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The next witness called was Ida White, an attractive-looking woman about thirty years of age.

The Attorney-general. "What is your name?"

Witness. "Ida White."

The Attorney-general. "Do you know the prisoner?"

Witness. "Yes; he was my master."

The Attorney-general. "In what capacity were you employed?"

Witness. "I was lady's-maid to his wife, my poor dead mistress."

The Attorney-general. "Were you in her service before she was married?"

Witness. "Yes."

The Attorney-general. "What was her maiden name?"

Witness. "Agnes Beach."

The Attorney-general. "When you first entered her service were her parents alive?"

Witness. "Both of them."

The Attorney-general. "Do they still live?"

Witness. "No. Mrs. Beach died on my mistress's wedding-day; Mr. Beach died in February of this year."

The Attorney-general. "Was your late mistress very much affected at her mother's death?"

Witness. "She almost lost her reason. She fell into a fever, and was scarcely expected to live. It was weeks before she recovered."

The Attorney-general. "Have you any knowledge of the circumstances of your mistress's engagement with the prisoner?"

Witness. "She was very much in love with him."

The Attorney-general. "And he with her?"

Witness. "I don't think so."

The Attorney-general. "And according to your observation, not being in love with her, he engaged himself to her?"

Witness. "Yes."

The Attorney-general. "Was she a good-looking woman?"

Witness. "She would not generally be considered so."

The Attorney-general. "Is this a fairly good likeness of her?"

(Photograph of the deceased produced, which, after the witness had examined it, was handed to the jury. It represented a woman, very plain, with a face which seemed to lack intelligence.)

Witness. "It is very like her."

The Attorney-general. "Was she strong-minded?"

Witness. "No, she was not but she was very obstinate when she took it into her head."

The Attorney-general. "How old was she at the time of her engagement with the prisoner?"

Witness. "Twenty-eight."

The Attorney-general. "Do you know the prisoner's age at the time?"

Witness. "My mistress told me he was twenty-four."

The Attorney-general. "Was she well-formed?"

Witness. "No."

The Attorney-general. "Had she a good figure?"

Witness. "No."

The Attorney-general. "Many plain women have some peculiar attraction, either in manners or features. Had she anything of this kind to distinguish her?"

Witness. "I cannot say she had."

The Attorney-general. "But there might have been other attractions. Was she brilliant in conversation?"

Witness. "On the contrary. She had very little to say for herself upon general subjects."

The Attorney-general. "But she was passionately in love with the prisoner?"

Witness. "Passionately."

The Attorney-general. "Did she limp?"

Witness. "Yes. One leg was shorter than the other."

The Attorney-general. "Had she known the prisoner for any length of time before the engagement?"

Witness. "For a few weeks only, I believe."

The Attorney-general. "In what way did he make her acquaintance?"

Witness. "He came to the house."

The Attorney-general. "In a friendly way?"

Witness. "He came first upon business."

The Attorney-general. "To see whom?"

Witness. "My mistress's father, Mr. Beach."

The Attorney-general. "Upon what business?"

Witness. "Upon betting business, my mistress said."

The Attorney-general. "What was Mr. Beach's occupation?"

Witness. "He was a book-maker."

The Attorney-general. "A betting man?"

Witness. "Yes. He used to make large books."

The Attorney-general. "On racing?"

Witness. "Yes."

The Attorney-general. "Was he an educated man?"

Witness. "No."

The Attorney-general. "Would you call him a vulgar man?"

Witness. "Yes."

The Attorney-general. "Did he move in good society?"

Witness. "He did not."

The Attorney-general. "But he was rich?"

Witness. "Very rich. He drank a great deal of champagne."

The Attorney-general. "You say the prisoner first came to the house upon business. Do you know upon what particular business?"

Witness. "It was something about horses, and bets he had made upon them."

The Attorney-general. "Bets which he had lost?"

Witness. "Yes."

The Attorney-general. "How was it that your mistress became acquainted with him on that occasion, when the fact was that he came upon business?"

Witness. "He was asked by Mr. Beach to stay to dinner, and he stayed."

The Attorney-general. "Mr. Beach, you say, was not in good society. Had he any desire to get into it?"

Witness: "He was crazy about it."

The Attorney-general. "Upon the first occasion of the prisoner dining at Mr. Beach's house, did your mistress make any remark with reference to the prisoner?"

Witness. "She never ceased speaking about him. She said she had seen the handsomest man in the world."

The Attorney-general. "Narrate as briefly as you can what occurred between your mistress and the prisoner up to the time they were engaged."

Witness. "He came five or six times to the house, and every time he came my mistress was more and more in love with him. I understood from what she told me that he was in difficulties, and that he had lost a great deal of money at horse-racing."

The Attorney-general. "Did he keep racing horses?"

Witness. "I did not understand that, but that he had been betting upon horses. There was money owing not only to Mr. Beach, but to other book-makers as well, and the prisoner wished Mr. Beach to arrange the whole matter. 'Those things are easily arranged,' I said to my mistress; 'all you have to do is to pay.' 'But supposing you haven't the money to pay?' asked my mistress. 'I thought Mr. Layton was a gentleman,' I said. 'There are poor gentlemen as well as rich gentlemen,' my mistress said, 'and my papa gets a lot of money out of all sorts of people.' That was true enough; I have heard him and his friends chuckling over it many times, and Mr. Beach used to call them a lot of something fools. I heard a great deal about 'swells,' as Mr. Beach called them, being ruined by backing horses, and I knew that that was the way he had grown rich. He used to say that he had got a lot of stuck-up swells under his thumb. 'I can arrange Mr. Layton's business with papa,' my mistress said; and when I found her practising songs at the piano, out of time and out of tune-for she had no ear for music-I knew that she was making up to him. It came about as she wished, and one night she told me she was the happiest woman in the world-that Mr. Layton had proposed and she had accepted him."

The Attorney-general. "Were there rejoicings in the house?"

Witness. "A good many big dinners were given, but I can't say much for the company. My mistress was sometimes very happy, and sometimes very miserable. To-day she complained that he was cold to her, to-morrow she would go on in the most ridiculous way because he gave her a flower, as though it was better than a big diamond."

The Attorney-general. "Did he seem to be wanting in attention to her during the courtship?"

Witness. "He wasn't a very warm lover, as far as I could see. But my mistress was so much in love that she put up with anything. He had only to give her a smile or a pleasant word, and you would think she was in heaven."

The Attorney-general. "How did the prisoner get along with Mr. Beach?"

Witness. "I know they had words on two or three occasions."

The Attorney-general. "About what?"

Witness. "About the settlements. My mistress told me, and she said her father was a screw."

The Attorney-general. "A screw! What was meant by the word?"

Witness. "That he was mean and sharp, that was what she meant."

The Attorney-general. "Go on. That her father was a screw-"

Witness. "And wanted to bind Mr. Layton down too tight. He had conversations with her about it."

The Attorney-general. "He! Who?"

Witness. "Mr. Layton."

The Attorney-general. "Did he seek these conversations?"

Witness. "Oh no; they were of her seeking. She was afraid that something might occur to break off the engagement. She said to me more than once, 'If anything goes wrong, I sha'n't care to live.' I never in all my life saw a woman so madly in love as she was."

The Attorney-general. "Do you know the result of those conversations about the settlements between the prisoner and your mistress?"

Witness. "Both Mr. Beach and Mr. Layton stood out, and I don't believe either of them would have given way if my mistress had not taken it up. She and her father had some warm scenes."

The Attorney-general. "By 'warm' do you mean 'angry?'"

Witness. "Yes."

The Attorney-general. "Whose money was it that was in dispute?"

Witness. "Mr. Beach's. He was rich; Mr. Layton had no money to settle. My mistress used to say, 'I know that I am not very handsome, but I can make Mr. Layton comfortable all his life, and I am sure we shall get along very well together. Papa shall do whatever I want.'"

The Attorney-general. "Then is it your impression that the prisoner paid court to her for her money?"

Witness. "I don't think he would have looked at her else."

The Attorney-general. "And that your mistress was aware of it?"

Witness. "She must have had some notion of it, but it couldn't have been a pleasant thing for her to talk much about, and it seemed to me that she was glad to avoid it. She didn't think she was as plain as she was. No woman does."

The Attorney-general. "How was the matter finally arranged?"

Witness. "The money was settled upon my mistress, and after her death it was to go to Mr. Layton."

The Attorney-general. "Do you know what the amount was?"

Witness. "My mistress told me it was £20,000."

The Attorney-general. "Which would come absolutely into the prisoner's possession when his wife died?"

Witness. "I understood so. My mistress did say something else about the settlement. 'There's one thing I would like put in about the money,' she said, 'and that is, that it shouldn't be his if he married again; but I would not dare to mention it.'"

The Attorney-general. "Did she give you a reason for not daring to mention it?"

Witness. "Yes; that he would break the engagement."

The Attorney-general. "Now, about the wedding. Was it a private or public wedding?"

Witness. "Not private-oh no, not at all! there were at least a hundred at the wedding breakfast, and any amount of champagne was opened."

The Attorney-general. "What kind of company?"

Witness. "Mixed-very much mixed."

The Attorney-general. "Be more explicit. Were there many of Mr. Beach's set there?"

Witness. "They were all of his set."

The Attorney-general. "But some of the prisoner's friends were there as well?"

Witness. "Not one. There were words about it."

The Attorney-general. "On the wedding-day?"

Witness. "Yes."

The Attorney-general. "Words between whom?"

Witness. "Between Mr. Beach and Mr. Layton. I heard Mr. Beach say, I gave you thirty invitations to fill up and Mr. Layton answered, didn't fill up one of them. I didn't intend that a friend of mine should meet such a crew as I knew you would get together.' 'Not good enough for you, I suppose?' said Mr. Beach. 'No,' said Mr. Layton, 'decidedly not good enough,' and then he walked away."

The Attorney-general. "Did your mistress make any remark on the subject?"

Witness. "No she was too happy to find fault with anything. She was delighted, too, with the wedding presents. There was nearly a room full of them."

The Attorney-general. "Many of them from the prisoner's friends?"

Witness. "Not one."

The Attorney-general. "Do you mean to inform the court that not a single friend or relative of the prisoner's was present, and that among the wedding presents there was not a single token from his connections?"

Witness. "Not a single one."

The Attorney-general. "Well, they were married, and they went away?"

Witness. "Yes; they took the night train to Paris."

The Attorney-general. "Did you accompany them?"

Witness. "No."

The Attorney-general. "Did your mistress's mother die before they left?"

Witness. "No; some hours afterwards, and a telegram was sent on to them in Paris, at the Hotel Bristol."

The Attorney-general. "What is the next thing you remember?"

Witness. "A telegram arrived from Mr. Layton, requesting me to come to Paris immediately. We received the telegram at about two o'clock on the day after the wedding, and I went by the night train."

The Attorney-general. "Did any person meet you?"

Witness. "Yes; Mr. Layton. He said my mistress was very ill, and he took me to the hotel. She was in bed, and she remained there for several weeks. I attended her the whole of the time."

The Attorney-general. "Did she have good doctors?"

Witness. "The best that could be got."

The Attorney-general. "Was the prisoner attentive to her?"

Witness. "Pretty well; I shouldn't have liked it."

The Attorney-general. "What do you mean by that?"

Witness. "Well, he never sat by her bedside for any length of time; he never held her hand; he never kissed her. Oh, it is easy to tell when a man loves a woman!"

The Attorney-general. "How long was it before she was able to get about?"

Witness. "Quite three months."

The Attorney-general. "Did she then return to England with her husband?"

Witness. "Not for another month. They went to Italy, and I went with them."

The Attorney-general. "Did the prisoner's attentions to his wife undergo any marked change after her convalescence? Was he more affectionate-more lovingly attentive?"

Witness. "Not that I saw. All he seemed to crave for was excitement. It was nothing but rushing here and rushing there. Every night some theatre or entertainment to go to; every day riding about, and dining out at different places."

The Attorney-general. "So that there was not much of home life?"

Witness. "None at all."

The Attorney-general. "Was this state of things agreeable to your mistress?"

Witness. "I am not sure. Sometimes she suggested to her husband that they should spend a quiet evening at home, but he always replied that he had tickets, or had taken seats, for some place of entertainment. When she spoke to me of the life they were leading, she used to say how attentive her husband was to her, and how he was always looking out for something to amuse her. But I did not regard it in that light; I thought it was more for himself than for her that he kept up such a round of excitement. It helped him to forget."

The Attorney-general. "To forget what?"

Witness. "That he was a married man."

The Attorney-general. "During those early days were there any quarrels between them?"

Witness. "No, not what you can call quarrels. Sometimes she complained, or found fault, but he seldom at that time answered her in any way to cause a quarrel-that is, so far as he was concerned. It was different afterwards. There were occasions during their honey-moon-if you can call it a honey-moon-and at first when they were settled at home, when his silence provoked my mistress, and made her madder than an open row would have done. But the more she stormed the quieter he was, and these scenes always ended in one way: Mr. Layton would leave the house, and remain absent for a good many hours. Then my poor mistress would torment herself dreadfully, and would cry her eyes out, and rave and stamp about like a distracted creature. 'He will never come back!' she would say. 'I have driven him from me! He will make away with himself! What a wretch I am!' A ring at the bell or a knock at the door would send her flying down-stairs to see if it was her husband. I was really afraid sometimes that she would go quite out of her mind. Then, when he came back, she would rush up to him and throw her arms round his neck, and sob, and fall upon her knees to ask forgiveness. It was a dreadful life to lead."

The Attorney-general. "In what way would the prisoner receive these tokens of penitence on the part of your mistress?"

Witness. "In just the same way as he received her scoldings. The one remark I heard him make to her in those days-not always in the same words, but always to the same effect-was, 'You should have more control over yourself.' I used to wonder that a man could be so provoked and keep so cool. But a person may be cold outside and hot inside."

The Attorney-general. "Do you think that was the case with the prisoner?"

Witness. "Yes, I do think so."

The Attorney-general. "Well, they came home and settled down?"

Witness. "Yes."

The Attorney-general. "Now about the home they occupied? Did they rent it, or was it their own property?"

The Nine of Hearts

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