Читать книгу Shadow Lane Volume 6: Put to the Blush A Novel of Spanking, Sex and Love - Eve Howard - Страница 9


Chapter One Robert and Hazel

It was barely ten o’clock on Monday morning when Robert Corning, publisher of Breathless, Romantic Traveler and Honeymoon, called Hazel Weber, editor of Breathless, into his office.

“You couldn’t have done a worse job on this issue!” he declared, slamming the magazine down on his desk in a style that caused Hazel to perceive that this was not to be their usual coffee break.

“I’m sorry,” she volunteered immediately. “What was it you didn’t like, Mr. Corning?”

“Sit down and I’ll tell you,” he directed her to a chair by the side of his large conference table and sat down himself. Hazel had never felt her heart pound so violently as when she watched her boss leaf through the company’s second most popular magazine with his big hands. “First of all, every story in this issue is narrated by a single woman who manages to have lots of sex without ever getting married, divorced, having kids or contracting a social disease. I’m sure I told you when I hired you, Hazel, that our audience is mostly comprised of young married or divorced moms. How are they going to relate?”

“But tales of domesticity aren’t sexy. I think women buy our magazines to escape from their drab reality,” Hazel ventured boldly.

“Girl, are you insane? There should be at least two wedding night scenes in every story, the first depicting the author’s first, failed honeymoon, and the second describing her second bid for nuptial bliss in the capable arms of a trucker or cowboy who loves her in spite of her hyper-active child.”

“I see,” Hazel mumbled, barely hearing a word he spoke in her sudden anticipation of being fired. Like most 25 year olds in L.A., she lived from paycheck to paycheck.

“Furthermore, none of the stories you put in this issue contain those endearing characters and heart rending situations that serve to convey positive moral statements about home and family. And you’ve also been too esoteric. Did you think you were writing for the literati? Are we sitting in the offices of Vanity Fair?” Robert gestured around the faux wood walls of his conference room. “Do you think that if even one of your readers had ever heard of Madame de Stael that they would be reading this type of magazine?” he demanded.

“I guess not,” Hazel admitted, now completely convinced that she was about to be dismissed.

“I had my trepidations about hiring a Stanford English major, but you assured me that you understood the simple, basic requirements of writing pulp romance.”

“I guess I just thought I was supposed to write about sex without being vulgar.”

“I have no complaints about the way you write your sex scenes, it’s what surrounds them that’s the problem. This is a genre with particular requirements, Hazel, among the most important of which is the reinforcement of solid, sentimental, middle class values. Your stories are too sophisticated. And there’s not one tearjerker in the bunch. Don’t you understand that you have to pile on the deprivation to make the happy ending seem even happier?”

Hazel did not know what to say and merely waited for him to go on.

“Look Hazel, I’m not saying I don’t enjoy your writing personally. But unless you’re able to write in a way that reflects the attitudes of our readers, I won’t be able to keep you.”

“I understand,” she said, rising to leave.

“Sit down, I’m not through with you yet,” he ordered. “Now tell me something. What’s with you and spanking?”

“Excuse me?” Hazel began to blush.

“Three out of five of your stories had spanking scenes. You know, if we want to keep our audience we have to remain politically correct. One spanking per issue is plenty.”

“Okay,” said Hazel, the blush deepening beautifully.

“Not that I have any personal objection to spanking,” he stated bluntly. “In fact, I’ve a good mind to spank you for the job you did on this issue.”

Hazel’s fear of being fired was instantly transformed to a butterfly in her tummy. Mr. Corning was gruff and cynical, but he was also only 35, impressively tall and rather handsome.

“I’m very sorry,” she said again, almost dizzy with a feeling she had only known through fantasies.

“Next issue, I want to see all the copy before it goes to lay-out.”

“I understand.”

“Get it to me a week from today. You took far too long with the copy last month and we barely had enough time to set up the photo shoots. You’ll have to work fast for awhile to get ahead of your schedule.”

“I only have one week?”

“You can do it. Just don’t be such a perfectionist. The first idea that comes into your head should be your story. Don’t bother refining it so much. Go on to the next job instead.”

“I’ll try, Mr. Corning.”

“Good. I have to get to work now,” he dismissed her and began to make his morning phone calls. Hazel tottered to the door in her fitted taupe wool suit and high heels, feeling Robert’s gaze upon her until she disappeared.

Once she got back to her office she lit a cigarette and sat back in her chair to construct plots.

She had known three spanking references in one magazine was excessive. But how odd of him to have noticed them! He almost seemed as tuned in to spanking as she was. In fact, he had even expressed the desire to spank her!

Hazel shook her head skeptically. He probably just wanted to add her to his collection of office conquests, and in searching for a hook in her stories he had stumbled on her principal turn-on.

She had heard about Robert’s vigorous libido from several of her co-workers. And she could not help but suspect that Ellen Parsons, the perfect blonde editor of Honeymoon, the company’s flagship magazine, was in his pocket as often as possible.

Ellen Parsons, who alternately sickened and amused Hazel, was a company girl. Her magazine was always in on time and flawless, each story brimming with pathos and treacle. Furthermore, Ellen was so efficient about turning in her copy that she also had time to cast, schedule, shop for and art direct the photo shoots that illustrated their magazines. To accomplish all of this, Ellen worked over time and gloried in her martyrdom.

Ellen was 31 and unmarried. Maintaining a constant size 2 made her tense. When Hazel joined the team, with her womanly curves, masses of wavy, light brown hair and superior degree, Ellen almost lost her composure. Two months later the girls were not yet friends. And Hazel wondered just how many faults in her magazine had been discovered and revealed to Robert by Ellen.

The week passed in a blur. Whenever Hazel passed Robert in the hall she was overcome by embarrassment, while he virtually ignored her. He seemed to have lost confidence in her and this upset Hazel greatly. It was a strange little job she had landed, but it was as close to a real editorial position as she had come by so far and she felt that in time she could get Robert to remove all or most of the restrictions he’d just placed upon her creativity.

After working at home all weekend on letters and editorials, Hazel arrived at work on Monday morning with her assignment completed, only to find that Robert had gone to Europe and wouldn’t be back till the following week.

Hazel spent the week rewriting pieces for the issue she had just turned in, to avoid a second scolding when it came out. She added unhappy marriages, sticky divorces, kids with disabilities, episodes of surgery and chemotherapy, wounding in foreign wars, the pains of relocation and the vicissitudes of trailer park life. She also made sure that four out of five of the narrators prayed fervently to God during all crisis points. Only when she had done all this damage did Hazel feel as though she had saved her job, though it lacerated her soul.

Meanwhile, the idea of receiving a spanking from Robert began to preoccupy her. In one respect, it was too scary to even think about, because her boss was an adult, and a bad tempered one at that. When he walked into a room all conversation ceased until his will was known. His impatience and bluntness of address rendered his workers industrious and meek. Yet everyone liked and respected him.

Robert owned a print shop and bindery as well as the publishing house and had many employees to supervise and provide for. One could never be around him for more than a few minutes without becoming aware of the pressures bearing down on him.

Robert’s power frightened rather than attracted Hazel, who was too new in the business to understand his particular genius. Because of his despotic nature, she could never feel truly comfortable in his presence, yet in spite of this, she had recently begun to construct elaborate fantasies involving her boss. Meanwhile, she did her best to stay out of his way.

Spring, and therefore summer, set in early that year in Los Angeles, with temperatures soaring into the upper eighties in the beginning of March. The lilacs in bloom outside Hazel’s window at work gave off a heavy, intoxicating perfume as she stood up and stretched in her sundress. It was two o’clock on a Friday afternoon and she decided to run across the street for a cappuccino.

As she crossed the recently gentrified La Brea Avenue, she noticed Robert rapidly consuming a hot dog at Pinks. She pretended not to see him however, lest being spotted by his least favorite editor somehow annoy him.

A minute after she sat down at one of the sidewalk tables in front of the coffee bar, Robert’s shadow fell across her blueberry cobbler.

“Hi,” he said, falling into the chair opposite her and shaking out a cigarette.

“Oh, hi!” she exclaimed with an accelerated heartbeat.

“I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you since I got back from Europe,” he began in a friendly tone.

“No.” She found herself too embarrassed to meet his eyes. Their casual coffee breaks had ceased on the day he had first taken her to task and she had never willingly entered his office since.

“Ellen tells me you took the trouble to fix up all the copy for the next issue to conform with our guidelines. Thanks for doing that without being told.”

“I won’t make any more mistakes,” she promised.

“So tell me, Hazel,” he began on a less sober note, “did you put a spanking story in the new issue?”

“Just one.”

“I figured you would.”

“You said that one would be okay.”

“I’ll make a point of reading it.”

Hazel felt her face grow warm.

“You keep writing spanking stories and I’m going to start thinking that you’re into it,” he declared, smiling at her sudden disinterest in the tempting cobbler.

“Well, of course I’m into it,” she replied, feeling some of the tension leave her shoulders.

“I heard you were over at Augie Rose the other day,” said Robert, abruptly switching back to boss mode. He had named an associate publisher. Augie Rose used Robert’s print shop and the two CEO’s maintained cordial relations. But on more than one occasion Augie had lured good editors and artists away from Corning with higher salaries, a nicer location in Beverly Hills and better benefits. This made Robert feel uneasy about Hazel visiting his place of business.

“Oh, yes, I was meeting my friend for lunch. He’s an editor there.”

“Hazel, social contacts in the industry are fine things, but please remember that Augie Rose is a competitor,” he told her firmly. Hazel didn’t quite understand what he was getting at, but instantly realized that accepting the freelance assignment from Augie Rose had been unwise.

“How did you know I was over there?” Hazel casually asked him.

“Oh, Ellen was picking up some discs and saw you.”

Hazel inserted her fork into her cobbler without taking a bite. How like Ellen to have snitched.

“They haven’t made you an offer, have they? Tell me the truth,” he demanded.


“Of an in-house editorship.”

“Oh no!” she replied immediately. With any luck she would not have to admit she’d accepted the freelance.

“Good. Are you going to eat that?”

“I guess I’m not really hungry,” she said truthfully. Robert relieved her of the dessert and dispatched it rather quickly.

“Thanks,” he told her, getting up and drifting back across the street to work.

Now Hazel was in a quandary. She wanted to keep the free lance from Augie Rose, but knew that if Robert found out about it he would be displeased. And with Ellen around he would not go long in ignorance. Ellen lunched with Augie Rose employees once or twice a week and it was obvious that she was Robert’s spy.

All the rest of the afternoon Hazel sat distracted at her desk, revolving the idea of confessing to Robert at once. It was still early enough in her career at Corning to plead ignorance of the rules.

Finally, at four-thirty, Robert himself took a stroll through the building, telling everyone that they could leave early.

“Hey, get out of here,” he said, sticking his head into Hazel’s small office.

“Robert?” her timid plea for attention brought him in.

“Yes, Hazel?”

“May I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure, what’s on your mind?” He came in and sat on the edge of her worktable while she kept her seat at her desk.

“It’s about Augie Rose.”

“Yes? What about Augie Rose?” His rather broad (she’d been noticing lately) shoulders stiffened and he folded his arms across a chest still pristinely clothed in a starched shirt and silk foulard tie.

“Well, I guess I didn’t really understand the company policy with regard to other publishers and I accepted some free lance from Augie Rose.”

“What kind of free lance?” he frowned.

“The letters section for the July issue of Bridal Romance.”

“How much are they paying you?”

“$350 for six thousand words,” she mumbled.

“That’s more than I’d pay,” he declared.

“Is there a rule against accepting outside freelance?”

“Of course.”


“Did you already turn in the job?”

“I promised it to them for Monday.”

“Hazel, you should have known better,” he accused.

“I’m really sorry,” Hazel submissively replied.

“Have you accepted any more assignments?”


“Well, see that you don’t.”

“I won’t.”

“Aren’t you getting paid enough?”

“Yes, but you know how it is,” she tried to explain.

“We can give you free lance just as well as Augie Rose.

Meanwhile I’d rather your talents not be employed in the aid of my main competitor.”

“I’m really sorry I broke the rules,” Hazel said sincerely.

“Just don’t do it again.”

“I won’t,” she repeated. He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, then shook his head to clear it of a dangerous thought before drifting out of the room. Hazel subsided in her seat with a sigh, her heart thumping. That wasn’t so bad, she thought to herself. He hadn’t even raised his voice. And he’d offered her free lance, though at a lower rate than Augie Rose.

She began to stuff her purse with her belongings and run a brush through her hair when Robert marched abruptly back into her office.

“I’ve just been thinking, Hazel, you committed two major errors in one month,” he said, pushing a straight-backed chair into the center of the floor. “If I don’t correct you now, who knows what you might do next,” he told her, sitting squarely on the chair and patting his trousered thigh. “Come over here, young lady.”

Hazel stared at him wide eyed.

“Don’t keep me waiting, Hazel,” he snapped.

“You’re teasing me,” Hazel protested, blushing fiercely.

“Think so?” Robert got up, captured her bare upper arm in a very firm grip, pulled her out of her chair and had her across his lap in a moment. “There,” he said, smoothing out the snug, straight skirt of her 50’s style summer dress, “Does this feel like I’m teasing?” Smack! His large hand nearly covered her right cheek as it connected with a resounding spank.

“No!” she cried, shocked and transported by the first slap of his palm on her firm, tautly skirted bottom.

Robert smacked her again, on the left cheek, with a loud report. It had begun so quickly that Hazel barely had time to catch her breath. Now ticklish tremors exploded inside her like bolts of liquid light.

He immediately began to spank her through her skirt with his well-padded hand. Supported by his broad, muscular thighs and held in place by his hand on her waist, Hazel did not attempt escape. For every time his hand came down a palpable thrill shot through her. So this was what a spanking really felt like! No wonder the act haunted her thoughts.

Robert smacked her firmly and rhythmically, on the right cheek, then the left, starting slowly, then gradually quickening the tempo. She counted four sets of twelve before he paused to rub away the sting. Even through her skirt and panties, the spanking penetrated deeply and her bottom felt radiant.

Observing the way she wriggled and arched to his hand, Robert continued administering the discreet but very sound spanking to his editor, warming the entire surface of her elegant, oval bottom through her linen dress. He went on spanking her until his arm got tired, which took quite a long time. Even though he spanked her hard, her dress and panties softened the blows and rendered them entirely erotic to the enchanted Hazel. Even so, Robert was determined that Hazel feel thoroughly spanked before he let her go.

When he released her, her legs nearly gave out under her as waves of excitement still coursed through her tummy and contracted her heart.

“Aren’t you going to thank me for not pulling up your skirt?” he asked.

“Thank you,” she said, timidly, rubbing her bottom through her skirt, then added mischievously, “I think.”

“I decided to be lenient, since it was your first time.”

“How did you know that?”

“Never mind. I know a lot of things. For example, I know about every type of mischief a girl can get up to around here, and I’ll be keeping a sharp eye on you from now on.”

Hazel felt quite startled to realize that she had finally received corporal punishment from a true enthusiast in command of language as correct as his form. Hazel gazed at him with blunt admiration and Robert looked pleased with himself.

“You know, you’re very sexy,” he told her as he went out the door. The freshets of pleasure continued to wash through her as she gathered up her things and left the office.

The deliriously perfumed dry heat of a Santa Ana wind ruffled the split in her skirt as Hazel waited at the bus stop a few minutes later. So enraptured was she with the memory of her spanking that she didn’t notice Robert roar up to the curbside on his huge Harley. She had never seen him on his bike before and he had to lift the helmet before she recognized him with a start.

“Where do you live?” he demanded.

“Just over in West Hollywood,” she replied, with a freshly pounding heart.

“Get on and I’ll give you a ride,” he told her, handing her the extra helmet.

“But, my skirt–” she began.

“–– has a slit – hike it up and you should have no problem getting on,” he advised her, taking her purse and shoving it into a side bag. The hog was huge and had been modified to fit all the requirements of a 6’5” millionaire. As monumental as man and machine then appeared, Hazel could not contemplate roaring down the hill into West Hollywood on the back of the Harley with anything less than sheer terror. Nevertheless, she got on the back of the bike and locked her arms around Robert’s trim waist.

“I thought you had a car,” he said, kick-starting his machine.

“It recently died,” she explained. A second later they were out in traffic and darting in between cars. La Cienega came all too soon and Hazel prepared for her worst scare since the earthquake. But strangely, the hill simply seemed to disappear obediently under the wheels of the bike without simulating a roller coaster ride in the slightest. Hazel began to relax her grip slightly on Robert’s waist and by the end of the ride, four minutes later, at the quiet, residential intersection of Croft and Waring Streets, she had almost begun to enjoy herself.

Hazel dismounted as gracefully as she could, accepted her purse and handed him the helmet.

“Well, I suppose you’ll be starting your free lance job now,” he said disapprovingly. Hazel immediately blushed as she realized that he was as reluctant to leave her as she was to see him go.

“I’m very sorry about that,” she reiterated sincerely.

“I should have spanked you harder for that,” he grumbled. Hazel merely looked at him with wide eyes. “And longer,” he added, looking sexier straddling the powerful motorcycle than any character she had ever created to fuel her fantasies. Why had it taken her months to realize that a virility god ruled her workplace? Why hadn’t she noticed the vee that was formed by his shoulders and waist? Or that Roman coin head which sat so nobly atop his columnar neck?

“I can still feel it,” she told him.

“I’ll bet it isn’t even pink,” he declared.

“I’ll bet it is,” she replied.

“Lift up your skirt and show me,” he told her casually. Now her blush grew even deeper.


Robert laughed and said, “Will you have dinner with me tomorrow?”

A tremor went through Hazel as she realized that a courtship of sorts had begun. “Oh, yes!” she said, looking up at her apartment with indecision. She couldn’t bear to let him go like this, when her empty apartment contained so many straight-backed chairs, sofas, hairbrushes, etc., to furnish them with pleasure. Robert saw her eyes go to the windows and looked at her questioningly.

“Is someone waiting for you?”

“No. I live alone,” she replied, helpfully.

“May I see?”


Robert parked the bike and followed her up a brick staircase to a second floor apartment in a pretty little Tudor-style building. Leaded glass windows and hardwood floors had made this space a heavenly find and Hazel had used a small inheritance to furnish it. Her resources impressed Robert.

He examined her recamier with interest then looked her up and down.

“How tall are you?” he asked.


This admission caused Robert to go in search of a larger sofa, which he found in her living room. This was where he elected to sit down and be served tea.

“When did you first start thinking about spanking?” he asked her.

“Age three.”

“For me it was six.”

“So you’re really into it,” she marveled.

“I don’t think you could find someone who was any more into it,” Robert confessed.

“You respond to those scenes in old movies?”

“Tell me your favorites and I’ll tell you mine,” he challenged.

“Okay. For me it has to be Frontier Gal, Professional Sweetheart and Captain Lightfoot.”

“You have exquisite taste. Mine would be Too Young To Kiss, The Battle of The Villa Florita and The Cave of Memories.”

So he enjoyed juvenile fantasies! This was becoming more deliciously decadent by the moment.

“I’d love to own a pair of ruffled rumba panties,” she mused, referring to a scene in one of the films he had mentioned, “but where does one find them?” she wondered, wildly exhilarated at finally discussing this subject freely and in detail with a knowledgeable, sympathetic male.

“They sell them at Dream Dresser. I’ll buy you some,” Robert promised.

“You will?”

“Speaking of movies, have you ever seen any really good spanking movies?”

“There are specific spanking movies?” she asked, amazed.

“Oh, hundreds. I think I own them all. I’ve been collecting since the days of Super Eight.”

“Are they good?”

“I’ll show you some and you can tell me.”

“I feel like I’m dreaming,” said Hazel.

“How do you think I felt when, idly looking over your galleys, I came across not one but three spanking stories seeded into the magazine? One or two references might be coincidental or unconscious, but three?”

“Do you think other people will notice?”

“Only others of our kind. To return to my tender recollection, I’ve actually been waiting for several weeks for the opportunity to discipline you.” His pointed use of their favorite word made her color yet again. “Your confession today seemed to provide that opportunity,” Robert continued. “Normally, I don’t flirt with my employees, but because of our mutual interest, I felt you might welcome the attention.”

“I’m sure you could see how the spanking affected me.”

“I did seem to notice you not protesting when I first turned you over my knee.”

“But, don’t you have a girlfriend that you spank?” she asked shyly, trying to ignore the rush of pleasure that went through her every time he chanced to utter a potent phrase.

“I go to B&D clubs and play pretty regularly but I have no girlfriend.”

“After you read my stories, what did you think?”

“I thought, ‘She’s into it, she’s brilliant and she works for me. I’ve got to find a reason to spank her.’”

“Were you looking for one all this time?”

“Oh, you don’t know,” he laughed. “I’ve been clocking your arrival to the minute every morning and I’ve got my little Ellen monitoring your lunches and breaks. I must say you’ve been annoyingly punctual these past two weeks.”

“Do you spank your little Ellen too?” Hazel ventured.

“No way in hell,” he replied. “She doesn’t know a thing about this stuff and we’re going to keep it that way.”

“Don’t look at me, I never talk to her if I can avoid it.”

“Do I detect a lack of sympathy between you and Ellen?”

“No, sir.”

“Ellen may be a pill but she produces and that makes me happy.”

“Ellen is a model employee,” Hazel agreed.

“She’s loyal, which is more than I can say for you, running over to Augie Rose!” Robert suddenly seemed to remember why he came up to Hazel’s apartment.

“But I had no idea that I was doing wrong. I just needed the money.”

“Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law,” he reminded her.

“Are you the law?”

“At work I am.”

“What’s a B&D club?”

“That’s a place where men go to do spanking sessions with professional ladies.”

“So, whenever you want to spank a girl, you just go there?”

“That’s what I’ve been doing.”

“And these women who get the spankings, are they into it?”

“Some are.”

“Is sex involved?”

“Not in the sessions I’ve done.”

“Are they pretty, these women?”

“Some are.”

“What do they charge?”

“Why are you so interested?”

“I can’t conceive of it being my job to get spankings.”

“Hazel, get that starry look out of your eyes. There’s nothing glamorous about working in a B&D parlor.”

“Oh? I’ll bet the girls you see get pretty excited when you walk in the door. The ones that are into it, I mean.”

“Maybe there is a slight touch of glamour to the dungeon,” Robert conceded reflectively, “but there’s a tawdry and dangerous side to it too.” He looked at her sternly. “Don’t even think about moonlighting that way, Hazel.”

Hazel was unconscious of the pout that suddenly came to her beautiful mouth, for she had already made the leap in her mind to working in a dungeon.

“Oh, god no!” she quickly demurred.

“If you’re really curious about what clubs are like, I’ll take you with me to one and you can study the atmosphere.”

Hazel considered this prospect.

“Well, Hazel, I think it’s time,” he said, putting down his teacup. The next thing she knew, he had pulled her across his lap. His thighs were like a marble cloud beneath her, infinitely seductive and strong. As he curved his hand around her waist to hold her in position, she was overcome by flutters. Was it to be like this every time he took hold of her?

This time he pushed her skirt up to her narrow waist. Her legs were bare and she wore sheer white nylon panties. This first actual glimpse of Hazel’s perfect bottom nearly took Robert’s breath away. He had known her shape was divine from the tight suit skirts she wore, but now he could observe that the texture of her bisque skin was also flawless.

“Now you’re gonna get it,” he warned her, rolling up his sleeves. Catching their reflection in the long mirror over the fireplace, Hazel watched him prepare to spank her with rapturous anticipation. The determination with which he raised his arm to administer the first smack gave her a thrill that persisted throughout the entire spanking.

Robert began to rain sharp, stinging smacks down upon her upturned bottom.

“Ow!” She squirmed and wriggled. This was starting fast! Then suddenly he stopped spanking and instead stroked the sting away. He massaged her till she arched to his hand. Only then did he resume the spanking. Alternating from cheek to cheek, he delivered full-bodied smacks, in response to which, Hazel whimpered and moaned. Then, just as her bottom was becoming radiantly warm, he again ceased spanking and commenced soothing her tender, pink flesh. Only this time, he also placed his palm against the crotch of her panties to press against her pussy and feel how wet she had become. Robert kept one hand firmly on the curve of her waist while he punished and caressed her.

Hazel was on fire. Never had a man paid such attentions to her. Each time he returned to spanking, however, he seemed to spank a little bit harder. Hazel abandoned herself and very nearly sobbed, though the pain was far from unbearable. It was that he was such a big man. Hazel felt as vulnerable as a child across his knee and this evoked decades of forbidden fantasies. She had longed for a big man forever.

Robert warmed her panties for twenty minutes, tingeing her bottom magenta with the palm of his hand. This treatment caused her to squirm across his lap in rapturous discomfort. But before the much anticipated moment of having her panties pulled down and being entirely exposed arrived, Robert’s pager beeped.

“That’s probably the print shop,” he told her, gently pulling her up to a sitting position. “Where’s your phone?”

Hazel mutely gestured to the end table at his side and he made his call. In a moment he turned to her and reported that he had to go look at the blue line for Honeymoon. Hazel walked him to the door. As they parted on the threshold neither seemed to know how to conclude the encounter. Then Hazel impulsively threw her arms around him and hugged him. His arms immediately closed around her and they stood in the doorway for some time holding on to each other.

Finally Robert broke away and told her, “Don’t forget about dinner tomorrow night,” then went quickly down the stairs.

Twenty-five minutes later a knock came on Hazel’s door. She opened it to a delivery boy bearing two dozen peachy pink roses from Robert. With this she entirely melted. The card, which read, “Try to be good till we meet again,” was immediately pressed between the leaves of her journal. The roses were placed on the table by her bed. She stared at her bottom in the mirror for several minutes, admiring the pinkness through her sheer white panties.

“What have you been up to since I saw you last?” Robert asked Hazel on the way to dinner at The Ivy the next night.

“Well, last night and most of today I worked on my free lance,” she replied truthfully, half-hoping to rekindle his indignation.

“Humph!” Robert snorted, “I’d almost forgotten about that. Thanks for reminding me, though. I’ll give me a good excuse to take a heavy strap to you later tonight at The Keep.”

“The Keep? What’s that?”

“One of those B&D clubs you were so curious about. I called and made an appointment to occupy one of the dungeons at ten.”

“Dungeon sounds so sinister.”

“It’s just an atmospheric playroom.”

“And a heavy strap? For me?”

“You’re a big girl, you can take it.”

“I’m sure I can’t,” Hazel protested.

“Just do your best and I’ll be happy.”

Hazel sat in the parlor of The Keep, waiting for Robert to return from conferring with Mistress Hildegarde about the dungeon. The other occupants of the sitting room were a creamy, little 21-year-old blonde in a white corset, and a sleek, 30 year old brunette in a black leather dress. The woman smoked and answered the phone while the girl painted her nails pale pink, occasionally bouncing up to talk to a client.

The doorbell rang while Hazel was waiting and the pixie went to answer it. She returned with a customer in tow, a big, boyish, ex-football player, about 38, with a thick moustache and gleaming blue eyes.

“So, did you want to see a dominant or a submissive?” the bubbly girl, whose name was Cherry asked.

“Submissive,” the man replied, smiling at Hazel hopefully, even though she was clad in a linen dress and jacket rather than fetish attire. Hazel flushed at the desire in the big man’s eyes as he appraised her tailored outfit. “Are you available?” he asked her. “I just want to do a light bondage session.”

“Me?” Hazel shook her head with a smile. “Oh, no!”

“That’s too bad, you’d be perfect,” the client commented regretfully.

“What’s your fantasy?” Hazel impulsively asked.

“You’re a job applicant,” the client eagerly explained, “and during the interview I overpower you, tie you to a chair and unbutton your blouse.”

“That’s it?”

“If you’d permit it, I’d pull up your skirt to expose your stocking top.”

“No spanking?”

“Oh, I’d never strike a woman.”

“But I’m into spanking,” she teased him, eyeing the magnificent thighs straining against his levis.

The sudden entrance of Robert into the room precluded further discourse between Hazel and the broad shouldered client, who looked wistfully after her as Robert took her by the hand and led her upstairs.

“What were you doing talking to that man?” Robert demanded as soon as he shut the door behind them in the blue room known as “Willie,” because of the Sweet Gwendolyn drawings, which hung, matted and framed on the walls.

“He wanted to do a session with me,” she reported, wandering about the room and examining the various pieces of equipment.

“I hope you undeceived him as to your reason for being here.”

“Actually, we made a date for later.”

“Don’t get smart with me, young lady.”

“Why shouldn’t I? I’m going to be punished anyway.”

“You’re damned right you’re getting punished. Now go out in the hall and pick a paddle off the wall,” Robert instructed while removing his jacket.

Hazel exited the room and returned to the large bank of corporal punishment equipment and restraints she had passed on the way in. Coming up the stairs at the same time were Cherry and the client who had wanted to tie Hazel to a chair.

Suddenly possessed by an imp of misguided mischief, Hazel boldly confronted the pair.

“Oh!” said she, “it’s that handsome man from the parlor with the fascinating fantasy. Are you sure you wouldn’t like to trade partners with me?” This last remark was addressed directly to Cherry.

“Huh?” said the girl.

“Mr. C. is just a spanking session,” said Hazel, then added with sudden inspiration, “and a very good tipper.” She had no idea whether the girls ever received tips at the club, but had noted Robert’s generosity to their waitress at The Ivy and assumed that his spanking surrogates would also benefit from his largess. “And, I’ve never been tied up in all my life,” she aimed this provocative comment at the client, who was, of course, in favor of Hazel from the start, not only because of her beauty, but because of the outfit she wore.

“Are you sure it’s okay with your master?” Cherry queried cautiously.

“Oh, he’s not my master,” Hazel laughed.

“Let’s do it!” the client suddenly said, grabbing Hazel by the hand and pulling her into the red dungeon known as “Munchausen” because of the Edvard Munch vampire reproductions on the walls.

Hazel’s heart was pounding violently as the client closed the door – on which there was no lock – behind them and explained what he wanted.

Hazel was extremely shocked that the door did not burst open one, two or three minutes later to reveal a highly irritated Robert, but Hazel and her mock rapist were left alone to play undisturbed.

The session was easy and instructive. First Hazel demanded to examine the contents of the gym bag he’d brought into the dungeon. It held only some neatly coiled white nylon rope. Then the man began to interview her, as though she were a job applicant. She had no trouble adapting to this role. Then suddenly, as she was framing an answer to his second or third bland question, he sprang at her and simply pushed her shoulders back against the chair.

Hazel looked at him in great surprise and tried to seem frightened, though the big teddy bear of a man inspired anything but apprehension in her bosom.

He pulled four equal lengths of white nylon rope out of his bag and quickly tied her wrists to the chair frame behind her and her ankles to its legs. Her a-line skirt allowed her legs to be spread. The man made no motion to gag her, and she began to make token protests against the assault. The man said nothing, but breathed heavily as he unbuttoned the three chunky buttons, which topped her dress and exposed the upper portion of her bosom in its lacy bra. He barely touched her breasts, but seemed to admire them greatly as his large cock came out of his pants and into his hand.

Presently the man exposed the tops of Hazel’s gartered stockings, by pulling her skirt up as promised. Still he tugged on his thickening penis, mesmerized by her beauty as she wriggled and strained in the chair without disturbing her bonds in the slightest.

“I insist you release me at once! These ropes are very tight!” Hazel cried, seventeen minutes into the session and completely caught up in her captor’s passion. Her phrasing gave the rope man joy and the organ in his grip began to gush a liquid tribute to her charms.

She waited patiently to be untied, which was accomplished in a moment. The client then fell to his knees beside her and respectfully kissed the back of her hand.

“You’re adorable, wonderful!” he told her, pressing forty dollars into her hand. In less than two minutes Hazel was downstairs in the main parlor looking for Robert.

Hildegarde, the young mistress of the house, was there with Cherry and both appeared full of concern for their creative new guest. Hildegarde was a strapping auburn-haired Valkyrie of 25, flush with beauty, warmth and wit.

“Okay, gorgeous, here’s the story,” said Hildegarde, putting her arms around Hazel’s shoulders, “he’s left and he’s mad.”

“Left? But didn’t he play with Cherry?” Hazel had expected anything but being abandoned at the house.

“Actually, he declined that pleasure,” said Hildegarde wryly, comparing the proud carriage and elegant demeanor of her guest with the squeezable cuteness of her employee. “Though he did provide her with allowance to assuage her disappointment at missing a session with “Ken the Rapist”.”

“I guess this belongs to you too,” said Hazel, proffering the forty dollars Ken had given her.

“No, sweetheart, that’s your tip. And here’s $30 from the house,” Hildegarde said, handing Hazel the additional allowance.

“But I didn’t do it for the money,” Hazel protested.

“You’re going to need cab fare,” Hildegarde reminded her. Just then the phone rang and Cherry ran for it. She looked at them immediately with excitement and covering the receiver said, “It’s Robert. He’s calling from his car. He wants to know if she’s still here.”

Hazel ran for the phone with a painfully throbbing heart.


There was a tangible silence. She repeated his name and he finally spoke.

“I’ve been driving around trying to figure out whether you’re crazy, stupid or the most recklessly promiscuous girl I’ve ever met.”

“Stupid is the correct answer,” she replied in all humility. “I was just being cute. I never thought you’d let me go through with it. Then once it started, it didn’t seem convenient to stop until it was over.”

“Is that an excuse or an apology?”

“A most abject apology!” she declared, sensing him soften imperceptibly.

“Good, because there can be no possible logical reason for what you did.”

“I know. Now that I think about it, it makes no sense even to me. But all the same, I wish you would come and pick me up.”

“You’ve got money in your pocket, take a cab home!” he hung up huffily. Hazel sighed and put down the phone.

“I really can’t explain why I did it,” Hazel confessed to Hildegarde as Cherry was made to call the cab. “Except as a way of being a brat.”

“You want to watch that sort of thing with someone like Robert. I’ve observed that he’s not a patient man,” Hildegarde said. “Where did he find you anyway?”

“I work for him. I’m his most junior editor.”

Just then there was a honk outside the window. Cherry bounced over and reported that Robert was waiting outside in his BMW convertible.

“Would you cancel the cab for me?” Hazel asked Hildegarde in a rush as she ran out the door to the street. He opened the door from the inside and said nothing when she got in. Hazel was afraid that he would take her straight home and her heart was pounding violently as they turned up Laurel Canyon Boulevard and began to climb into the hills instead. After turning off the heavily wooded canyon road and threading their way up a series of steep, narrow lanes, they finally arrived at Robert’s modest hilltop mansion.

“I got it as a fixer-upper,” he explained ushering her inside. “I’ve probably put more into this place than I paid for it.”

“No wonder Corning can’t afford to pay as much for free lance as Augie Rose. You’ve got big expenses,” Hazel observed impertinently.

Because he still hadn’t stopped being her boss, Robert stared at her incredulously.

“You’d better not be so fresh, young lady,” he warned her, “you’re already in enough trouble.”

“I’m terribly sorry about what I did,” she explained, following him through various rooms of the house as he threw his jacket down, picked up his mail, put food down for his slim, grey tabby cat, and came to rest in the dining room with its big oak table and wood beamed ceiling.

“Sit there,” he motioned her to a chair, just as though they were back at his conference table at work. She meekly took the seat indicated and gave him her attention, except for gazing distractedly about her now and then to observe the fittings of the room. In a moment the cat jumped up on the table and then into Hazel’s lap. Hazel was charmed and caressed it.

“Now tell me again exactly why you did what you did tonight.”

“To get in trouble I suppose.”

“Oh? Did you honestly think that I couldn’t come up with a reason for spanking you all by myself?”

“I didn’t think at all. My actions were hasty and ill-judged and I repent them most sincerely.”

“Tell me about the session,” he demanded, leaning back in his chair and shaking out a cigarette. He threw the pack and lighter across the table to her and she gratefully lit up. The cat wisely jumped off her lap and ran out of the room. Hazel described the session as Robert rose and paced. Presently he spoke.

“You enjoyed it, didn’t you?”

“I was curious about bondage,” she replied evasively.

“Don’t you think you chose a decidedly untimely moment to satisfy your curiosity?”

“Yes, sir.”

“That was about the rudest behavior I’ve ever experienced on a first date, or any other date, for that matter!” Robert declared in a tone that made her tremble. “Can I expect something like this every time we’re out together?”

“No, sir,” Hazel lowered her eyes.

“I still can’t understand how a girl who hasn’t even had her first bare bottom spanking yet could make the leap to slutting it in a dungeon with a stranger.”

“I can’t understand that either,” she admitted.

“So I’m to believe that you only did it to get a rise out of me?” He leaned against the sideboard with folded arms.

“I was just being naughty.”

Robert frowned at her foolishness but began to unbend.

“What am I going to do with you?” he asked in a tone of resignation, fairly satisfied by now that Hazel was neither insane or a slut but simply an inexperienced player who had acted thoughtlessly in the good cause of provoking a spanking. Hazel made no reply but looked as though she were about to burst into tears. “You deserve to be punished severely,” he declared.

“I do?” A spasm gripped her.

“Don’t you think you do?”

“I don’t know what you mean by severely.”

Robert didn’t answer immediately but instead poured a shot of bourbon into a glass.

“Drink?” he asked. Hazel shook her head, remembering her two plus glasses of wine at dinner. Perhaps they were partially to blame for her lack of circumspection at the club. “For what you did,” he said at length, “you should be made to submit to a spanking and an enema.”

Hazel’s eyes widened. “An enema? That you give me?” It suddenly seemed very warm in the room.

“Who else?”

“But that’s so intimate, so sexual.”

“That’s what will make it a memorable punishment.”

Hazel almost smiled but forced herself to remain sober. “I could never submit to that from you. I would die of embarrassment.”

“I’m happy to hear there’s still something that embarrasses you,” he commented, taking her by the hand and leading her out of the dining room and up the stairs to the master bedroom, which was a large loft.

Although smitten with lust and dumbstruck with self-consciousness, Hazel could not fail to hoot at the colossal, rough-hewn oaken furniture, which decorated the space.

“What?” he demanded.

“Was the Jolly Green Giant having a yard sale?”

“Very amusing. We’ll see how witty you are when I finally pull those panties down,” he tossed over one shoulder as he searched through massive wardrobes and bureaus for equipment.

“Robert, you weren’t serious about the “E” thing, were you?”

“Sure I was.” He displayed a boxed Anal Invader kit with satisfaction.

“What are you doing with that stuff?”

“I went to the Pleasure Chest while you were finishing your session, just in case I should have the opportunity to punish you for your insolence tonight.”

“But, this is all so intimate,” she repeated.

“Damn it, Hazel, why shouldn’t we be intimate?” He made her sit beside him on the bench at the foot of the bed.

“Well, for one thing, I’m not even sure that you like me.”

“I more than like you.”

“But these objects seem so invasive, so sexual. And we hardly know each other. You haven’t even kissed me yet,” she protested.

Robert kissed her and observed, “These prudish protests don’t match the girl who was willing to go into a dungeon with a stranger and let him jack off on her just an hour ago.”

“Not on me, in the air! And it was really quite different than what you’re proposing. After all, he barely touched me and my genitals were never exposed, no less penetrated repeatedly!” Hazel eyed the Anal Invader set.

“So that made the whole thing pure, did it?”


“You know, I think it’s high time I paddled some of the nonsense out of you!” he declared and pulled her across his lap. “The first thing you have to learn,” he told her, bringing his big hand down hard on the seat of her skirt, “is that when you’re out on a first date with a dominant man, he’s the one to decide the evening’s agenda!”

Robert did not hesitate this time in pulling up her skirt and pulling down her panties almost immediately. Her bare bottom was pristine save for the red mark his first smack left.


“It’s almost too pretty to spank,” he admitted, stroking the spot where his palm had struck.

“Does that mean I can go now?”

Robert began to soundly spank her.

“So you thought it would be cute to interrupt our date in order to pick up a stranger and play with him while palming off Cherry on me! I still can’t get over the fact that you thought all of that up yourself.”

“I’m a self-starter,” she explained, and was rewarded with a series of much harder smacks.

“You know, you put me in a very awkward position,” Robert told her, “I had no intention of playing with Cherry, but I still had to pay her for her time after you stepped in and stole her session.”

“But, I never thought you’d let it get that far,” she explained.

“Well, if it had been a spanking person in that dungeon I never would have, but once I found out about your client’s fantasy I decided it would teach you a lesson to have to carry through with your idiotic plan and actually finish the scene. Now get up,” he told her, satisfied that he had pinkened her bottom sufficiently for a few minutes, “and go and stand in the corner.”

“But –”

“No arguments, young lady. You’ve been a very bad girl and you need to think about how sorry you are.” Robert took her by the upper arm and placed her in the corner, with her panties still pulled down to her knees. She looked momentarily rebellious but he subdued her with a look and she turned to the wall with a pout.



“What are you going to do right now?”

“Think about how sorry I am,” she replied, rubbing her glowing bottom.

“That was just your warm up,” he informed her. “There’s more to come.”

Robert disappeared into another room for several minutes. Eventually Hazel pulled up her panties and wandered out of the corner and around the room. When Robert came back in he seemed displeased to find her at large.

“Disobeying me already?”

“But I didn’t –” she wasn’t able to finish her sentence because Robert caught her around the waist, turned her under his arm and proceeded to administer six stinging smacks to the back of her skirt.

“Ow!” she protested.

“I can see you aren’t the slightest bit sorry for what you did tonight,” he said, letting her go and deliberately rolling up his sleeves.

“I am,” she protested, once again rubbing her bottom. “I wouldn’t really make you angry for the world.”

“Lose the dress,” he ordered, disappearing back into the other room, which she followed him into shortly, while unbuttoning her dress.

The beautifully designed bathroom adjoining his bedroom was the biggest she had ever seen, with skylights in the pitched roof that revealed the full moon through the boughs.

An oversized white enamel claw footed tub stood in the center of the room with a wooden towel rack to one side. The cabinetry was a blend of golden brown and black woods. The walls were painted a smoky blue and offset by polished wooden wainscoting. The primary objects of interest to Hazel were the gray leather massage table and heavy wooden straight-backed chair, which each airily dominated a different portion of the room. The commode and shower were enclosed in separate closets off the main room. Molded candle sconces on the walls held big, cream candles, which Robert lit after dimming the overheads.

She watched him remove an enema apparatus from its plastic bag. “Come on, Hazel,” he said, looking up to observe her eyes widen, “admit that you’re intrigued.”

“I do admit that. But that doesn’t mean I feel comfortable about what you’re proposing.”

“You’re not supposed to feel comfortable about it. Just the opposite. It’s going to be uncomfortable.”

“I suppose you know what you’re doing.”

“We’ll find out, won’t we?”

Hazel stepped out of her dress to reveal a Venus body in Christian Dior lingerie. Robert couldn’t help but stare at the perfection of her high, round bosom.

“Turn around, darling,” he said, to admire the elegant view from the rear. She had a beautiful back that tapered to a slim waist. Her hips flared only slightly. The lace briefs sculpted her oval cheeks. She wore 4” heeled sandals, which revealed her cherry red toenails and made her legs look even longer.

“I’m beginning to see where you get your confidence,” Robert commented. She winked at him over one shoulder. “I’m also beginning to see that you’re a little flirt!” he declared sternly. “Come over here,” he said, seating himself on the armless chair.

“Are you going to spank me again?”

“Certainly I am. Why else would you be here?”

“But not the other thing?”

“Your enema? We’ll get to that.”

Hazel came to him and let him pull her down across his lap again.

“Why did you pull these back up?” Smack!

“I just did.”

“I can see that.” A series of hard smacks followed. “You have to learn to be more obedient.” He pulled her panties off entirely.

“That’s a silly thing to learn to be.”

“Not around me, it isn’t.”

“But, are you my boss now, or something else?”

“Tonight let’s just say I’m your dominant.”

Hazel savored this as his hand came down. She knew that she was being spanked hard, but her excitement at being across his lap again had risen to such a pitch that it scarcely hurt. Although the sting was building and her skin was beginning to glow.

“You want me to be your dominant, don’t you, Hazel?”


“Except you don’t know what that means,” he paused to rub the sting away. Then he unhooked her bra and relieved her of it. Now she wore only her high-heeled shoes while every other inch of her smooth, young skin was bare. “A girl is supposed to respect and obey her dominant,” he told her.

“I respect you. And I’ll try to obey you,” she promised.

“You know, Hazel, I didn’t appreciate the way you took control tonight, putting major actions into motion that effected me as much as they did you, without even consulting me.”

“I didn’t think of it like that,” she said over one shoulder.

“Put your head down,” he told her, deliberately separating her thighs. “You did take control,” he repeated, smacking her hard on either cheek, then separating her legs a little more. Hazel’s heartbeat accelerated as she realized that he was going to touch her at any moment.

“Okay,” she breathed, “you’re right, I took control. But just because I didn’t know any better.”

He rubbed her bottom in circles. Then he spread her legs again and pressed his hand against her sex.

“Hazel, will you obey me for the rest of the evening?”


“And submit to a lesson in self-control?”

“I’ll submit,” Hazel returned, extremely eager to experience all he had threatened.

“You know, Hazel, there’s a lot more to over the knee discipline than just spanking,” he told her, spreading her cheeks. “There’s the embarrassment of being exposed, as well as the humiliation of being punished anally.” Now he lightly spanked the area he spread. “Don’t you find this embarrassing, Hazel?”

“Yes!” she managed to utter between whimpers.

“Let me examine you,” he said, pulling her cheeks well apart. She held her breath as he held her spread, then spanked her bottom hole again, harder this time.

“Oh!” she cried softly, for it felt sexy and her clit had begun to ache.

“Don’t you need to be punished like this Hazel?” Robert asked, giving her one last chance to escape the rarified indignities to come.


“May I ask if your bottom has ever been taken?” he stopped spanking momentarily.

Hazel didn’t reply immediately. Then she finally said, “Yes, but not in the way you’re proposing.”

“In what way then?”

“I did have a boyfriend who sodomized me.”

“I could enjoy doing that myself.”

“Oh no, you’re too big,” she told him, for she had been aware for some time of a jumbo erection pressing against her tummy.

“That’s okay, I’d prefer to take you with a nozzle and a hose anyway, at least tonight,” he told her, lifting her off his lap. “Get up on the massage table now. And assume a position that renders your bottom accessible.”

Hazel stared at him, as though confused by the command. Things were changing quickly! She looked at the massage table.

“Well?” he smacked her on the bottom to encourage her migration across the room.

“Assume a position?” she slowly moved to the table.

“Try getting up on all fours,” he suggested while collecting his equipment. Hazel sat on the table. He came over with a fluffy white towel and threw it across the table. “Spread that out first so you won’t stick to the leather,” he advised. She knelt on the towel and leaned on her hands like a centerfold. He circled her with folded arms. “Drop your chest so that your bottom is uppermost. Bring your knees in a little closer to your chest, and spread your legs even more. Are you comfortable?”

“Uh, sort of,” she admitted.

“Hazel, do you know about the word mercy?”


“Well, that’s the word submissives use when they want their dominants to know that some part of the scene isn’t going right, or that something hurts too much.”

“I understand.”

“I see that you can be compliant when you want to be,” he ran his fingertips lightly down her back and ended by caressing her curved bottom. “But you haven’t been this agreeable all night.” He smacked her hard on either cheek. “You behaved disgracefully at The Keep.”

“I know.”

Robert took the long, slim vibrator out of the Anal Invader box and lubricated it.

‘I want you open, Hazel. Every part of you,” he told her, deliberately dividing her labia with deft fingers and lightly probing her slick sex. She squirmed ticklishly as he slipped his middle finger up into her vagina and slowly pistoned it in and out. She arched up to him and opened herself completely.

“You could just fuck me,” she suggested suddenly. “You could get up right behind me here and now.”

Robert sighed and stopped fingering her.

“I thought you weren’t going to try to control this scene,” he said.

“I wasn’t –”

“Yes you were.”

“I just thought that what you were doing just now felt so sexy. And I’m so ready,” she appealed timidly.

“Hazel, I’m not saying you didn’t have a good idea,” Robert told her, coming around in front of her to lightly kiss her and brush her hair away from her face. “But I’m still going to punish you first.”


“Now stop trying to seduce me,” he ordered, though somehow she was now out of her position and in his arms.

“But you’ve been hard for such a long time,” Hazel softly observed, allowing her hand to brush against his erection. “Don’t you need some relief?”

Robert disengaged her arms from around his neck and gently put her back into her original position. “Hazel, behave,” he scolded, “you’re not in a porno movie.”

“I wasn’t acting pornographically!” she blushed with embarrassment.

“Yes, you were.”

“Isn’t a submissive supposed to serve the needs of her dominant?”

“Different dominants have different needs,” he explained, firmly separating her knees again to achieve the delicious exposure that shifting her position had lost. “I have a fixation on the female bottom that extends beyond spanking. All I ask is that you allow me to indulge it.”

“Oh, certainly!”

“Then be a good girl and stop interrupting me. We’ve delayed the inevitable long enough.”

The next thing Hazel felt was the insertion of the long, cold, slippery vibrator into her bottom. Robert slid it in very slowly. Hazel now forgot all about Robert’s cock. All of her attention was immediately focused on herself and what he was doing to her. The anal penetration was almost too much to withstand. His big hands manipulating her ignited a chain of pre-orgasmic winks, the likes of which she had never before experienced. Slipping one hand under her flat belly, he pressed his palm against her abdomen while smacking her filled bottom. Hazel sobbed. If he continued to do things like this she would succumb long before he got to the enema.

Robert took his hand away from her tummy and slid the vibrator out of her bottom, glad he hadn’t turned it on.

“You aren’t allowed to climax.”

“What if I can’t help myself?”

“I’ll help you,” he told her, pressing her down on the table so that she lay flat on her tummy. This was a very good spanking position and he took advantage of it, turning her cheeks pink with his hand. This made not coming even harder. She was as aroused as she had ever been. But so long as he didn’t put anything back into her bottom for a while, she knew she could maintain for a few minutes longer.

“Get up on your knees again,” he hauled her up by the hips and spread her legs apart. “Now don’t move,” he warned her and disappeared to fill the hot water bag.

This time Hazel didn’t dare move. She knew what was going to happen and was anxious to experience the sensation. Her humiliation was deep, real and profoundly satisfying. He was going to do this. He had thought of it all by himself. It was as though he had read her secret journal, the one that went beyond spanking, just as he had said. Dear, intuitive man. Could they really be so perfectly matched? Robert certainly improved outside the office.

Improvising an IV stand out of a carved wooden coat tree Robert suspended the two-quart enema bag. Then he spread her bottom, lubricated the nozzle and inserted it slowly into her dainty, rose-hued anus.

An ardent bottom worshipper, Robert found his dream in Hazel, for every aspect of bottom was charming, particularly it’s sensitivity to pleasure. That Hazel was anally oriented was never more apparent than in her willingness to submit to spanking on that small, tender area. Robert noticed the way her breathing changed while he pushed the nozzle in.

“I love you when you’re obedient like this,” he told her, gently urging the nozzle in yet a bit farther while pressing his other hand against her flat tummy. Hazel whimpered at this maddening touch, for the palm of his hand was large enough to blanket even the most elusive g-spot. “Hazel, I’m going to start the flow of hot water. Are you ready?”

“How hot is it going to be?”

“Plenty hot.”

Hazel couldn’t speak for mortification as the water began to fill her. It was very warm, but not unpleasantly so. The nozzle, however, could not but serve the function of a dildo, and felt maddeningly sexy.

“How does that feel?” he asked her suddenly.

“Uh...fine,” she replied, a little abashed at how true this was.

“Not too uncomfortable yet?”


“What are you going to say if something’s hurting you?”


“You’re little tummy is becoming quite full,” he commented, patting it while twisting the nozzle slightly in her bottom. Hazel felt very warm and almost dizzy by the time the hot water bottle was empty. “Good girl,” he told her, slowly removing the nozzle from her bottom. “Don’t move,” he ordered and left her for a moment in uncertainty. When he returned he showed her a medium-sized rubber anal retention plug. Coating it with the pure, warm juice that bedewed her light brown Venus mound, he then poised it at her anus and attempted to insert it.

“Unclench so I can put this in,” he told her.

“I don’t dare.”

“You’re fine.”

“What if it pops out?”

“Note the way it tapers then flares, it’s designed to stay in. Now open.”

Hazel untensed for a fraction of a second. It was long enough for Robert to nudge the tip of the dildo through her anal ring.

“Relax,” he ordered, smacking either cheek sharply. She whimpered and relaxed momentarily. He pushed the plug in all the way, patting it firmly into place. “You’re doing very well,” he complimented her, stroking her tummy and dewy muff. “Are you all right?”


“I hope you haven’t forgotten that you have a good paddling coming for playing the trick at the house,” he reminded her, physically lifting her off the table, tucking her under one arm and carrying her across to the armless chair. Sitting down and putting her over his lap was the work of a moment.

“Ashamed?” he asked, positioning her properly and pushing the plug in as deeply as it would go.

“Yes,” she gasped as he began to spank her on as well as around the plug.

“Uncomfortable yet?” he asked her, reaching under Hazel with one hand to lightly squeeze her tummy. Hazel moaned and twitched across his lap.

“I’m okay,” she declared.

“It’s remarkable how well you’re taking this,” he commented before resuming the spanking. “We’re going to do this again,” he promised. In a few seconds the confluence of sensations caused her to finally climax. Hazel sobbed with emotion as her shuddering subsided and he lifted her off his lap. Without further delay she fled to the commode and locked herself in.

It was a half hour before she joined him in his bedroom. She’d attended to her needs, showered and wrapped herself in a navy cotton robe. Robert had stripped down to green plaid cotton boxers and was lying in his massive bed under the skylight, smoking. He offered her a cigarette but she shook her head with a smile.

“No, I feel too clean.”

“Do you feel okay?”

“A little tired.”



He put out his cigarette and pulled her against him so that she lay in his arms.

“That was the most fun I ever had with a girl,” he admitted freely.

“Even though we didn’t even do you-know-what yet?”

“I figure we’ll be doing you-know-what in about twenty to forty minutes,” he told her, guiding her hand to his on-going erection. “You need a chance to recover first.”

“Well, that was the most fun I ever had with a man too,” she declared.

“Hazel, I want to do something for you now. Is there anything you want or need? How about that car of yours? Maybe I can get it fixed for you, or let you have a company car to drive.”

Hazel pondered the notion of a material reward for a moment or two, then replied, “The best present I could get from you would be permission to write for the magazine the way I originally did, before you forced me to censor and amend the content of my stories.”

Robert sat up and looked at her with astonishment. “What are you saying, now?”

“The letters in response to my first issue have come in and they’re overwhelmingly positive,” she pressed, sitting up on her heels.

“You know, Hazel, my father started Corning in the early sixties and for thirty years employed an all male staff to write confessions in the first person female. When I took over twelve years ago I retired all the old men and hired a female editorial staff. Our sales quadrupled. I think I know what I’m doing.”

“Well, what’s the good of having an all female staff if you won’t listen to their suggestions?” Hazel replied, hurt at the dismissal of her request.

“I suppose the letters have been encouraging,” he admitted.

“They don’t have editorial restrictions at Augie Rose,” she suddenly remembered. “Maybe I’ll go and work for them!”

“You’ll do nothing of the sort, young lady,” he said, taking her across his lap and giving her twelve of the best with the back of a wooden hairbrush through her robe.

“I will if you don’t give me back editorial control of my magazine,” she stubbornly declared, simultaneously smarting and rushing from the spontaneous paddling.

“Oh, very well, do as you please with the magazine!” he said, lifting her off his lap and scowling blackly. Hazel laughed and cuddled against him. He folded his arms and did not hug her, unable to believe that she had won such an important victory so easily. Hazel pulled back and looked at him.

“You won’t be disappointed.”

“Well, I suppose I haven’t been disappointed in you so far,” he unbent a little and even smiled. It was painful giving in, but now that he had done it he felt ready to move on to something more pleasant.

“Oh, and I will take the car,” said Hazel gaily.

Shadow Lane Volume 6: Put to the Blush A Novel of Spanking, Sex and Love

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