding. They are stored away in a closet when not in use.

Antique dealers at the flea markets transport their goods to the weekly markets in faded furoshiki. Here it is important not to judge the content by its cover. Furoshiki mismatches often make for surprises.

A furoshiki wrapped the ashes of the son of our beloved contractor Tazaki-san. We had gone to the interment, and as we were heading for home the elder son met us. He was carrying his brother’s ashes in a silver brocade furoshiki, and he asked if we would please give them both a ride to the cemetery. His brother had always loved old cars, and he wanted his brother’s last ride to be in our old sports car.

One of my closest friends, Harumi Nibe, is a flower lover. She finds amazing wild flowers by the roadside and also grows her own flowers. For years she came to Blue & White once or twice a week to arrange her green offerings of the season. To see her arrive at the door with her plaid, worn furoshiki filled with leaves and blossoms—gifts of nature—was always exciting. And when she opened the furoshiki, it was filled with joy and vibrancy (and often bugs and spiders and other insects). This was a furoshiki of life itself.

To wrap the world with words is easy. But to wrap life in a small square of cloth is unbelievable.

The Versatility of Furoshiki 1

One piece of fabric can be transformed in a variety of ways depending on what is being wrapped. It is truly ever-changing!

One cloth seven ways—about 28in (70cm) polyester wrapping cloth

The Versatility of Furoshiki 2

How would you carry these things?

Simply by tying three knots, a furoshiki can be shaped to carry almost anything. (See page 43)

Furoshiki in just three knots—about 36in (90cm) acetate wrapping cloth

The Versatility of Furoshiki 3

Even when the shape and wrapping style are the same, different furoshiki designs express different moods.

Framed 枠取り Wakudori

Main design 主柄 Omogara

Same shape, different moods—27in (68cm) rayon wrapping cloth

Reversible 両面 Ryomen

Vertical design 縦替り Tategawari

The Versatility of Furoshiki 4

Creative finishing enables a wide variety of arrangements.

1. Put one corner over the ma-musubi knot, as if hiding it.

2. Fold the corner out and put the tip of the corner through the knot so that it looks like a flower. The flower part is the reverse side of the fabric.

3. Tie a ma-musubi knot (see page 15) and fix the two corners so that they stand in the middle.

Five creative finishing knots—approximately 18in (45cm) cotton wrapping cloth

No. 3 is the basic form of wrapping. See page 69 for steps.

4. Wrap the two standing corners around your finger and push the tip into the knot.

5. Fold the two corners toward the middle of the knot and push them into it (see page 69).

6. Fold the far corner into the middle of the knot and fold the near corner down.

See the following page for details of ma-musubi knot.

The Versatility of Furoshiki 5

A furoshiki has a variety of expressions depending on how it is wrapped. You can adjust the image to suit the content or the person who receives the gift.

Four ways to wrap a bottle—about 28in (70cm) polyester wrapping cloth

The Basic Knot

The knot is the key element in creating various forms of wrapping using a furoshiki. By mastering the knots, you will be able to truly understand the power of the furoshiki.

How to tie a ma-musubi knot

Once you have tied a ma-musubi knot, it will not come undone. And when you want to untie it, you can do so very simply and quickly.

1. Hold two diagonally opposite corners of the furoshiki, one in each hand.

2. Cross corner (a) over corner (b).

3. Fold (b) over and then under and behind (a).

4. Fold (a) to the left and fold (b) over (a).

5. Push (b) through the circle.

6. Pull (a) and (b) in opposite directions. This completes the ma-musubi knot.

If you have tied the ma-musubi knot correctly, both corners will line up straight.

This is a bad example of the knot. It will come undone easily.

How to untie a ma-musubi knot

No doubt you are surprised by the magic of the knot and understand the wisdom behind it.

1. Hold the bottom of (a) with your left hand and the top of (a) with your right hand.

2. Pull the tip of (a) toward (b) until you feel a kind of click. The important point here is that the whole of (a) should be lined up straight.

3. Hold the knot linking (b) to (a) gently from above.

4. Pull (b) to the right, and the knot comes apart.

How to tie a hitotsu-musubi knot

Hitotsu-musubi is a knot for one corner of the furoshiki. A combination of ma-musubi and hitotsu-musubi knots enables the furoshiki to be used in a variety of ways.

1. Hold one corner of the furoshiki.

2. Make a circle.

3. Push the corner of the furoshiki through the circle.

4. Pull the tip of the corner.

5. This completes the knot.

Flat Wrapping

平包み Hira Tsutsumi

The simplest and most stylish way of wrapping without a knot

1. Spread the furoshiki out with the main design facing down. Place the gift in the center of the furoshiki.

2. Pull the far-side corner of the furoshiki over the gift so that the main design can be seen. Adjust the position of the gift.

3. Return the corner to its previous position and pull the near corner over the gift.

4. Tuck this corner under the gift.

5. Pull the left corner over the gift.

6-1. Adjust the overlapping of the corners.

6-2. Pull the right corner over the gift.

7. Pull the remaining corner over the gift.

8. Tuck the remaining corner under the gift.

The cloth shown here is a patterned silk square measuring 27 x 27in (68 x 68cm).

Errand Wrapping

お使い包み Otsukai Tsutsumi

The most popular form of wrapping with a beautiful knot

1. Position the box in the middle of the furoshiki.

2. Pull the near corner over the gift and tuck the remainder of this corner under the box.

3. Pull the far corner over the box. Tuck the remainder of this corner under the box.

4-1. Tie a ma-musubi knot using the left and right corners of the furoshiki.

4-2. Continue as per page 15, step 3

4-3. See page 15, step 4.

4-4. See page 15, step 5.

4-5. This completes the Errand Wrapping.

Errand Wrapping—about 27in (68cm) silk wrapping cloth

Hidden Wrapping

隠し包み Kakushi Tsutsumi

A practical and beautiful form of wrapping that secures the contents and makes full use of the main design

1-1. As per Errand Wrapping, position the box in the middle of the furoshiki.

1-2. Pull the near corner over the gift and tuck the remainder of this corner under the box.

1-3. Pull the far corner over the box.

1-4. Tie a ma-musubi knot using the left and right corners of the furoshiki.

1-5. Continue as per page 15, step 3.

1-6. See page 15, step 4.

2-1. Hold the part that was over the contents in 1-3 and pull.

2-2. Free the section completely.

3. Pull the corner over the knot as if hiding it. This completes the Hidden Wrapping.

Hidden Wrapping—about 27in (68cm) silk wrapping cloth

Two Vertical Knots

四つ結び Yotsu Musubi

A secure way to carry heavy and large objects

1. Place the object in the middle of the furoshiki.

2. Tie a ma-musubi knot using the corner in front of you and the one diagonally opposite.

Wrapping with Fabric

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