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Table of Contents


Table of Contents

SCENE I.—Rough wooden Bar, with bottles of spirits and champagne (2 to open), glasses, etc. etc., R.H. All secured with wires to bar, so that nothing can be upset during change. Letter rack, mourning letter in same. Large earthenware jug on counter. Small rustic table with pots and glasses on same. Three rustic stools round same—R.C. Four wine cases piled up R.C. Small rustic table and stool.—L.C. Two rustic tables and stools up L.H. Long table with several copies of 'Graphic' on same—L.H. Couple of barrels and a few cases up L.C. Rustic seat outside C. opening.

HAND PROPERTIES.—Dummy Child, beautifully made and dressed. Miner's Pack-Pipe and Tobacco—piece of ore and crown for BEN. Whip, five sovereigns, and revolver for CAPTAIN. Hand bell ready off L.1 E. for PROMPTER. Nugget for MYLES. Coach bells and horn ready off L.

SCENE 2.-Large nugget R.C. Long grass. Horse for SYBIL. Waggon with stores and two horses ready L.C.E.



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"Flower of Sleep" (a plant about 18 inches high, with a small white flower). It is in a pot made of bark L. of painted tent R. Boxes and grindstone R. of tent R. Green flag with inscription of the "Erin Go Bragh" at top of tent R. Strong iron-bound box containing gold ore and large nugget—two poles to go through cleats of same. Dirty piece of straw matting over same. Large upright sieve up L.H. Wheelbarrow, pails, picks, and shovels up C for MINERS. One pail to have water and fuller's earth mixed. Rope, hook, and pail over wheel to well, up C. Plenty of loose earth. China crash in tent R. Bank with rough canopy over same. Blankets by same for JACK to lie on L.H.

HAND PROPERTIES.—Tray, with twelve glasses, jug of water and bottle of whisky, and hand bell ready in tent R. for KATTY. Ropes and revolvers for BILL and MEN. Knife for CAPTAIN. Pocket-book, and twenty bank notes in same for GLEN. Soft rope, arranged to tie round the necks of BEN, MYLES, and JACK; also for wrists. Leather bottle for WALLAROO.


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Boxes, barrel, and form R.H. Long table, and form each side of same in front of window C. Glasses and pots on same. Long table and two forms R. and L. of same up L.C. Pots, etc., on same. Small rustic seat and tabla at back of same up C. Small bar with bottles, etc. etc., inside C. Cradle inside window. White blind to top window to pull down. Red blind to bottom window to pull down. Two panes of glass in bottom window to break. Six boxes and barrels piled up L.H. Lamp to light, over door up R.C. Wooden post and lamp (to light) up L.H. Thunder, lightning, rain, and wind ready.

HAND PROPERTIES.—Flash note and sovereign for CAPTAIN. Knife for LARRIKIN. Bludgeon for WALLAROO. Purse and notes for SYBIL, viz., two ten and one five pound notes, five sovereigns. Pocket-book and notes for BEN.


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SCENE 1.—Trunk of tree C. Long grass on battens joining up to same R. and L., and all to pull off R. and L. for change.

HAND PROPERTIES.—Knife and pocket-book and bank notes for CAPTAIN.

SCENE 3.—Witness box and small Bible R.H. Chair by same. Prisoner's box L.H. Judge's box and writing materials up C. Large table, with writing materials and books. Four chairs round same, C.

HAND PROPERTIES.—Knife ready off R. 2 E. (Same as used by CAPTAIN in previous scene.)


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Seats R. and L. up stage. Palms behind same. Statues and palms R. and L. of C. stairs. Bar with bottles, glasses, &c., L. H. Two trays of glasses and champagne, L. H. Ditto R.H. Wedding bells.—Loaded revolver for CAPT. Double for PROMPTER at L.C.E. Ditto for MACDONALD. Nugget and satchel for BEN.

The Duchess of Coolgardie

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