Читать книгу The Naughty List Bundle with The Night Before Christmas & Yule Be Mine - Fern Michaels - Страница 25



Christie hadn’t dressed for the office. She’d dressed for him. Bought the new emerald green dress to match the panties. Maybe that was overkill, but she’d been feeling sexy at the time. Good thing she’d brought her coat with her. Otherwise she’d be flashing a lot of skin as she rushed down the hallway.

Christie skidded to a halt on her two-inch heels, a very precarious halt, and she eyed the mess that was her office. “Sonofabitch.”

Daniel was there at once, reaching for her, his eyes worried, his face tense. “It’s okay, Christie, I know this is upsetting—”

“Yes, it’s upsetting.” Major understatement. “Some jerk ruined my office!” And her files. Oh, jeez, it would take forever to get those organized again. So many hours lost.

“Don’t worry about this tonight.” Daniel caught her hands and held them tight. “Just go back to our parents, relax, and—”

“Trust me, Dan, I’m really not in the mood to relax.” She was so mad her skin felt like it was burning. She craned her neck. “Where’s Jonas?”

A muscle flexed in Daniel’s jaw. “Jonas works the stiffs. We don’t need him on a vandalism case. And it’s just vandalism. I don’t think anything was taken from your office.”

Not taken. Just destroyed. “I need him.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Jonas muttered from behind her.

Daniel swore.

She whirled around and found Jonas sauntering back from her lab area. As he came closer, she noticed the redness on his jaw. “Jonas?” She hurried back into the hallway, nearly toppling only once in her shoes. “What happened?”

“Must be something about your office,” he told her, his lip curling a bit. “Makes folks want to assault cops.”

Her fingers skimmed his jaw. “What?” His words sank in and her eyes widened. “Charles? Did he come back? Did he do this?” He’d actually hit Jonas? Had he been the one to trash her office, too?

“Nah, not him, not this time.”

“It was me.” Daniel’s arm brushed hers as he came to her side. “I punched the asshole.” He glared at Jonas. “And he didn’t punch back.”

Jonas inclined his head. “Didn’t arrest you either. Guess it’s your lucky night.”

Daniel rocked forward. “You’re screwing my sister!”

Oh. Ouch. Christie slammed her hand on his chest. “No.” She kept her voice quiet and cool. A real effort, but the new and improved Christie could manage that effort. “Your sister is screwing him.” She didn’t even stutter when she tossed that out.

Daniel’s eyes bulged.

“And if you try to take a swing at him again…” Because that really pissed her off. She wasn’t sixteen. She didn’t need him fighting her battles anymore. Fighting her battles or her lovers. Hadn’t she told him that enough times? “If you swing at him again, I’ll punch you.” Her right hook was even better than his.

Daniel blinked. “Christie?” He asked like he wasn’t sure he was talking to his sister.

She kept her hand on his chest.

“I told you she could handle a little stress.” This came from Jonas.

More than a little. She’d been handling stress all her life. Try being thirteen in a room full of eighteen-year-olds—stress much?

Daniel’s gaze bored into her. “Christie, you know what he’s like.”

“He’s your best friend. He’s had your back for years. Yes, I know.” She bit out the words. “He’s strong and loyal and—”

“Not when it comes to women.” Daniel caught her hand and tried to tug her away from Jonas. She wasn’t in the mood to be tugged. “When it comes to women, he’s just like me.”

She shook her head. “You’re—”

“No commitment, Christie.”

Jonas rolled his shoulders.

“When’s the last time I brought someone home for you to meet?” Daniel pushed.


“Sex is great. Sex is fucking fantastic.” Daniel huffed out a breath. “But I’m not looking for forever right now.”

Neither is Jonas. The words hung unspoken in the air.

She took a moment to make sure her voice wouldn’t waver. “I’m not a kid who needs looking after anymore.” She licked her lips and did the hair-toss she’d seen other women do, the move that made them look like they were confident and in charge. “I’m a woman who knows what she wants.”

“Damn right.” Jonas sounded pleased, almost proud.

She ignored him. “I don’t want forever.”

Daniel’s eyes slit so much he seemed to squint.

“Men aren’t the only ones who just want—what did you call it? Fucking fantastic sex.”

Daniel’s jaw dropped.

“Jonas and I understand each other. What’s happening is between us, not you.” Christie glanced at Jonas. His eyes were on her, and his expression—well, crap, what was wrong with him? He was glaring at her.

Glaring when she was trying to stop him from getting into another fight with her brother.

“Uh, Ms. Tate?” the uniformed officer called out tentatively.

She’d forgotten about the other cops. Oh, fabulous. Had they heard everything? How fast would this little conversation get repeated at the station? No wonder Jonas looked pissed.

She cleared her throat and looked at the cop.

“Since you’re here, ma’am, we need you to do a sweep and determine if anything was taken.”

“Right.” She sucked in what should have been a cleansing breath. It wasn’t. Christie stepped back and pointed at both Jonas and Daniel. “You two going to behave?”

Glares were her response.

“Fine.” She shifted her focus to Jonas. “Feel free to arrest him if he swings again, or if you want to punch back, we both know he’s got a glass jaw.” With that, she left them, aware that her strong front was about to shatter.

Her knees shook as she headed back toward her office. The damn heels twisted beneath her and she almost went down hard. Only a quick grab of the wall saved her, the wall and—

Jonas’s hand, catching her under her elbow.

“Sexy as hell, baby,” he breathed the words in her ear and she realized her coat had come open to reveal the green dress. His gaze dipped to her cleavage. “Sexy as hell,” he whispered again, “but those shoes could be lethal.”

He bent and ran his hand over her calf. A soft, sensual caress that had her breath catching.

He eased off her high heel. The left shoe, then the right.

Her stocking-clad feet touched the soft carpet.

“Watch your step,” he told her, and for an instant, she couldn’t move because the warning in those words was too heavy. The man wasn’t just talking about walking. So about what? Them? The attack in her office? She forced her shoulders to straighten and she pushed away from him. She grabbed the heels, clutching them too tightly, and even though she was tempted, Christie didn’t look back.

“I don’t know what kind of game Christie thinks she’s playing.” Daniel spoke only after Christie disappeared with Officer Piner. “But she’s not up to handling you.”

Jonas realized he was still staring after her. “Sometimes, I don’t think you know her well at all.” He slanted Daniel a measuring glance. Dangerous territory. He could well lose his friend over this.

She’s worth it.

“You don’t know her,” Daniel snapped right back.

Yeah, he did. “I know she’s stronger than everyone gives her credit for.” Stronger than he’d given her credit for in the beginning. That woman wouldn’t break when reality shoved its ugly face before her. No, she wasn’t going to break—period.

“So what? You think that makes it okay for you to screw around with her?” Real fury vibrated in Daniel’s voice. “She’s my sister! And you’re not—”

Jonas spun around. “Save it, Daniel.” And you’re not good enough for her. Yeah, he got that picture. “This isn’t about you.” Just her.

But Daniel blazed on. “You’re not the kind of guy who’s going to settle down. Hell, until six months ago, you were a different man with every case you took! Christie isn’t like you—she wants stability. She wants a family. She wants forever.”

But she’d only asked him for a few nights. She’d told him she didn’t want forever.

Or she just didn’t want it with him.

“I told her to be careful with you.” Daniel crossed his arms over his chest. “I warned her, but she didn’t listen.”

“I’m not gonna hurt her.”

Daniel just stared back at him. Then he exhaled. “You’ve known her all these years. So long. Why now? Why’d you finally make a move now?”

Because you’re right—until six months ago, I was a different man almost every damn day. I was drowning in the crime and the hate and realized I had to get out. And when I got out…there was Christie. As perfect and tempting as she’d always been and this time… “Because she wanted me.”

“Plenty of women will screw you, you don’t have to—”

“She wanted me,” he said again. “She knew me, and she still wanted me.” Dark shadows on his soul and all. “With Christie, I wasn’t gonna be fool enough to turn away from her. Not even for the sake of our friendship. So just deal with it, asshole.”

Daniel blinked at him. “Wait, man, are you sayin’—”

“I’m saying it’s none of your business, and I’m saying the last thing you want to do”—he let the steel ripple beneath his words because he was tired of explaining himself and tired of playing the nice guy—“is get between me and Christie.”

Because nothing would keep him from her, and friendship could only stretch so far.


“I don’t think anything is missing.” Christie sounded uncertain as she appeared once more in the hallway, with the cops at her sides. “The files”—she shrugged her shoulders—“will take me hours to sort through, so I can’t say for certain. But…I didn’t really have anything of value. The computer is still there—smashed—but there. The fax machine, the printer, all my photos—everything seems to be still inside.”

Officer Piner—Larry—had his notebook out. “If something wasn’t taken, then it seems like this was a personal attack against you.”

Jonas forgot about Daniel and hurried to her side.

“Does anyone have a grudge against you, Ms. Tate?” Larry asked.

Her brows rose.

“Did you fight with anyone recently?” Larry’s partner asked. He was a young guy with blond hair and ruddy cheeks.

Christie’s gaze darted to Jonas. “There was an…incident the other night. Right after the office Christmas party.”

Daniel pushed closer. “What kind of incident?”

Her hand rose and caught the edge of her Christmas tree necklace. She pulled on the bottom of the tree, stretching the thin gold chain. Her gaze went back to Larry. “A situation with my ex became a bit heated.”

“What?” Daniel demanded. “Was Charles causing trouble? I knew I should have fired—”

“Does this Charles have a last name?” Larry interrupted.

“Charles Crenshaw.” She dropped the necklace. It fell back into the lush cradle of her breasts. “But he wouldn’t do this. He’s an accountant, for goodness sake. He wouldn’t—”

“Take a swing at a cop because he was jealous that you were with another man?” Jonas offered quietly. “I think you’re underestimating the accountant.”

Her lips thinned.

“I think so, too,” Larry murmured. “And I think we’re gonna be wanting to have a talk with Mr. Crenshaw.” He glanced at Daniel. “Is there any way he could have gained access to this building without being on the security camera downstairs?”

Before Christie had arrived, Larry had gone with Jonas to view those tapes. And they hadn’t seen anyone. Only Jamie, the security guard. No one else had entered the building or left. Not until Daniel came by a little after seven.

Daniel frowned. “The cameras rotate. I guess…if you knew the timing, you might be able to avoid ’em, but there’s still Jamie.”

“Who didn’t see anyone.” Larry shut his notebook.

“Maybe we’re looking at the time all wrong on this,” Jonas said quietly. They’d only gone back over the day’s footage. “Maybe the attack didn’t happen today. Maybe it happened after the party.”

When everyone was leaving. Too much activity. Too many people.

Sure, the computer would have made noise when it was smashed, but he’d seen for himself just how deserted this area of the building had been that night. All of the action had been in the common areas. No one would’ve even heard the crash.

And there’d only been a few people left hanging around after Santa had finished all his deliveries.

He slanted a hard glance at Daniel. “Why’d you come to her office?”

“I wanted a printout on the projected development of Rover.”

Right. Rover the Robot.

“I thought I’d show the info to Dad tonight. Figured he’d get a kick out of it. He loves Christie’s designs.”

Jonas nodded. “So if you hadn’t come by, no one would have even noticed the destruction until after Christmas.” What a hell of a present for Christie to return to. Maybe that was what the asshole wanted.

“I’ll be needing Mr. Crenshaw’s address,” Larry said quietly.

“And I’ll be coming with you to talk with the jerk.” Jonas shook his head. “I knew I should have let that dumbass spend a night in jail.”

Christie shook her head. “Look, Charles might have been angry, but he wouldn’t do this. He backed off, remember? He knows things are over between us. Hell, he’s already seeing someone else. Vicki Jasper. They’ll probably get married one day and have little accounting babies.” She sucked in a deep breath. “He’s not the kind of guy who would destroy my office.”

“Then who would?” Jonas asked, stepping close, catching her scent and wanting to touch her so badly that he ached. “Who else would do this? Who else would want to hurt you?”

If she’d give him a name, he’d get busy tearing the bastard apart.

Her gaze held his. “No one. I can’t think…no one.”

But someone was out there. Someone who had a grudge against her. Someone who was going to pay.

And Charles Crenshaw was at the top of his list.

Jonas didn’t go back to her parents’ house with her. Her parents saved dinner for her and Daniel, had kept their guests waiting so they could all eat together.

Her father was furious about her office, and he kept tossing out threats left and right. Her mother seemed worried, her voice quiet and concerned as she asked questions.

And Daniel—well, he still seemed pissed.

There was an extra seat at the table. An obviously empty seat. She’d asked her mother to make room for Jonas, and Clara had. Room that wasn’t needed.

“Christie, dear, what happened to your friend?” her mom finally asked in her soft, southern drawl, just as they were beginning the second course. Maybe her mom was trying to take the focus off the vandalism. Maybe she was simply curious. Clara was known for her curiosity—ahem, nosiness—as much as for the slew of beauty pageant wins she’d racked up as a younger woman.

Christie’s hold on her knife tightened. “Jonas is working on the investigation about the incident tonight.” Incident sounded nice and vague. She really didn’t want her aunts, uncles, and assorted cousins knowing that her office had been trashed, quite possibly by an ex-lover.

“Jonas?” Her mother repeated and a smile stretched her lips. “Oh, well, he’ll get to the bottom of this and—”

“No, mom.” A long sigh came from Daniel. “What Christie means is that Jonas can’t be here because he’s working the case.”

“Such a shame,” her mother said, still obviously missing the point. “I invite him every year and he never—”

“Jonas was my date,” Christie interrupted, figuring it would be best to just break in with the news.

“Your date?” her mother repeated. Then her smile widened and her blue eyes gleamed. “Oh, finally, you’re picking an interesting man!”

Yes, she was. Her gaze shifted to her father. She knew he’d heard everything.

He stared back at her. “You know what you’re doing?”

She nodded.

He picked up his fork. “I always rather liked Jonas.”


Her father aimed his fork at Daniel. “You like him, too, so don’t be glaring at me, boy.”

“He’s dating Christie.”

Her father glanced her way once more. “Then that makes him one lucky man.”

Christie swallowed. “Thanks, Dad.”

“I learned my lesson with you years ago, sweetheart.” A grin edged his mouth. “You weren’t ever really interested in that Benjamin, were you?”

She shook her head.

“Sometimes love can make a man do crazy things.” He dove into his plate, came back up, and said, “But my girl is damn smart, and if she’s chosen to be with Jonas, then that’s fine by me.”

Daniel hung his head. “He is a lucky bastard.”

She thought about Jonas’s past. No, he wasn’t lucky. She was the one who’d had all the luck.

Daniel happened to look at her then. His eyes narrowed on her face. “Christie?”

People talked around them. Her mother turned away, chatting with a cousin. Daniel scooted toward her. “You…know, don’t you?” he asked.

She still hadn’t managed to take a bite of food. She let her fork drop. “Know what?” Jonas’s secrets were his. Not her place to tell them.

“I’ll be damned.” Daniel’s eyes swept her face. “He told you.”

No, I already knew.

“As far as I know, he’s never told anyone but me,” he said.

Her temper began to boil. It had really been one hell of a night. The break-in. The fight between Jonas and Daniel. Finding out her ex might be gunning for her. “He told you because he trusts you, Daniel. You’re friends, remember? Even if you’re acting like a jerk, he still sees you as his friend.”

His gaze held hers. “I’m sorry,” he said softly, slowly.

“Don’t tell me,” she muttered. “Tell him.”

The doorbell rang then. A long, echoing peal of sound, and Christie couldn’t help it—her heart started to race.

Then a few moments later, Jonas walked into the room, and her heart nearly jumped out of her chest. His hair was swept back, and the leather coat stretched across his shoulders. He stopped when he saw the packed table. The spread of food. All those relatives.

She stood up, shoving her chair back. “Jonas!” She couldn’t stop the wide smile that lifted her lips.

He smiled back at her. A hesitant curl of his mouth that made the man look even sexier.

Daniel rose, too. “Come on over here, man,” he called over the din of voices. “We’ve got you a seat waiting.” Daniel’s hand squeezed Christie’s shoulder.

Her brother really could be a good man. He just sold himself short too much.

Jonas came around the table, his steps a bit slow. The bulge of his weapon was gone. He’d been armed when he met her at Tate Toys. He’d been a cop then. Now, he was coming to dinner just as a man. Her date. Christie took his hand and pulled him down beside her.

Just sex? Who was she kidding?

“Glad to see you, Jonas,” her mother told him, flashing her dimpled smile.

“Son, we’ve got plenty to eat,” her dad said, waving his hand over the table.

Jonas blinked and shot her a questioning glance.

She caught his hand beneath the table. “It’s Christmas,” she told him. “And you’ve been welcome here with my family for years.” But finally, finally, he’d come to celebrate with them.

His fingers tightened around hers.

She had to swallow the lump that rose in her throat. Daniel leaned forward and said bluntly, “Sorry for being a dick.”

To which her mother immediately shouted, “Oh, Lord, language! Don’t let Grandma Addie hear that kind of talk!”

“Too late!” came Addie’s ninety-three-year-old cackle, because she loved that kind of talk. Her husband of seventy years had been a sailor.

When Daniel winced, Jonas laughed. His head tilted back, and a deep rumble of laughter shook his chest.

Christie stared at him, speechless, lost. So lost—in him.

Right then, she knew exactly what she wanted for the holidays. Not just sex. Not fleeting pleasure. Him.

Too bad she couldn’t have what she wanted.

Jonas followed her home. Kept her taillights in sight at all times. Kept her in his mind.

They hadn’t been able to find the ex. Jonas had gone with the cops to Charles Crenshaw’s house, but he hadn’t been there. According to a neighbor, Crenshaw left town yesterday. An annual trip back to see his parents at Christmas.

So the guy could have trashed the office Friday night, then—calm as you please—driven to Cincinnati to see his family.

But Jonas didn’t like the whole damn situation, and until he got a better handle on just what the hell was happening, he planned to stay close to Christie. Not that staying close was any kind of hardship.

She pulled into her driveway and the garage door began to open. He followed her, aware that the routine seemed way too comfortable and easy. Like I’m coming home.

Bullshit, of course. Her place wasn’t his home. Not even close. His home was the barren apartment over on Bentley. The place that hadn’t even sported a Christmas tree until noon. He’d picked the thing up during lunch. He’d been worried Christie would come to his place and, well, hell, the woman loved Christmas. He’d needed the tree for her.

He climbed out of his car and slammed the door. Christie waited for him by the doorway, a warm smile on her lips. The same smile she’d given him at her parents’ place, the smile that made him feel like he’d taken a punch in the gut.

For that sweet curve of her lips, he’d gladly take a hit.

He hurried to her, aware of the grind of the garage door as it lurched back down. His gloved fingers slid down her cheek. Her dress was driving him crazy.

Christie laughed lightly and turned away. She unlocked the door and walked inside—

Then she froze. The lights in the den and kitchen blazed cheerfully, but Christie wasn’t moving.


“I turned that light off when I left.” Her hand pointed to the kitchen.

Shit. He shoved her behind him. “Get in your car. Pull out onto the street. Lock the doors and stay there.” He took a step forward.

Christie grabbed his hand. “What are you doing?”

He had his phone out. “Calling for backup.” And checking the place out. He threw her a hard stare. “Go, Christie. Now.” He didn’t want her around any danger.

Her delicate jaw tightened. “Be careful, Jonas.”

“Always, baby.”

She slipped outside, and he got ready to hunt.

The Naughty List Bundle with The Night Before Christmas & Yule Be Mine

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