Читать книгу Introduction to Energy, Renewable Energy and Electrical Engineering - Ewald F. Fuchs - Страница 41



yy‐coordinate of x‐y spatial rectangular system, subscript refers to admittance Ywinding connected in wye/Y/star phasor admittance as a function of angular velocity or frequency ωY‐Y or Y/Yprimary and secondary windings of three‐phase transformer are connected in wye or starY‐Δ or Y/Δprimary winding of three‐phase transformer is connected in wye and secondary winding in deltacross‐branch phasor admittance of transformeradmittance phasorYMamplitude of sinusoidal/cosinusoidal time function y(ωt)

Introduction to Energy, Renewable Energy and Electrical Engineering

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