Читать книгу Introduction to Rhythmical Einreibung - Eva-Marie Batschko - Страница 3


Table of contents

Introduction to Rhythmical Einreibung


History of Rhythmical Einreibung

About the teaching method

Exercises for training observation‘Finger exercises’ as preparation

The water exercise

The warmth exercise

The group warmth exercise (circle)

The follow-up exercise

Performing the treatment

1. The space

2. The massage table, bed or chair (without armrests)

3. The patient

4. Positioning of the patient

5. Covering the patient:

6. Direct preparation of the practitioner

7. Outer posture of the practitioner

8. Inner attitude of the practitioner

9. Archetypal image of Rhythmical Einreibung

Einreibung of the back while sitting

1. Downstroke on the back

2. One-handed circles on the back

3. The Good Night lemniscate

Einreibung of the back in prone position

4. Downstroke on the back

5. Two-handed circles on the back

Variations of two-handed circles on the back

6. The Good Morning lemniscate

7. The Good Night lemniscate

Einreibung of the shoulder girdle

8. Neck release (‘Christmas tree’)

9. The shoulder-neck Einreibung

10. Einreibung of the shoulder joint

Einreibung of the upper limbs

11. Two-handed circles on the upper arm

12. One-handed circles on the forearm

13. Two-handed circles on the hand

14. The finger lemniscate

Einreibung of the trunk

15. The combined upper body downstroke

16. The side lemniscate

17. Two-handed circles on the abdomen

18. The combined abdominal Einreibung

Einreibung of the lower limbs

19. Lemniscate on the hips

20. Two-handed circles on the thigh

21. Two-handed circles on the knee

22. One-handed circles on the calf

Einreibung of the feet

23. Two-handed foot downstroke

24. Two-handed circles on the foot

25. The heel

26. Two-handed circles around the ankles

27. One-handed foot downstroke

Whole-body Einreibung

28. In a supine position

29. In a lateral position

The archetype of the life body 30. The pentagram Einreibung

I. Einreibung of the forehead

II. Two-handed circles on the right foot

III. Two-handed circles on the left hand

IV. Two-handed circles on the right hand

V. Two-handed circles on the left foot

VI. Einreibung of the forehead:

Organ Einreibung

31. Einreibung of the spleen

32. Einreibung of the liver

Variation of the liver Einreibung:

33. Einreibung of the heart

The calming heart Einreibung

The stimulating heart Einreibung

34. Einreibung of the kidneys

Variation of kidney Einreibung:

35. Einreibung of the lungs

36. Einreibung of the forehead

37. Einreibung of the bladder and reproductive organs

Substances for organ Einreibung

Einreibung for pregnancy

38. Whole-body Einreibung (in lateral position):

Einreibung for new mothers

39. Touching the head

Einreibung for infants and toddlers

Einreibung for infants

40. Touching the head

41. Two-handed warmth circles on the lower limbs

42. Two-handed warmth circles on the upper limbs

43. One-handed circles on the stomach

Variation of the abdominal Einreibung:

Einreibung for infants and toddlers

44. Two-handed circles on the back

45. Two-handed warmth breathing on the lower limbs

46. ​​Two-handed warmth breathing on the upper limbs

APPENDIX Preparatory exercises

47. Two-handed circles on the back

48. One-handed circles on the calf

49. two-handed circles on the thigh

Questions and answers about Rhythmical Einreibung

Oils and indications

The Autors

Bibliographic Information of the German Library

Translators’ Note:


Introduction to Rhythmical Einreibung

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