Everett-Green Evelyn. For the Faith: A Story of the Young Pioneers of Reformation in Oxford
Chapter I: The House by the Bridge
Chapter II: "Christian Brothers."
Chapter III: A Neophyte
Chapter IV: "Merrie May Day."
Chapter V: Sweet Summertide
Chapter VI: For Love and the Faith
Chapter VII: In Peril
Chapter VIII: The Fugitive
Chapter IX: A Steadfast Spirit
Chapter X: A Startling Apparition
Chapter XI: Evil Tidings
Chapter XII: "Brought Before Governors."
Chapter XIII: In Prison
Chapter XV: The Fire At Carfax
Chapter XVI: "Reconciled."
Chapter XVII: The Clemency Of The Cardinal
Chapter XVIII: The Release
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"Holy Church has never forbidden it," said John Clarke, with a very intent look upon his thoughtful, scholar's face.
A young man who stood with his elbow on the mantelshelf, his eye fixed eagerly on the speaker's face, here broke in with a quick impetuosity of manner, which seemed in keeping with his restless, mobile features, his flashing dark eyes, and the nervous motion of his hands, which were never still long together.
"Clarke, let us to London tomorrow! Easter is nigh at hand, and your lectures have ceased for the present. Come with me, and let us see this sight, and bring back word to our friends here how they regard this matter in London. What do you say?"