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Without the help of generous and thoughtful readers, this book would have remained stuck in the realm of fantasy. I am profoundly grateful to E. Shelley Reid and Deborah Kaplan, who wrestled with an early draft and did not declare it nonsense, but instead offered patient advice and generative feedback about how to focus and revise. Other generous colleagues who helped with editorial support and/or stimulating conversations include Robert Matz, Terry Zawicki, Tamara Harvey, Keith Clark, Stefan Wheelock, Barbara Gomperts, Richard Todd Stafford, Byron Hawk, Hephzibah Roskelley, Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater, Stephen Yarbrough, Nancy Myers, Wendy Sharer, Bruce Southard, Sara Littlejohn, Abby Arnold, and Brandy Grabow. I am especially grateful to Laura Micciche for demonstrating that academic writing can be both lively and meaningful. I owe a debt of gratitude (after all these years) to the creative faculty I was fortunate to work with at UIC, including Clark Hulse, Chris Messenger, Margherita Pieracci Harwell, Virginia Wexman, Michael Lieb, Gene Ruoff, William Covino, David Jolliffe, and especially James Sosnoski and Patricia Harkin. My sincere thanks to Publisher David Blakesley for seeing potential in the manuscript and to copyeditor Heather Christiansen for meticulous editorial assistance. Friends who have energized my spirit with wisdom, humor, aplomb, and encouragement include Annette Van, Jeanne Follansbee, Alexandra Schultheis Moore, Beth Franken, Jeanne Herrick, Cathy Colton, Consolato Gattuso (and Melissa, Tess, Dominick, and Jen), and Joe Rubino. I would also like to honor the memory of those who continue to matter, even if no longer here, including Antonetta Deddo, Helen Wiederhold, Charles Winslow Dulles Gayley, Michele Ciavarella Martinelli, Stephen Stallcup, Ryan Jenson Plachy, and Loran Dale Wiederhold. For evenings of merriment and camaraderie, I am most beholden to Denise Gayley, Joe Stack, Hope Nightingale, David Ellis, John and Margie Gayley, Anne Gabbert, Madi Ellis, and Iain Gayley. And above all, for support and inspiration (and pens, paper, eyedrops, and Italian sausage) I thank my family: Micki Deddo, Lou Armidano, Toni and Derrick Saunders, Brenda Leigh, Jeff Opie, Mark Wiederhold, and, especially, Jim Gayley, who sees between the leaves, hears what is unspoken, and understands my ideas before I do.

Expel the Pretender

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