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4.5.2 Block Matrix


Oftentimes, matrix A to be inverted appears as a block matrix, in agreement with Eq. (4.86) – so the question is to find its inverse, say, B, in a form consistent with Eq. (4.87); A1,1 and B1,1 will hereafter denote regular (m × m) matrices, A1,2 and B1,2 denote (m × p) matrices, A2,1 and B2,1 denote (p × m) matrices, and A2,2 and B2,2 denote regular (p × p) matrices. Under these conditions, Eq. (4.124) may be reformulated to


so Eq. (4.88) may be retrieved to allow transformation of Eq. (4.166) to


this is equivalent to writing






owing to the required equality of matrices in the two sides. Equation (4.169) may be rewritten as


premultiplication of both sides by (which exists because A1,1 is, by hypothesis, a regular square matrix), coupled with Eq. (4.56) and the definition of inverse matrix as per Eq. (4.124) yield


which is equivalent to


at the expense of Eqs. (4.24), (4.57), and (4.64). By the same token, one gets


from Eq. (4.170) – where premultiplication of both sides by produces


at the expense of Eqs. (4.24), (4.57) and (4.124); in view of the definition of identity matrix, one may rewrite Eq. (4.176) as


Insertion of Eq. (4.177) transforms Eq. (4.168) to


where B1,1 may be factored out as


in agreement with Eq. (4.76); isolation of B1,1 then becomes possible via premultiplication of both sides by ( A1,1 − A1,2 A2,1)−1, i.e.


once again with the aid of Eqs. (4.61) and (4.124). One may likewise combine Eqs. (4.171) and (4.174) to get


with the aid of Eq. (4.24), where factoring out of B2,2 yields


again at the expense of Eq. (4.76), besides Eq. (4.8); after premultiplying both sides by ( A2,2 − A2,1 A1,2)−1, while recalling the definition of inverse as per Eq. (4.124) and the major property of an identity matrix as per Eqs. (4.61) and (4.64), one gets


from Eq. (4.182). In view of Eq. (4.183), one may transform Eq. (4.174) as




results from combination of Eqs. (4.177) and (4.180); therefore, Eqs. (4.180) and (4.183)(4.185) support reformulation of Eq. (4.87) finally to


since B = A−1 as per Eqs. (4.124) and (4.166). A similar conclusion on the form of A−1 can, as expected from the double equality in Eq. (4.124), be drawn if AB is replaced by BA in Eq. (4.166).

Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance

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