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Kaurna Glossary

Banbabanbalya: where neighbouring clans gathered in Adelaide for discussions.

Birkibirki’: literally means ‘lots of little bits’ peas.

Jultiwirra: the stringy bark trees at the top of the gully which marked Permangk.

Kartanya: means first born girl, and Kudnarto third born girl.

Kadlitpina: an important Wirra man.

Karraundongga: the red gum spear place.

Kakirra: the moon

Karta: Kangaroo Island.

Kua Mullawirra: Kua Kertamerru Mullawirra now pronounced Murlawirra. Murlawirrapurka’s name when he finished his scarification rites.

Kalta: sleepy lizard.

Kamilya: my daughter’s daughter.

Kammammi: maternal grandmother.

Karndo Wirra: forest men, a northern Kaurna group.

Karra Wirraparri: red gum forest river

Kirilla: ‘the shine of the full moon’.

Kudlilla: cold season.

Kungurla: yabbies.

Kuri: a dance of Kadlitpinna’s people, the Kaurna Wirra.

Mari Yertabulti: the Eastern Cascades

Midlaitya: fifth born son.

Midlato: fifth born girl.

Milmenrura: one of the Ngarrindjeri clans.

Moorundie: the river people, hated enemy of the Kaurna.

Mudlunnga: a nose shaped protuberance where Kaurna hunters trapped emus, entered an inlet near Port Adelaide.

Murlawirrapurka: esteemed wise purka of the Tandanya group. Mullawirraburka was the original pronunciation and is on his commemoration brick at the migrant museum.

Narungga: peoples in the north and west of Adelaide. ‘Ngaityerli’: means ‘papa’.

Ngai wangandi marni’ Welcome, you are at home.

Ngaltingga: Aldinga, Murlawirrapurka’s home country.

Ngadjuri Ngarrindjeri clan in the south

Ngakallomurro: ‘parakeet ashes’, known to whites as the Magellanic Clouds

Ngano: Kaurna ancestor embodied in the Adelaide Hills.

Ngunyawaietti: literally means ‘a moving-with-joy event’

Paltis: dances.

Pangkarra: local land.

Parna: As this star became more visible it signified the end of the hot season.

Pepa meya’: paper man, or judge. Was an insight into how the Kaurna saw British justice – just a pile of paper.

Peramangk: Adelaide Hills people, enemies of the Kaurna.

Pilyabilya’: a stunning butterfly with black, white, red, and yellow markings.

Piltawardli: possum place.

Pindi-meyunna: pit men – white man who has come back from the grave.

Pindi-nantos: pit men’s horses.

Pitjantjatjara: peoples in the north of South Australia.

Pitluri: tobacco found in northern Australia.

Puri: pebble

Skilgolee Creek Block 346: owned by John Adams and Mary Ann Adams. Tim and Tom and part of what is owed to current Kaurna elder Uncle Lewis Yerlopurka O’Brien

Tambawordli: where the Kaurna traditionally held inter-clan gatherings and contests.

Tandanya: or Red Kangaroo people

Tarnda: the totemic kangaroo Tarnda Kaurna dreaming story of a young boy, Tarnda, who brought joy to the life of his aged parents and went on to become a great hunter. In old age, he was transformed into an old man kangaroo and was a great and respected teacher of all the Kaurna men, and was named Monana.

Tarndanyagga: Victoria Square.

Turnkiwardli’: tent, an amalgamation of two concepts, cloth and hut; ‘parasol’ was ‘kurotura’, a combination of ‘kuro’, crown of head, and ‘tura’, shade or shadow. ‘

Tindo: the sun

Tjilbruke: the great Tandanya ancestor.

Yammaiamma: the word for teacher and doctor was an extension of the word yamma, which meant foolish.

Wardli (wodli): hut fashioned by Aborigines.

Wauwe Woman: kangaroo woman.

Willanga: ‘the place of green trees’

Wilyaru: scars, the honoured special markings of.

Wiltutti: spring.

Winbirra: flute.

Winda: heavy fighting spears.

Wirra Woman: woman from the Wirra, north of Adelaide.

Wodliparri: the Milky Way.

Wongayerlo: now Spenser’s Gulf.

Yartta: the land.

Yartapuulti: Port Adelaide

Yoko worta bokarra: the tempestuous north-westerly winds.

Yudna wilyaru: the final ceremony for a Kaurna warrior.

Yurrebilla: the ears of the giant ancestor Ngano, who lay sleeping above the wide Tandanya plain.

Wakkinna: bad

Wangutya: a kinsman of Kadlitpinna who was hung unfairly by the British

Wardliworngatti: spring

Worltatti: summer

Windas (fighting spears) and shields, kylahs (hunting spears) midlars (woomeras), wirris (clubs), cuttas (fighting sticks).

Butterflies and Demons

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