Читать книгу Shadow Lane Volume 7: How Cute Is That? A Novel of Spanking, Sex and Love - Eve Howard - Страница 9


Chapter One Matchmakers

On Thanksgiving Day, instead of dressing a turkey, Laura Random was dressing a video set for the taping of an interview with the first paying client of Matchmakers, Inc.

Laura’s subject, Dr. Julian Honeywell, took the chair provided for him in front of the camera, unbuttoned his grey suit jacket and waited impatiently for Laura to adjust her soft lights and gels.

“Would you like to look over my list of questions?” she asked him, adjusting his position slightly.

“Surprise me,” he replied cynically. He was a handsome six-footer, with dark hair and eyes, who while meaning no harm, radiated that particular mixture of arrogance and irritation common to doctors.

“Very well,” said Laura, adjusting her focus, consulting her script and hitting her record button. After a short pause she asked, “Julian, where were you born?”


“And how old are you?”


“Where were you educated?”

“Columbia and U.C.L.A.”

“Would you state your profession?”

“I’m a cosmetic surgeon.”

“Where do you practice?”

“Beverly Hills.”

“Do you own your own home?”


“How did you vote in the last presidential election?”

“For the winner.”

“Have you any religious affiliations?”


“Do you have any hobbies?”

“Skiing, biking, surfing, travel and film.”

“What’s the most exciting city you’ve ever visited?”


“What’s your favorite film?”

“The Red Shoes.”

“Do you smoke?”


“Are you willing to date a girl who does?”


“Do you drink?”

“Now and then.”

“Do you use recreational drugs?”

“No,” he lied.

“Do you object to girls who do?”


“Have you ever been married?”

“Once, shortly. It didn’t work out.”

“Did you ever spank her?”

“Once, shortly.”

“Are you looking for marriage?”

“Not if I can possibly avoid it.”

“Why is that?”

“Marriage is boring.”

“Are you open to a long term relationship?”


“How long have you been into it?”

“I spanked girls as early as kindergarten.”

“Are you strictly dominant?”


“Would you consider dating a switchable woman?”

“I’m not sure what that mean.”

“That means a woman who gives as well as receives.”

“Oh. Sure, so long as she doesn’t want to switch with me.”

Laura thought this was going better than she expected. He seemed frank and reasonable.

“Could you take a few moments, Julian, to describe the characteristics of your ideal play partner?”

“Certainly. She should be late twenties to around my age, slim, fit, well-educated, career-oriented and very submissive.”

“Do you mean sexually submissive or personality-wise?”

“Both, I suppose.”

“And why is that?”

“I hate arguing.”

“What kind of scene are you looking for?”

“Spanking, costumes, role playing and sexual servitude.”

“Sexual servitude?” Laura sounded more surprised than he thought reasonable.

“The type of woman I’m looking for should enjoy pleasing me,” he replied, a bit stiffly.

“What kind of corporal punishment are you interested in?”

“Over the knee spanking, paddling, strapping, whipping and caning.”

“Have you any experience with any of these?”


“And how did you achieve this?”

“A few ex-girlfriends and ...others,” the circumspect surgeon replied, remembering that most of his experience had been with professional submissives at B&D clubs.

“Would you describe yourself as pragmatic or romantic?”


“Will you require absolute obedience from your submissive?”

“Yes,” said Dr. Honeywell’s penis.

“Would you make a girl change her dress if you didn’t like it?”


“How about the color of her hair?”

“Only if it was awful to begin with.”

“Do you expect to make all the decisions in the relationship?”

“Not all.”


“That depends on the circumstances.”

“Do you consider yourself even tempered?”



“Within reason.”


“I can be.”


“At times.”

“What’s the object of a spanking to you?”


“How about foreplay?”


“How important is it to you that the girl be turned on by the spanking?”

“I wouldn’t be here if that wasn’t an important factor.”

“Are you willing to accommodate your lovers or must they accommodate you?”

“Since I’m looking for a submissive the answer to that should be obvious.”

“How do you feel about compromise and negotiation?”

“I’m not entirely opposed to compromise, but in a true D&S relationship it shouldn’t be necessary.”

“So, you’d prefer a classic D&S situation to a simple spanking relationship?”

“Yes, I thought I’d made that clear.”

“What sort of controls do you intend to enforce on your submissive?”

“I don’t know. That depends on the degree of control she seems to require.”

“You wouldn’t, for instance, lock her in a closet if she disobeyed you?”

“Certainly not!”

“Have you ever spanked a girl until she cried?”

“A few times.”

“How did you feel about that?”

“I enjoyed the hell out of it.”

“How about the girls? Do you think they enjoyed it?”

Dr. Honeywell perceived he was being baited. Though, in point of fact, every girl he had ever made cry was a B&D player whom he’d spanked at a club for allowance and he had no way of knowing how any of them had truly felt about being punished so severely.

“Please stop filming,” he said. She complied and the next moment he was standing a foot away from her with an unpleasant look in his penetrating eyes.

“Laura, whose side are you on here?”

“Excuse me?”

“This interview seems designed to vilify me.”

“I’m just asking the questions that occur to women into spanking when they’re considering a partner.”

“But I understood that most of your female subscribers were submissive.”

“They are.”

“Then why do I perceive an undercurrent of challenge, and even hostility in your line of questioning?”

“I don’t know,” she equivocated.

“I suppose you’re anything but submissive yourself,” he snapped.

“Me?” Laura fell back a step.

“If you have such a problem with dominant men why did you pick this job?” he demanded.

“I don’t have a problem with dominant men,” she replied with amusement.

“Then why don’t you ask me some good questions, like how I plan to spoil the lady I pick?”

“Okay. I will,” she agreed timidly, eager to neutralize his pique as quickly as possible.

“Good!” he said and took his seat briskly with a glance at his watch.

“Are you in a hurry Dr. Honeywell?”

“No, why?”

“Because after we get done here you’re scheduled for a strategy planning session with my partners and me.”

“I hope it will be a more positive experience than this interview has been so far.”

“You know,” she said, focusing her Nikon on his face to snap some stills for the club’s catalog, “I’m only asking the questions, you’re providing the answers. If you think you’re coming off like a male chauvinist, it’s likely that some women will too. I do think it would help if you smiled, though.”

Julian attempted to ignore this recommendation but she was far too attractive to stay mad at for long, particularly in her cardigan, tweed skirt, stack-heeled oxfords and anklets.

“Great smile,” Laura said encouragingly, snapping several portrait shots. “Now do me a favor and fold your arms. Go back to being stern.” Laura took her shot. “Thank you. Now may we continue taping?”

“Yes,” he said, unable to remember for a moment why they had stopped. The fact that he had been powerfully annoyed by Laura Random only minutes earlier suddenly eluded him, though he remembered as soon as she got the camera rolling again.

“Julian, would you spoil your submissive?”

“I’m looking for a girl to spoil. I enjoy going shopping and live only a couple of blocks from Rodeo Drive.” Now Dr. Honeywell smiled again.

“And I suppose that for the right girl you’d throw in a nose bob?”

“Cut!” cried Julian in exasperation. Laura hastily paused her camera and peeked out from behind it.

“Is something wrong?”

“I don’t appreciate that kind of sarcasm. Particularly not at my expense. Now, are you going to start behaving like a professional?”

Laura stood up to him with a pounding heart and shakily replied, “I apologize if I offended you, Dr. Honeywell. I see now that my lightheartedness was inappropriate.”

Julian looked skeptical.

“I’m very sorry.” She hung her head meekly. Then she peeked up at him. “Can we finish the taping now?”

“Haven’t you got enough?”

“I have pages more questions.”

“You’re kidding.”

“I offered to let you see them.”

“I’ll take two more questions. This is far too nerve wracking to endure any more than that.”

Laura set the camera rolling again and glanced through her questions. Then she smiled and plunged in once more.

“Julian, could you relate to a woman who entertained anal-erotic fantasies?”

“Actually, as a physician, I have a state of the art examining room and am extremely interested in meeting women with medical fantasies. I would guess that any woman who was anal erotic would be a natural candidate for enemas. I can certainly administer them and enjoy doing so.”

“Finally, Julian, what’s your favorite way to make love?”

“I’m flexible, but have a partiality for taking ladies from behind.”

Some twenty minutes later, Patricia Fairservis and Marguerite Alexander sat with Julian in Patricia’s lighthouse reviewing the tape. Both were smartly suited and alert as they considered their first wealthy client’s possibilities. Laura busied herself making coffee and pleased Julian by serving him.

“Well, I see no problem here,” said Patricia enthusiastically. “You’re a great catch.”

“Laura seemed to think I was conveying the impression of being chauvinistic,” he told them, giving Laura a glance as she sat down.

“Well, naturally your requirements for a classic submissive are going to lose you some possibilities, but not a significant number,” Marguerite informed him.

“I understood that most of your female subscribers were submissive,” he said, becoming irritated all over again.

“Oh, they are,” said Marguerite, “but to varying degrees.”

“We can always edit the tape to make it a little more innocuous,” Patricia suggested.

“I suggest we try it as it is,” said Marguerite. “If Dr. Honeywell knows what he wants, he might as well get it.”

“What part would you suggest editing?” Julian asked, unsure as to whether he was hating or enjoying confronting the three of them like this.

“The part about sexual servitude,” Patricia promptly replied.

“I disagree, Patricia,” said Marguerite firmly. “It’s best if this requirement is stated up front. Otherwise you might run into an awkward situation on a date.”

“I think the remark has to go,” Patricia firmly stated, “unless you want to come off sounding B&D sleazy.”

“Okay, I’ll take your advice,” he told Patricia, only slightly wounded.

“Wonderful,” said Marguerite.

“So, what happens next?”

“Well,” said Marguerite, “there are several options open to you at this point. The first is to simply run your ad and photo in our catalog for as many months as it takes for you to attract a compatible mate. With all you have to offer, one or two issues should do it.”

“Tell me about the other options.”

“Well, you’ve just made a video. You might want to order a supply of your tape from us, and then have it on hand to send to the more tempting respondents to your ad.”

“Sure. I’ll order a case if you think it will help.”

“You won’t need more than a couple of dozen,” murmured Marguerite, aware of what a prize Dr. Honeywell was.

“Anything else?”

“There is one other thing,” said Marguerite, “but I don’t think you’ll need it.”

“Tell me.”

“Private introductions,” she replied.

“Private introductions?” he was intrigued and excited.

“Research is expensive and of course does take time,” explained Marguerite, “but we can find you a brilliant submissive.”


“No. But you only have to pay if we achieve success.”

“Find me someone like Laura Random,” said Julian when Laura slipped out of the room with the coffee tray. Marguerite and Patricia exchanged a smile.

“Now girls, don’t get too excited,” Marguerite cautioned after Julian had departed. “You know he’ll be inundated as soon as his photo ad comes out. He may never have recourse to a personal introduction.”

“Meanwhile, he gave us the authorization to get busy,” Patricia reminded her.

“That’s true,” said Marguerite.

“He won’t feel satisfied unless we force him to spend money,” Patricia observed.

“When you promised him we’d find a brilliant submissive, Marguerite, did you mean an extremely smart or an extremely servile one?” asked Laura.

“Either,” replied the redhead gaily.

“You know he’s staying in the village tonight,” said Patricia.

“He might appreciate some company for dinner,” Marguerite returned, then both she and Patricia looked at Laura.

“He liked you,” said Patricia.

“Yes, he liked you best,” agreed Marguerite.

“No, he didn’t,” Laura disagreed.

“He told us he wanted us to find him someone just like you,” said Patricia.

“You must be hallucinating. I almost lost him during the interview because I asked some questions that revealed what a ball buster he really is,” Laura declared.

“Excuse me,” said Patricia, “but are we talking about the same gentleman?”

“The man was completely stuck on himself,” said Laura.

“He was somewhat full of himself, at first, I’ll grant you,” said Marguerite, “but I observed the attitude drop as the interview progressed. He seemed a good deal more animated and real towards the end.”

“Yes, especially when he was discussing his examining room,” said Patricia. “I’d love to see it.”

“What you saw was him getting more and more flustered at me between the cuts,” Laura admitted.

“He’s cute,” said Patricia.

“I don’t want to play with him,” said Laura.

“Just have dinner with him and let him spank you,” said Patricia.

“No!” said Laura heatedly.

“Don’t you want to keep our richest client happy?” Patricia pressed her friend. “After all, he came all the way to Random Point to meet us.”

“If you like him so much, you go play with him,” Laura advised.

“But he preferred you.”

“Patricia, when we started this business nothing was said about playing with the clients,” Laura reasoned, “and furthermore, doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of what we are trying to do?”

“Ordinarily I wouldn’t suggest it, but he’s so handsome and rich. How could you resist?” Patricia continued to tease Laura. Then Laura arose with a dangerous look and went for the phone to dial a number she had memorized.

“Hello, Connie? Would you please ring Dr. Honeywell’s suite?” said Laura to the Innkeeper of the Bone and Feather. “You brought this on yourself,” said Laura softly to Patricia, with her hand over the receiver. “Oh, Dr. Honeywell? This is Laura Random. How are you? May I tell you why I’m calling? Thank you! You see, my partner Patricia Fairservis only just found out you were going to be in town tonight and although she’s too shy to ask you herself, I know for a fact that she would love to have dinner with you.... You will? Eight o’clock? She’ll be there.”

“I wish you hadn’t done that!” cried Patricia as soon as the mischievous brunette put down the phone.

“What’s the matter? You were willing to sacrifice me. Since you seem to like him so much, you can suffer in my place.”

“Well, I don’t mind,” smiled Patricia, “but how did he sound when you told him?”

“Surprised and interested.”

“You know Hugo would flip if he thought I was playing with the clients for free,” Laura said, as she and Marguerite drove back down to the village.

“I understand. Fortunately, your first temptation was resistible,” murmured Marguerite.

“Well? Aren’t you in the same position with Malcolm?”

“Oh, far worse. We’re newlyweds, after all.”

“So, we’ll just let Patricia handle the social end of things for a while, huh?”

“Until we decide otherwise,” Marguerite stipulated.

The next day Laura sent a copy of Julian’s tape to Teresa Clifford, a young woman of distinction and numerous connections in the West Coast scene. Laura asked Teresa to recommend a possible playmate for Dr. Honeywell if she could.

When Teresa viewed the tape she was impressed. Bestowing this magnetic male on a friend in the scene would be a favor indeed.

The tape arrived at Zoe Miller’s office on a Friday morning but she didn’t insert it into her VCR until late afternoon. The young editor sat behind her desk and her best friend, Carlos, the gay office manager sat on the edge and lit both their cigarettes.

“Listen to this,” the slim brunette read Teresa Clifford’s note to her, “Dear Zoe, Dr. Honeywell is looking for a girlfriend. When you watch the tape you’ll see why I thought of you. His phone number is listed at the end.”

“Let’s see what he looks like,” encouraged Carlos.

As soon as the tape began to roll a blush suffused Zoe’s fair face.

“Wow,” she breathed at length, “I guess he’s a spanking person.”

“That’s your favorite kind, isn’t it, Zoe?” Carlos teased her.

“He’s very handsome, isn’t he?” she replied, looking hard at the screen.

“A little buttoned-down for my taste, but I suppose girls like that fussy, anal retentive look.”

“I like his smile when it happens to come out, but he seems a little pompous, don’t you think?”

“He’s patriarchal, but that’s okay. We like that.”

“Should I call him?”

“He’s a Beverly Hills doctor. That means he’ll have both money and drugs. Of course call him.”

“You don’t think he looks a little, you know, too good for me?”


“That looks like an expensive suit he has on. Look at me,” she drew attention to her jeans and flannel shirt.

“So he’ll take you shopping.”

“I wonder what he means by sexual servitude.” For Zoe had been sent the unedited version of Julian’s tape.

“If you don’t know, who would?”

“I wonder if...”

“...he’s big enough to satisfy your endless needs?” Carlos laughed.

“Shut up.”

“Size queen.”

“If I am I got it from you. And working here.”

“Call him.”

Dr. Honeywell was packing his briefcase to leave his office for the day when the phone rang at four p.m. His receptionist said it was a personal call from a Zoe Miller.

“Dr. Honeywell?”


“My name is Zoe Miller. I’m calling because I received a tape of you in the mail today from my friend Teresa Clifford.”

“Teresa Clifford the B&D actress?”


“She had my tape?”

“That’s where I got it from.”


“It was an interesting tape.”

“Did you think so?”

“I’m 27.”

“That’s a charming age.”

“I’m career-oriented.”

“I approve of that.”

“I’m into spanking and always have been.”

“When can we meet?”

“I think I should send you a photo first,” said Zoe, regarding her reflection in the mirror across her office.

“You sound very cute. I don’t need a photo; let’s just meet.”

“No, I want to send one.”

“Mail it today.”

Two days later Zoe’s photo arrived. He opened the envelope with excitement, knowing he was about to fall in love. Because of her circumspection, he expected more character than beauty in her face, more softness than sleekness in her body. Therefore he was pleasantly surprised by Zoe Miller, a lean girl with long, black, curly hair, a wide mouth and mischievous eyes. Her preppie clothes and clean scrubbed good looks also pleased Julian. He’d asked The Matchmakers to find him someone like Laura, and this girl might have been her sister. He immediately called Zoe to set up a date for that night.

Zoe prepared for her date in a trance, watching Julian’s tape again and again as she tried on and discarded many outfits. She finally decided on a cream linen open-collared dress, which she wore with a beige blazer, penny loafers and anklets. She wore her hair down, with a headband that matched the blazer. When she was dressed, she watched the tape again.

When the bell rang she jumped, turned off the TV and ran to door. The little parlor of her West Hollywood cottage was filled with a type of smoke that did not surprise Julian in the slightest.

Merely shaking his hand made her blush to the eyes as she thought about why he was here and what might happen to her later.


“Zoe. You’re much prettier in person than in your photo. And I loved your photo.”

Zoe looked embarrassed and stammered out something about a drink.

“Sure,” he said, “what have you got?”

“Whatever you like.”

“Vodka tonic?”

“I can manage that,” she said, going to the freezer for the vodka. Her hand trembled as she prepared the drink.

“I can tell you’ve been up to something in here, young lady,” he said when she came back.

“You did say on your tape that you had no objection to recreational drugs.”

“I’m a doctor; I love recreational drugs.”

“Really? Do you want some?”

“I’ll just drink this for now. What did you do, though, pour half a pint into this glass?” he winced at the strength of the drink she had handed him.

“Want me to re-do it?”

“I don’t mind drinking it, but you’ll have to drive.”

Zoe took the drink back from him and weakened it, deeply respectful of the Mercedes in the driveway. Then they sat across from each other in the cozy, book filled room.

“Smoke some more if it will relax you, Zoe.”

Zoe felt abashed that her state of nervous excitement was so obvious yet thrilled by the novelty of the entire situation.

“So tell me, Zoe, what do you do?”

“I’m a writer,” she replied.

“Really? What kind of a writer?”

“I’m an in-house editor for one the largest producer of adult magazines in the country.”

“Adult magazines?”

“Hardcore, actually.

“You mean like John Holmes stuff?”

“He’s dead, but yes.”

“A nice girl like you?”

Zoe smiled. “This week I worked on Ass Masters 2, Girls Who Love Big Cocks, Blondes Have More Cum and Fuck Lickers.”

“Fuck Lickers?”

“Don’t ask.”

“Zoe, what do you really do?” he asked, spotting her college yearbook on her bookshelf. “You don’t expect me to believe a Sarah Lawrence girl would be writing porno.”

“You doubt I write fuck magazines?” She immediately threw open a cedar hope chest filled to the brim with scores of magazines, which she brought out by the handful and spread across the wooden floor. “These are all magazines I’ve written this year.” She fanned out numerous issues of Girls Who Take It Up The Ass and The Best of Cum. He grabbed one and scrutinized it, looking over the top at Zoe.

“This text has a charm and acuity that doesn’t match the pictures.”

“You’re probably the only one who ever noticed.”

“Doesn’t it get to you, writing this stuff?”

“It pays the bills.”

“I do want to hear all about it, but I’m even more eager to hear what you thought about the tape Teresa sent you.”

“I wondered how you had it made.”

“Oh, there’s a company out in Massachusetts that’s dedicated itself to putting spanking people together, and I decided to see what it could do for me.”

“Just spanking people?”


“How wonderful. I had no idea anything like that existed. And I used to live in Boston.”

“I take it that your boyfriend doesn’t spank you?”

“No, sir, he does not.”

“And what does he do?”

“He works in an ad agency.”

“Does he know you’re seeing me tonight?”

“Yes. I told him it was something I had to do.”

“So you’re counting on this being an experiment only?”

“I don’t know.”

“Is that what you’re wearing tonight?” he changed lanes abruptly.

“Isn’t it okay?” she pinkened a shade as his eyes came to rest on her anklets and smooth, bare calves.

“It reminds me of a prep school uniform.”

“Is that not a good thing?”

“Heels and hose would have been more appropriate,” he commented without smiling. Her blush deepened as she tried to determine whether she was being teased or rated. “Do you see yourself as a school girl, Zoe?”

“I just thought since you’re into it...”


“It seemed appropriate to me.”

“Perhaps for lunch and a museum tour, but not a dinner date.”


“Come over here, Zoe,” he told her, patting the sofa beside him.

She didn’t hesitate to join him. “Have you ever had a spanking?”

“Yes, but not often,” she replied, her face suffused with color.

He took her by the wrist and pulled her across his lap. Properly positioning her was the work of a moment. “Oh!” she breathed, not unhappily, as he fastened one hand to her waist and smoothed down her skirt.

Smack! His hand came down on her right cheek. Smack! Now he struck the left. The smacks had a full, round, voluptuous feel through her panties and skirt. Alternating cheeks he spanked her firmly ten times. She caught her breath and whimpered every time his palm connected with her upturned, skirted bottom.

“If you dress like a little girl, you risk being treated like one,” he warned her, pulling up her skirt to examine her sheer, beige underpinnings. Now he warmed her through her panties, smacking her soundly many times, until the pinkness began to glow through the nylon that encased her shapely, oval bottom.

Meanwhile, Zoe was experiencing a form of arousal she could only define as the sexiest in the world. Compared with this rarified sensation, the pleasures of standard intercourse were but shadows of delight. Certainly it stung and she felt warmth, but the flutters of excitement overwhelmed those of sharp pain to fill her with a dizzying joy.

She knew that this wouldn’t have happened with just anyone spanking her. His good looks, pleasant manners and serious demeanor reduced the length of their courtship to minutes. Or rather, hours, if one counted the time she had spent watching the tape.

When Julian pulled her panties down she almost climaxed. Because he was a doctor. Examining rooms had figured largely in her fantasies since childhood.

Julian saw that she was sweetly submissive, prepared to lie across his lap for as long as he saw fit to spank her. He knew that although he was smacking her fairly hard, he was scarcely hurting her. She was so receptive to spanking that even the sharpest swats seemed to thrill her. Having played with so many girls at clubs, he had inevitably come across the handful that were truly submissive, and they had all reacted in a similar way.

He spread her thighs and placed his palm against her damp curls. This electrified her to shudders. Julian’s middle finger slipped inside her and bathed in her creamy excitement. Zoe squirmed and ground against his thighs. Still holding her firmly by the waist, he pistoned his finger in and out until she almost came. Then he looked at his watch and noticed that it was nearly time for their dinner reservation.

“This will have to be continued later,” he told her, pulling free of her tender grip, pulling her panties back up and setting her back on her feet before him. “We have just enough time to get to The Ivy.”

Zoe felt as limp as a wet leaf as he placed her in the front seat of his car and got in beside her with a smile.

“What are you thinking, Zoe?” he asked as he set them on a course for Beverly Hills.


“Don’t lie.”

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Would I have made the tape if I did?”

“So, what kind of girl are you really looking for?”

“Well, the kind without a boyfriend would have been preferable, but you’ll do,” he smiled fully at her.

“Come on,” she demurred.

“Zoe, why do you think Teresa sent you the tape? You fit the description of the kind of girl I’m looking for perfectly.”

“I don’t know about that,” Zoe protested.

“Oh? And why not?”

“Because I’m not really submissive,” she declared apologetically.


“Well, no,” she returned.

“You certainly take a spanking nicely,” he informed her.

“You know, you’re a lot less intimidating in person than on film,”

Zoe told him shyly.

“That’s because I’m doing my best to put you at ease. But what do you mean when you say you’re not submissive? I was giving you a pretty hard spanking just now and you were getting wet.”

“Oh, I’m into spanking, but not the other things you mentioned.”

“Really? You wouldn’t let me tie you up?”

“Maybe my wrists, but I wouldn’t let myself be gagged.”

“Not even with a clean, white handkerchief, like on Superman?”

“I suppose Lois and Jimmy did get tied up and gagged quite a bit.”

“And you wouldn’t suffer yourself to be fitted for a custom waist cinch?”

“Weren’t corsets the reason Victorian ladies were always having fits of the vapors?”

“But what magnificent figures they achieved.”

“And I’m not exactly sure what you meant by the term role playing,” Zoe remarked as he gave his car to the valet and led her into the restaurant.

Once they were seated Julian replied.

“Well, an example of role playing would be you coming to my office, as though you sought a medical consultation, and me behaving like the authoritative physician that I am.”

“You mean in the way you discussed on your tape?”

“Only if that sort of thing interests you.”

“It does,” she replied, coloring again.

After dinner Julian took Zoe back to his house, which was a small, Tudor style mansion set well back on Maple Street in Beverly Hills. Zoe was dazzled and intimidated. But after a liqueur and a smoke in the sitting room, she seemed almost ready to play.

Julian told Zoe that she was much too well educated to be a porno writer and suggested that she should be punished for the inertia that had kept her in the same position for over a year. Since Zoe was fairly indifferent to her job, she allowed him to pull her across his lap once more.

Once again, he gave her a good spanking and once again, she responded to it passionately. But the dream of erotic perfection fell apart when he determined to send her to the corner.

Zoe, who had just been put off his lap looked at him and explained, “I don’t want to stand in the corner. It’s just not me.”

Julian had instructed every girl he had ever spanked at a club to stand in the corner and none had ever argued about it. He suddenly realized that having been paid for their time, they were obliged to obey him, while Zoe had consented to see him only to please herself. He wondered whether all non-professional submissives were as willful as Zoe. Was it possible the club scene had fostered a belief in a kind of woman who didn’t exist in the real world?

“Do it to please me,” he told her coolly.

“I’d feel silly.”

“Don’t you feel silly getting a spanking at your age?”

“Oh no! That feels divine.”

“So you won’t obey me in this one small request?”

“I’d prefer not to,” she said stubbornly.

Julian was on the point of taking her back across his knee and spanking her until she agreed to obey him. He could spank her much harder than she liked and force her to comply with his simple request. But, would he ever see her again if he did?

“I’ll ask you one more time to obey me and stand in the corner,” he said sternly. Zoe hadn’t wanted to make him angry, but she shrunk from the indignity of being placed in the corner. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes.

“I don’t want to,” she decisively refused.

“Very well,” he said, cold and offended. “Then perhaps I’d better take you home now.”

“Okay,” she said shakily, pulling on her blazer and biting on her trembling lower lip. When he saw the effect his sudden harshness had on her, Julian’s cock throbbed with excitement. But she had to be taught a lesson for placing her dignity above her dominant’s gratification.

Julian hardly spoke as he drove Zoe home. Meanwhile she went over the events of the evening in her mind and still believed that they ought to be making love now.

When they stopped in front of her cottage, she fled the car with a hasty good-bye and a tear in each eye. Julian drove away immediately, frustrated and angry both with her and himself. Meanwhile Zoe locked the door behind her and burst into sobs, feeling terribly punished.

But the next morning she awoke with a fresh point of view and immediately dialed Julian’s home number. His machine answered and she identified herself. A moment later, Julian picked up.

“Julian, I just called to thank you for dinner.”

“Thank you for joining me,” he replied without much warmth.

“And I did want to ask you a question,” Zoe added without hesitation.


“Julian, I realize that our evening didn’t go quite perfectly, but the very fact that it happened at all was an amazing thing to me, being as I needed so desperately to play.”

“I understand,” he said, softening a little.

“Well, I wanted to thank you for that. I mean, for making the session so agreeable.”

“It was agreeable to me as well,” he said, unbending a little more.

“I do wish that we were better suited to each other. But since we’re obviously not, I was wondering whether you would mind if I got in contact with the company that shot your video, so that I could make a tape of my own?”

After two seconds of silence Julian laughed. “You little brat,” he murmured, though not disrespectfully.

“But, why?” Zoe smiled at her own genius.

“I think we’re perfectly suited to each other,” he said evenly. “You just need to be taught better manners.”

“By you?” she laughed, remembering how rudely he had taken her home.

“When can I see you again?”

“I really don’t think –” she began to demur but he interrupted her firmly.

“Never mind that, you’ve won the round and I acknowledge it.”

“But, about the corner time...”

“I’ll never mention it again.”

“It really hurt my feelings being taken home like that,” she declared. “I cried myself to sleep.”

“I’ll make it up to you,” he promised, thinking of a shopping trip.

“I was ready to let you make love to me in any way you liked.”

“If I acted like an idiot, it’s only because I’ve been spoiled by well-trained B&D club submissives. Did you really cry yourself to sleep?”

“I hope you don’t like that idea.”

“I do find it very sexy, but I’m sorry about last night.”

Zoe paused a moment before speaking. At least he had said he was sorry at last.

“How did you intend to make it up to me?” she asked casually.

“By indulging you completely the next time we meet.”

“In your examining room?” she asked with shy excitement. Julian looked at the receiver with surprise.

“Is that your idea of total indulgence?” he laughed. “I was thinking more in terms of a trip to Christian Dior and a weekend getaway to a five-star inn.”

“It would be too early to commit to a weekend,” she pointed out sensibly. “And that kind of shopping trip sounds like you’d own my soul afterwards.”

“So you want to see my examining room, do you?” Julian was charmed.


“You know what will happen when I get you in there, don’t you?”


“Well, for one thing, you’ll have to do a better job of obeying me than you did last night.”

“Or else what?”

“Or else I’ll spank you a lot harder next time and whip your bottom too.”

A moment’s silence ensued. Then Zoe said, “I don’t mind that.”

“You just don’t want to stand in the corner.”


“Anything else I should know?”

“If I think of anything, I’ll tell you.”

“I’m sure you will.”

Zoe got her trip to Christian Dior and the weekend at a Santa Barbara inn, with the office visit between, beginning on the following Saturday afternoon.

Julian explained that he couldn’t take her back to the office and expect complete privacy until after four, so after picking her up at her house, they drove directly to Rodeo Drive and Julian dragged her into three or four stores. Zoe stood speechless as he conferred quickly and authoritatively with sales women about gown sets, corsets, dresses and shoes. Nothing was tried on after she was judged to be a size 4 who looked best in creams and beiges. Charge cards came out and purchases were made.

He then conducted Zoe, who now felt loved, to his office on Roxbury Drive.

They passed through a large, elegant waiting room and into a dignified consultation room, with dark green walls and book-lined shelves.

“Have a seat,” said Julian, going behind his large desk and motioning her to the chair before it. “I’ve got some questions I want to ask you.”

Zoe obeyed him while looking around with great interest.

“Any persistent health problems, Miss Miller?” he asked, opening a folder and tagging a chart with her name.

“No. Except for headaches.”

“Do you have a headache now?”


“What do you think causes them?”


“Well, Miss Miller, you probably can’t reduce the stress in your life, but giving up cigarettes and reducing your caffeine intake may help. I also recommend a detox session, which I do have time to administer now.”

Zoe stared at him wordlessly.

“Do you elect to receive the treatment?” he asked, pushing a piece of paper across the desktop for her signature.

“I do,” she agreed shakily, taking up a pen and signing her name at the bottom of the proffered medical form.

“In that case, young lady, you may precede me into the examining room and remove your clothes. I’ll join you presently.”

Zoe looked at the door but didn’t move. “Now?”

“Yes, now.”

Julian’s examining room was the type that had been designed to impress stylish, young Beverly Hills matrons. Even the fresh, cream cotton robe that had been set out for her behind the dressing screen bore a Fernando Sanchez insignia. This Zoe pulled on over her sheer beige bra and panties, leaving the rest of her clothes folded in a wooden cupboard.

She had a moment or two to wander around the ebony and cherry wood paneled room with its fascinating examining table and chair.

Discreetly framed on one wall was a gallery of beautiful female faces, the “after” photos of many of the subjects he had worked on. Julian’s specialty was eyes and he did admirable work. Zoe was examining the portraits when he entered.

“Miss Miller, are we going to have problems so soon? Didn’t I tell you to get completely undressed?”

“But it was such a pretty dressing gown, I had to try it on.”

“Well now you can take it off,” he told her sternly, turning his back on her to remove his jacket and wash his hands.

Zoe reluctantly removed the robe and hung it back where she had found it, then shyly came forward in her pretty nylon combination.

Julian sighed.

“Undress completely, Miss Miller,” he told her, opening a lower cabinet drawer to remove the several pieces of equipment he would need to perform the ritual he had promised. Zoe’s eyes widened at the sight of the large, black hot water bag, long hose and thick white nozzle.

She watched him wheel an I.V. stand to the side of the flat, green leather examining table.

“Come over here, Miss Miller,” he said, patting the table. Zoe came to him and let him lift her to the table. Reaching around her back he unhooked her bra and freed her small, round, stiff-nippled breasts from its confines. “I’m sorry if it embarrasses you, but the procedure to follow does require full nudity,” he explained, cupping one breast in each hand and squeezing them lightly. Zoe whimpered as hot thrills surged through her. “And you promised to obey me,” he reminded her, gently easing her onto her back on the table, then rolling her over onto her tummy. “Is this your idea of obedience?” He stroked her upturned bottom through her panties, then spanked her soundly ten times. “I told you to remove every stitch, Miss Miller. It’s not an unreasonable request.”

Now he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her briefs and pulled them slowly down to her upper thighs, baring her pinkened bottom. “Keep your tummy flat against the table,” he told her, holding her with one hand in the small of her back while he used the other to continue spanking her. Zoe hid her face in her arms and submitted, madly aroused.

“This isn’t the only spanking you’re getting today, Miss Miller.

Wait till you feel how hard I spank you once your little tummy has been filled.”

“No!” she murmured, nevertheless arching to his hand and spreading her thighs as much as the binding briefs would allow.

“What did I say about keeping your tummy pressed to the table?” he asked, smacking her a little harder. Zoe subsided again and almost climaxed from the sensation of cool leather pressed under her swollen clit. “Can’t you obey the simplest command?”

“I’m sorry,” she cried, wriggling so cutely that he paused to place a kiss behind her ear.

“Never mind. Since you’re so impatient to show off, we’ll proceed immediately,” said Julian, pulling her panties off entirely now. “Up on your knees, young lady, but keep your elbows on the table.”

When Zoe’s bottom was uppermost, Julian separated her knees as far as they would go, leaving her upturned and spread, with her tiny bottom hole completely accessible to his view and touch.

Slipping a palm under her pussy, Julian felt her very wet curls. The next thing he did was to don a pair of gloves, open a tube of KY and spread her cheeks apart to apply it liberally to her anus. Lubricating Zoe made her nearly dizzy.

“Keep your legs apart and don’t move until I return,” he warned her, spanking her low on her bottom, just above her pussy several times before going away to fill the bag with very warm water.

“Have you ever had an enema, Miss Miller?” he asked, returning and affixing the hot water bottle to the I.V. stand.

“No, sir,” she murmured, trembling in every cell as she watched his movements in a mirror opposite the table. Deftly he squeezed the excess air out of the hose and lubricated the long, white nozzle.

“It may feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but you’ll get used to it.”

He pressed the nozzle against her slick anus lightly, pulling her apart as he did so, until the tip eased in. She groaned at the gentle intrusion, humiliated to her soul but in a kind of ecstasy. “You know, Zoe, you’re not really here for a detox,” he told her firmly. “You’re here to be disciplined.”

“Oh!” she replied, thrilled and afraid.

“That’s why this will be a retention enema,” he informed her, inserting the nozzle slowly and deeply into her bottom. “You need to be humbled for your willfulness.”

The girl who refused utterly to stand in the corner, submitted unreservedly to the sentence that he had pronounced, feverishly excited by the nozzle penetrating her bottom.

“Ready, Zoe?” he asked. When she murmured her assent, he released the clamp on the hose and began the flow of hot water. It did feel slightly uncomfortable at first, and very warm. She almost cried out in fear of the sensation. But the next moment intensely erotic sensations began to flow through her entire sex. The ticklish hose in her bottom brought her to the edge of orgasm again and again as the warm water filled her. Julian was aroused by her tender passivity.

“You are a stubborn girl, aren’t you?” he demanded, placing one hand under her satiny belly. A tremor passed through her at this exquisite touch.

“No, sir!” she assured him, with eyes shut tightly.

“I know a stubborn girl when I meet one,” he told her, slipping one finger up into her slippery sex.

“Oh!” she cried in surprise. He played with her for a minute or two then took away his hand. Zoe was once again on the edge of a climax, she, who almost never came!

“Think of it, Zoe, for the first time in your life, you’re getting a punishment enema. And from a qualified physician.”

Zoe could hardly think of anything else at the moment-–except for how handsome Julian looked with his sleeves rolled up. He stopped the flow of the water momentarily, to let her get used to the fullness of her belly and get his fingers wet in her pubic curls. Then he resumed filling her until the bag was empty.

“There,” he said, carefully removing the nozzle from her bottom and patting away the stray water droplets with a towel, “now don’t move.”

Zoe didn’t dare move.

Suddenly he was in front of her, calmly opening a medical bag to withdraw a medium sized rubber retention plug.

“See this?”


“This is going in you now,” he told her, then went behind her again, spread her bottom and inserted the 5” plug deeply into her rectum. This elicited a charming whimper from Zoe, who again nearly came from the indescribable sensations of pleasure and shame this new intrusion produced.

The next object Julian removed from the bag was a medium-sized rectangular wooden paddle, which he immediately laid against the rubber plug. He then proceeded to lightly paddle the plug into her bottom while cradling her public mound in his hand.

When Zoe began to whimper he pulled back and laid the paddle against her bottom cheeks, spanking her firmly with it. Then he alternately paddled the butt of the plug and the fleshiest portion of her buttocks, until she sobbed with emotion.

“You’re a bad girl,” he told her firmly and was gratified by the tremor that passed through her at these words. He smacked her hard across both cheeks with the shiny maple paddle. “I’m going to train you to take even more stringent forms of discipline before too long, Zoe,” he promised. “If I only had a vibrator here, I’d show you. I’d take you across my knee, full as you are, and keeping the plug in your bottom, I’d insert the vibrator into your pussy as far as it would go, and turn it on while I was spanking you.” Smack! The paddle came down hard across both plug and spread cheeks. “I’ll do that next time,”

Julian promised, causing Zoe to finally succumb to the most euphoric climax of her life.

For a couple of weeks, Zoe was in heaven. To finally have a lover into spanking and anal humiliation was too much joy. Her work suffered and her straight relationship disintegrated like sugar in water.

She was on the brink of being fired for spending half her time writing love letters and erotic fantasies to Julian. Then cold reality hit her in the face.

It was a Friday night and she had driven straight from work to Julian’s house intending to await his arrival. She was passing through the main hall when her eye strayed to the overflow of mail coming through the slot in the wall. She approached the pile of mail and fell to her knees on the floor with a pounding heart. There were several colored and/or scented envelopes, addressed in feminine hands, and a number of other plain white ones, all with the return addresses of women.

It had happened. The thing she had resisted considering, yet feared would separate her from Julian. His ad was out. And sure enough, also in the mail was the very first issue of the Matchmakers club publication. Frenzied with curiosity, Zoe worked open the brown envelope to pull out the thick digest. There, on page 16, in a full-page ad, was Julian’s handsome, suited portrait. The ad had been submitted to The Matchmakers before meeting Zoe. And there had been no way to pull the ad in a timely manner. But now it was out for all to see, and witness the response! The first day and already he had a mailbox full of letters.

She sat on the carpet reading over his ad many times. It reiterated much of what had been in the tape, which she hadn’t watched again since first meeting him. As Zoe read of how he sought a true submissive for esoteric B&D, she wondered how many of the girls who had responded to his ad fulfilled Julian’s requirements better than she. Suppose eight out of ten were eager and willing to stand in the corner, for instance? And three of those were pretty? And one brilliant?

She was still sitting on the floor and staring at the letters when

Julian walked in. She sprung to her feet guiltily, allowing the Matchmakers booklet to fall on the floor. A deep blush suffused her cheeks as he eyed her and the digest.

“Hi,” he said, stooping to pick up the mail and the issue.


“What are you doing?”


“Nothing besides opening my mail?”

“Just the Matchmakers book, Julian. I was just so curious to see it,” she explained, with a pounding heart.

He frowned at her a moment then said, “Come with me.”

Julian led her into his study and motioned for her to sit down in the chair opposite his massive desk. After momentarily scrutinizing her fair face he directed his attention to the booklet and began to leaf through it.

“Your ad came out well,” she commented shakily. “You look handsome.” He merely raised his eyebrows at her then continued to read. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence he put down the booklet and turned his attention to the many letters. He leafed through them, shuffled them, then stacked them neatly in a pile. There were ten replies in all. Julian looked at Zoe.

“I should punish you severely for opening my mail,” he speculated. She flashed him one resentful pout then jumped to her feet.

“I’d better go now. I’m sure you want to be alone to read your mail.”

“You’ll go when I tell you to go,” he snapped, causing her to subside in the chair.

“You certainly got a lot of responses,” she commented boldly.

“A surprising amount,” he agreed, amused by her jealousy.

“I guess you won’t be needing me anymore,” she blurted out, with a catch in her voice. Then she sprung up again and made for the door.

“Zoe, where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m sorry, I can’t stay now. I’m too upset!” She ran out of the room, but he followed her and brought her back by the hand.

“Sit down,” he pushed her towards the tufted leather sofa. “You’re going to read the letters to me.” By now Julian had become very attached to Zoe and could not imagine anyone more desirable presenting herself to him. Just that morning he had sent The Matchmakers a handsome check for the introduction and had instructed them to pull his ad from the publication.

However, the prospect of all these adventurous new women offering themselves to him could not fail to intrigue the doctor, and he knew that his nature would compel him to follow up on any of the letters that seemed interesting.

Zoe accepted a letter opener and slit the first envelope. It contained a single sheet of pink paper, inscribed in a round, childish hand. There was no photo and the contents of the letter were too bland to frighten her. It was simply a letter from a 30-year-old computer consultant into spanking. She seemed inexperienced, compliant, awed by Julian’s photo but not particularly bright. Julian took the letter and told her to open the next one.

The next letter came with a photo depicting a plain, plump young woman in a black bra, panties and garter belt. She was turned with her face to the wall in a dreary apartment and her letter was equally unappealing. She claimed to be into every aspect of B&D, particularly that of sexual servitude.

“I’m not surprised, with that presentation,” Zoe snorted, slightly cheered by the contents of the first two letters. Several more letters from sincere but ordinary young women followed, generally accompanied by fuzzy snap shots. Some of the letters were surprisingly graphic, others timid and paranoid. None so far bore the stamp of originality. They flirted heavy-handedly. Not one was clever.

But the last letter was different. It came in an 8” x 10” envelope that also disgorged a glossy black and white still. Zoe’s heart contracted with pain and fear when she beheld a small waisted, stringently corseted blonde, who appeared to be of legal age, but only barely, with her long, straight hair down her back and a provocative expression in her wide, light eyes. She perched on the edge of a chair, her wrists apparently bound behind her back, her ample, surgically enhanced bosom thrust up and out and her bare bottom elegantly displayed as she sat turned three quarters from the camera lens.

Zoe handed Julian the photo with a shaky hand and lit a cigarette before reading the letter aloud.

Dear Doctor,” she began, glancing up to watch Julian’s reaction to the beautiful, professionally photographed portrait. “I’m a single female, 23, 5’6”, 120 lbs., with measurements of 34D, 24”, 35”. I graduated from U.C.L.A. last year with a degree in Communications.

I’m currently employed as a freelance model. My photo spreads have appeared in Penthouse and Skin Two. I’ve felt myself to be submissive ever since reading The Story of O while still in high school, but it’s only recently that I’ve begun to explore this facet of my character.

I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment because none of the men I know are the slightest bit dominant, although my recent discovery of OOTC has allowed me to play a bit at parties.

I was attracted to your ad because I’m quite desirous of meeting a handsome, experienced, generous, older man to guide me on my odyssey in the scene.

I love spanking, whipping, caning, bondage, anal erotica, oral servitude, immobilization and sensory deprivation, and am extremely interested in having my nipples as well as my labia pierced.

I live in West L.A. and would be free to get together any evening. If interested, please give me a call at the number below.

Waiting for your command, Gloria Lindstrom.

“Wow,” said Zoe. “She seems just perfect for you, Julian.”

“Think so?”

“She’s got everything you’re looking for and more.”

“Except for the fact that she’s not my type,” he pointed out.

“In what way is Gloria not your type?”

“She’s too young. What could we possibly have to talk about?”

“With that body why would you even need to talk?”

Julian merely smiled and said, “I’m also pretty sure she’s a pro.”

“Because she wants a generous lover?”

“That and her eagerness to please.”

“But that comes with the territory, doesn’t it?”

“In your case it certainly doesn’t.”

“And you’re so generous anyway, what does it matter if she is a pro?”

“I’ve dated models before. They’re boring.”

“How can you say that, Julian? This girl is “Beauty” incarnate.

Everything about her screams perfect submissive.”

“Maybe I prefer my imperfect submissive.”

“You mean me?”

“Who else?”

“But you’re going to call her, aren’t you?”

“I’ll probably call her once.”

“Right,” said Zoe, the color rushing to her face.

“One date should satisfy both my curiosity and hers.”

“What’s OOTC?”

“Out of the Closet. That’s the local B&D support group.”

“I never heard of it.”

“I’ll give you their newsletter.”

“I expect you’ll be getting replies every day from now on.”


Zoe took up the Matchmakers publication and began to read the ads from local men.

Two weeks later Zoe arranged to attend her first OOTC party with Teresa Clifford. It was held in a large meeting hall on Ivar Street in Hollywood that at ten o’clock was packed with a couple of hundred B&D enthusiasts. Zoe was clad in a black leather halter dress and 4” pumps bought for her by Julian.

As soon as Zoe and Teresa entered the first crowded room, submissive males who begged them to whip or spank them or let them worship their feet surrounded them. Zoe declined all offers, not feeling the slightest bit dominant in spite of her outfit. Teresa took a seat and allowed a slave to adore her 5” heeled, thigh-high boots. Zoe left her to wander around the room and stare in wonder at the floggings, wax drippings and stringent bondage positions being tried out on willing submissives.

Many of the players were situated on the wrong side of 40, with scary physiques. The scenes in which they were participating did not arouse Zoe, but she appreciated the whole on a Diane Arbus level and found herself amused for a half hour before going to seek out Teresa again. But as she made her way through the room to find her friend she was struck by the entrance of Julian Honeywell with Gloria Lindstrom in tow.

Gloria was every bit as striking as her photograph and was in fact clad in the same custom corset she had worn while posing for it. Her heels were even higher than Zoe’s and both her bosom and bottom were completely exposed. She seemed in a trance as Julian led her through the room by a leash attached to a studded dog collar that encircled her throat. Her eyes never left the ground before her and her posture was all compliance.

Zoe darted behind a pillar before they passed and watched them from this vantage point. The view of Gloria from the rear was nothing if not daunting, with her long legs and smooth round cheeks so exquisitely set off by the hip length corset.

Zoe’s heart pounded as she watched her beautiful rival follow her lover through the room. They stopped at a raised platform that Julian mounted, pulling Gloria behind him. Upon this platform stood a wooden X-frame to which leather cuffs had been attached. Julian put Gloria’s wrists and ankles into the cuffs, spreading her legs well apart as he did. Then he took up a long, multi-thonged, leather flogger and began to lightly feather her bottom, gradually increasing his tempo and the force with which he was wielding the whip.

Zoe watched in distraught fascination as the whipping progressed, able to observe Gloria’s face each time the lashes struck. The model appeared in a reverie as people gathered to watch. The blonde girl looked very submissive indeed, with a soft, babyish quality to her skin and even a slight suggestion of voluptuousness around the tummy, buttocks and thighs that hadn’t appeared in the photo she’d sent. Even so, it was difficult to ascertain whether Julian was having a good time.

“What a handsome man,” Teresa remarked to Zoe when she found her observing the pair on the platform. ”He seems somehow familiar.”

“I’m not surprised. That’s the one who’s tape you sent me.


“Oh yes! The Beverly Hills doctor. Whatever happened with you two?”

“We’ve been seeing each other.”

“So what’s he doing here with the princess?”

“You know her?”

“Gloria? Sure, she’s pretty much this year’s sub.”

“Is she a pro?”

“Oh, I should think so.”

“She answered his Matchmakers ad.”

“Really? She must be looking for a master.”

“Have you ever talked to her?”

“We’ve worked together on a couple of video shoots. She’s adorable but not terribly bright. She can take plenty of whipping though. Great pain tolerance. Loves to be gagged. Into suspension bondage and ripe for piercing.”

“I’m sure I’ve lost him.”

“Think so?”

“How can I compete against that sort of submissiveness? I won’t even let him stand me in the corner.”

“Admirable,” Teresa smiled. “Maybe you’re a dominant at heart.”

“I wish I could talk to her alone. See what she’s like,” said Zoe.

“Wait till she hits the ladies room and follow her in.”

Zoe waited a half hour before spotting Gloria enter the restroom then took Teresa’s suggestion. While the younger girl was reapplying color to her full lips, Zoe came in and began to brush her hair.

“Excuse me,” said Zoe, making eye contact in the mirror, “but weren’t you doing that sexy whipping scene with the handsome man?”

Responding as expected to the flattering tone of Zoe’s query, Gloria began to sing the praises of her escort and herself.

Zoe was duly informed of Dr. Honeywell’s profession, his residence, his income, stock portfolio and penis size. She was told of Julian’s complete infatuation for Gloria, what he had promised to do for her, what presents he had already given her and more.

“He says he’s never met anyone like me,” Gloria bragged. “He compared me to “Beauty,” as in Anne Rice’s Sleeping Beauty books.”

“Did he?” Zoe smiled.

“Oh yes. Of course, my nose is slightly different than “Beauty’s” and that does bother me. But fortunately Julian specializes in that kind of surgery. He says I can have any kind of nose I like!”

“Wow,” marveled Zoe, “that must be a five thousand dollar value, at least!”

“God yes!” agreed Gloria guilelessly.

“So what’s he like to play with?”

“Perfectly charming.”

“What’s he into?”

“Oh, spanking, humiliation, breast punishment, hot wax, dildoing, oral sex, anal sex.”

“I hope he practices safe sex!” said Zoe in spite of herself, for she always did.

“Well, he is a doctor,” Gloria informed her. “But sometimes I think he’s too cautious.”

“How do you meet someone like that? Not at a place like this, I’m sure.”

“Oh no! But there’s this wonderful organization back East that just exists to get submissive girls lovers. Here, I even have a card.” Gloria withdrew a Matchmakers, Inc. card from her tiny purse and handed it to Zoe. “Subscribe to their publication and you’ll meet the most upscale dominants in the country.”

“Can this be true?”

“All I know is, I’m sleeping on Ralph Lauren sheets tonight,”

Gloria blithely confessed before drifting out the door. “Good luck!”

Zoe made her way through the crowded rooms in a heartbroken daze clutching the Matchmakers card in her hand. On her way towards the door as she passed through the bar she was suddenly confronted by Julian.

“Zoe! I had no idea you’d be here!” Julian protested, distressed.

“It’s okay, I’m just leaving.”

“How long have you been here?”

“Long enough to have met Gloria. I was sure you two were perfect for each other and I was right. Excuse me.” Zoe pushed passed him, a lump in her throat.

“Wait a minute,” he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

Without asking her leave, he unceremoniously lifted her to a bar stool and capturing her hands in his, made her look at him. “Just what did Gloria tell you?”

“Only that you’re about to make her your mistress.”

“Oh, Zoe, that’s not true!”

“You’re madly in love with her. She’s your own little Beauty, or she will be once you’ve chiseled her nose.”

“She does want a nose job,” Julian admitted, “but I keep telling her I only do eyes. Don’t you see, Zoe? She’s grossly exaggerating everything I’ve said to her.”

“So you didn’t take her shopping on Rodeo Drive just like you did me?”

“I did take her shopping, but it was more or less in payment for our one and only other date.”

“Just the way you paid me?” Zoe asked peevishly.

“Not at all. I paid a hell of a lot more for the privilege of meeting you, young lady.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You know I met you though a private introduction.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s a service The Matchmakers provide. I told them to go shopping for me and they found you.”

“Whereas Gloria was connected enough to find you herself!”

“She is a bit of a prodigy when it comes to the scene,” Julian admitted.

“You said you only planned to see her once,” Zoe pointed out.

“Well, I was curious about these OOTC parties and you can’t go to one unless you’re a member or a member takes you as a guest.”

“I see. Excuse me,” said Zoe, jumping off the stool and trying to exit the room. Julian followed her out to the street where she leaned against the old brick wall as hot tears clouded her eyes.

“Zoe, come back inside. This neighborhood isn’t safe,” he insisted.

“You go back inside. Your submissive is awaiting your command.”

“I’m not leaving you out here by yourself.”

“Oh, all right!” Zoe replied and marched back inside.

Almost immediately they encountered Gloria who had been searching the rooms for her escort.

“Oh master! There’s a man who wants to ask your permission to play with me.” Gloria confessed with some excitement.

“Tell him yes,” Julian encouraged her, anxious to continue his conversation with Zoe.

“Thank you, master!” Gloria cried and disappeared into the other room to submit to a rope enthusiast’s art.

“You see how meaningless this is?” Julian demanded of Zoe.

“All I see is that you’ve found exactly the kind of girl you specified in your ad and on your tape,” Zoe replied over folded arms.

Taking her expression of resentment for dominant scorn, a passing foot slave fell on his knees before her and began to kiss the tips of her pumps.

“What are you doing?” Zoe nudged him away with her knee. “Did I tell you that you could do that?” The foot slave meekly bowed his head, got up and melted back into the crowd.

“You’re so cute,” said Julian fondly, caressing her smooth cheek.

Zoe pushed his hand away with the same disdain she had shown the slave.

“She’s sleeping on Ralph Lauren sheets tonight!” were Zoe’s last words to Julian before she abandoned him entirely to rejoin Teresa Clifford.

Julian scowled with vexation. Zoe’s combativeness was annoying.

Did she think she could turn on her heel and walk away from him like that?

Gloria’s scene with the rope man lasted a half hour, during which time Julian moodily circled the rooms, keeping his eye on Zoe all the while. Now she remained exclusively by the side of the glamorous Teresa, who introduced her to local players.

Finally Julian overheard Zoe consenting to be spanked, then and there, by a young man who was one of the few beside himself not dressed in fetish attire. Unable to resist joining the semi-circle of voyeurs who instantly formed to watch the new girl being spanked, Julian found himself standing close enough to hear the interchange between the stranger and Zoe as it progressed.

First the man clumsily pulled up the tight, expensive, leather dress with Zoe’s anxious cooperation, to expose her pantied, garter-belted bottom. Julian recognized the expensive French combination he had bought her just the other day at Barney’s, and a puff of indignation swelled his chest.

Being neither a polished nor experienced spanker, the young man brought his hand down with the full force of his arm. Zoe cried, “Hey!” and twisted on his lap, trying to slide off. The young man tightened his grip on her waist and walloped her hard three more times, which caused her to violently kick and loudly protest. Julian was momentarily amused.

“Mercy!” Zoe cried angrily.

The young man ignored her plea and raised his arm high above his head to whack her squirming bottom again. But the crude practitioner was never allowed to continue, for Julian caught his wrist.

“The girl has had enough,” Julian told him curtly as Zoe seized the opportunity to scramble off his lap.

“Wait a minute, we were doing a scene,” Zoe’s towheaded assailant protested with some annoyance.

“She said ‘mercy’ and you ignored her,” Julian firmly replied.

“Hey, are you two posers or what? These parties are for serious players,” the veteran member pointed out. Zoe, for her part, could not believe that anyone who could hit so hard could also whine like a girl.

Meanwhile, she wasn’t sure whether to be grateful to Julian for saving her or angry with him for interfering.

“Excuse me,” she said to the offended spanker, then she turned to Julian and muttered a reluctant thank you before marching off to find Teresa, rubbing her bottom through the leather dress as she went.

Julian bristled at Zoe’s not according his truly knightly behavior the proper recognition and resolved to teach her better manners at the first opportunity. He watched her rejoin the poised Teresa Clifford with a mixture of admiration and irritation.

Then he looked across the room at his compliant little pat of creamery butter, now coming out of a standing rope tie, all blushes and trembling. She was exactly what he thought he wanted and as it turned out, she bored him to death. Not to mention the fact that her vulgar remarks to Zoe had given him a very real dislike of Gloria.

With sudden decision Julian walked up to Zoe. Surprised and with a fluttering heart, Zoe introduced him to Teresa.

“It’s a real pleasure to meet you,” said Julian. “I’ve been a fan for years.” Teresa bowed her head with a slight smile. “And I should also thank you for the introduction to Zoe,” he added.

“You’re welcome. I’m happy to see that it worked out so well,” murmured Teresa, excusing herself almost immediately to meet a friend across the room. For Julian was far too attractive for Teresa to risk gazing into the eyes of for more than a moment. Zoe attempted to follow her friend but Julian grabbed her hand before she could get away, the touch electrifying them both.

“Just a minute, young lady. I want to talk to you.”


“Were you going straight home from here?”


“Good. Because I’ll be stopping by around midnight.”

“What about Gloria?”

“I’m taking her home now.”

“But, aren’t you spending the night together?”

“Just be home by midnight,” he told her.

“I will be,” she replied, with surprising meekness.

Julian made her wait until twelve -thirty before arriving at her door and strolling into her sitting room. Zoe had changed into the taupe silk gown and wrapper set that had been another present from Julian.

Outwardly calm, her heart was pounding as she took his jacket from him and put it away.

“Make me a drink,” he ordered coolly, “and try to get the proportions right this time.” He removed his tie, unbuttoned his collar and rolled up his sleeves. In due time Zoe brought him a carefully prepared vodka tonic, which he took from her and drained in a couple of gulps, causing her eyes to widen. Suddenly flooded with peppery warmth he almost smiled at Zoe’s look of consternation. “Good thing you got that right, at least,” he tossed off in her direction, unbuttoning another shirt button.

“I’m surprised to see you here tonight,” she admitted. “I’ve never known a man to change his plans before.”

“Well, I felt your licking couldn’t wait until tomorrow,” he explained.

“But what did I do?”

“First of all, you lied to me about what you were doing tonight,” he remembered triumphantly.

“I did?”

“Remember I called you yesterday and asked you about your plans for the weekend? You said you were busy Friday night and mentioned something about female bonding. But you never once mentioned that you’d be turning up at the OOTC party. Why not?”

“Because it was a last minute decision, I guess,” Zoe hastily explained, knowing full well she had kept her intentions a secret for no reason other than a love of subterfuge.

“Had I known you were going to be there I never would have come with Gloria.”

“Is that true?”

“Of course.”

“Are you going to see her again?”


“Because of me?”

“Because of you.”


“You know, Zoe, we really have to discuss this attitude of yours.”

“I don’t have any attitude.”

“Not now, maybe, but you had plenty at the party.”

“Did I do something you didn’t like?”

“Several things. You let that idiot spank you. You were patently ungrateful when I stopped him from beating you black and blue. You were rude and impertinent when I tried to speak to you. You kept running away from me. And I think that at one point you even stamped your foot.”

“I did all of that?”

“I see you’re not taking me seriously,” he said, stalking her, grabbing her by the elbow and pulling her over to a perfect, armless slipper chair she’d set to one side of the hearth. She pulled back a bit when he tried to take her over his knee but offered little real resistance when he proved determined to pull her over.

He didn’t start immediately, but instead increased her tension by positioning her and slowly pushing up both her wrapper and gown to reveal her bare, oval bottom cheeks.

“That idiot marked you,” Julian reported, examining the several plum-colored bruises that the player at the party had left on her otherwise flawless bottom. “Why did you ever consent to play with him?” Julian stroked her.

“I was bored.”

“Well I can’t very well spank you when you’re already marked,”

Julian observed, without releasing her. “I guess I could humiliate you instead.” In so saying he divided her cheeks with his fingers.

“But why?”

“To punish you for the insufferably independent attitude you’ve been displaying all night.”

“I’m sorry I’m not as submissive as your Gloria!”

“No you’re not,” he told her and slapped her hard once on each cheek. “Come to think of it, maybe I should spank you anyway, marks or not.” And so saying, he rained a dozen smacks down on her bottom.

“You will speak to me in a manner that is civil and polite,” he told her, firmly continuing. Again and again he smacked her upturned bottom, until the deep pink coloration left by his hand nearly overwhelmed the earlier marks left by the unskilled spanker at the party. At length this began to really sting and Zoe started to whimper, wriggling on his lap to escape his hand.

Looking around for something thin, hard and smooth to insert into her bottom, Julian espied a white stoneware mortar and pestle on a shelf close at hand. Reaching out he grabbed the smooth ceramic tool that was the perfect shape and size to invade a lady’s snuggest portal.

First he got it slippery inside her creamy slit, then he spread her cheeks and inserted it into her anus about four inches, leaving only the rounded knob protruding. Zoe lay quite still as he plunged it in and adjusted the angle of insertion.

“Too bad I don’t have any of my enema equipment here,” he lamented, patting the dildo in deeper, “then I could be sure of administering an effective punishment to the most impertinent girlfriend I’ve ever had!” he said with pretended exasperation. “But at least I can spank you,” he promised and then began to do just that.

The hard smacks made her pitch and thrash across his lap and the porcelain rod popped out. “Now look what you’ve done,” he scolded. “Didn’t I tell you to lie still?” Julian spread her cheeks and held them apart. “Every time you let it slip out you’re going to be spanked on the offending area,” he warned, slapping her sharply across her spread bottom crack six times. Then he re-lubricated her from her own fragrant and copious juices and reinserted the pestle into her bottom.

Once she was filled he continued the spanking, holding her firmly against his lap by the waist and placing every third smack on the plug. In a minute she was overwhelmed by a rippling climax that soaked his trouser leg with her essence and left her limp. He lifted her off his lap and pointed to her bedroom, sending her off with a smack. She went slowly, looking back at him in a daze.

“Go to bed, you bad girl,” he told her, turning off the lights. It was a warm night and he walked into her back garden to smell the lilacs. By the time he joined her in the bedroom she had fallen fast asleep.

Shadow Lane Volume 7: How Cute Is That? A Novel of Spanking, Sex and Love

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