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The Sermons of Christmas Evans contained in this volume, and the extracts from his journal and other writings given in the following Memoir and Portraiture, are translated by two different hands, and in very different styles. The former are clothed in very good English, but the diction of the latter requires an apology. Unable to procure a better version, we have furnished such as we found; and it is hoped that even this, with all its imperfections, will not be wholly unprofitable to the reader.

The writer does not wish to be held responsible for the Theological Views put forth, either in the extracts alluded to, or in the sermons. Christmas Evans was a Calvinistic Baptist, and several of his sermons inculcate, to some extent, the peculiar doctrines of that denomination; though they are generally free from sectarian bias, and may be read with advantage by spiritual Christians of all evangelical creeds.

Joseph Cross.

Philadelphia, May 10, 1846.

Sermons of Christmas Evans

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