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Занятие №10. Семья


Лексика: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, son, brother, daughter, sister, beautiful, clever, happy, cook, work

Грамматика: Местоимения She/ Hе/ Wе. Глагол to bе в настоящем времени (is/are).


I’ve got my mother,

She is the best.

I’ve got my father,

He has no rest.

I’ve got my brother,

He is only eight.

We always play together,

He is cool and great.

Образец устной речи учащихся:

This is my family. I have a mother / father / brother / sister.

My mother is beautiful. She can cook.

My father is clever. He can work.

My brother is cool. He can read.

We are a happy family.

Do you have a brother? – Yes, I have ….

Знакомство с буквой Jj:

Jj [dƷei ]

jelly – желе, мармелад

English Time. Starter-1. Учебно-методическое пособие

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