Читать книгу The Fallen Heroine - Fabienne Gschwind - Страница 7

Tuesday, June 5, 2164


The next day I had on-call duty, where I was off but was supposed to be on call. It was a beautiful early summer day. I sat down on the beach "Plage des Minimes" very close to where I lived. Mainly I lay on my stomach and read books or kept my diary and completed it.

On the whole, everything had been a lot of fun much better than what I had expected. I liked the idea of becoming a professional reprokiller and saving hundreds of people's lives. My colleagues were great and I also really liked Tartelette's gruff manner.

I took my old-fashioned paper book on French history - history is my hobby - and started to read.

I loved reading and my favorite subject, I can only emphasize, was French history.

I had an eight-volume volume on the subject of the “Evolution of french Monarchy." After Charles Martell, Louis XIV and Napoleon came the part that excited me the most: the resurgence of the monarchy during the First Trireligious War. When the world was overrun with assassinations and no one knew who to trust anymore. Corrupt politicians? Self-appointed dictators? Gen-Manipulated policemen and soldiers who, instead of protecting the population, shot unrestrainedly into the crowd? And then there were the nobles. With their coat of arms and mottoes that pointed to the permanence of the nobility and showed that they had survived everything and would still be there.

"Permanence for Europe: monarchy proven for thousands of years", was the motto. A first popular uprising in Hungary led to the old Austro-Hungarian monarchy flourishing again.

Democracy had thus only lasted barely two hundred years. Nobles and royalty took over throughout Europe and other continents. The nobles formed the governments, took over the judiciary and occupied all politically important offices.

The Fallen Heroine

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