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Table of Contents

"Britain's Sure Shield" Frontispiece
Uniforms of the British Navy: Midshipman, Admiral, Flag-Lieutenant, Secretary (Fleet Paymaster) 96
Uniforms of the British Navy: A.B. (Marching Order), 1st Class Petty Officer, Stoker 188
Uniforms of the Royal Marines: Gunner, R.M.A.; Colour-Sergeant, R.M.L.I.; Major, R.M.A 236
H.M.S. "Dreadnought" Firing a Broadside of 12-inch Guns 10
Learning to Fight Zeppelins 16
A War-galley in the Days of King Alfred 36
The "Great Harry", the First Big Battleship of the British Navy 70
A Sea-fight in Tudor Times 78
Destroying a Straggler from the Armada 82
Lord Howard Attacking a Ship of the Spanish Armada 84
The "Royal George" Engaging the "Soleil Royal" in Quiberon Bay, 1759 90
The "Victory" in Gala Dress 92
"The Glorious 1st of June", 1794 94
The Release of Christian Prisoners at Algiers 108
The Fight between a Merchantman and a Turkish Pirate 112
Teaching the Spaniard "The Honour of the Flag" 118
The Battle of the Nore, June, 1653, between the English and Dutch 122
The "Dulle Griete" at Ghent 130
The Main Gun Deck on H.M.S. "Victory" 140
Naval Gunnery in the Old Days 142
13.5-inch Guns on H.M.S. "Conqueror" 144
H.M.S. "Warrior", our First Sea-going Ironclad Battleship 154
A Monster Gun which is now Obsolete 162
A Fleet of Submarines in Portsmouth Harbour 176
English Bluejackets at the Defence of Acre 192
The Naval Brigade in the Battle of El-Teb 200
Our Seamen Gunners with a Maxim 202
Deck of a "Dreadnought" Cleared for Action 206
The British Submarine "E2" 216
The 13.5-inch Gun: Some Idea of its Length 238
6-inch Gun Drill: The Breech Open 240
The Sinking of the German Cruiser "Mainz" 248
"Missed!"; the Helm the Best Weapon against Torpedoes 258
The British Air Raid on Cuxhaven: Drawing by John de G. Bryan 302
The British Air Raid on Cuxhaven: Sea-plane flown by Flight-Commander R. Ross 304
The British Navy Book

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