Joseph Andrews, Vol. 2

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Fielding Harold. Joseph Andrews, Vol. 2
BOOK II. – continued
CHAPTER XIV. An interview between parson Adams and parson Trulliber
CHAPTER XV. An adventure, the consequence of a new instance which parson Adams gave of his forgetfulness
CHAPTER XVI. A very curious adventure, in which Mr Adams gave a much greater instance of the honest simplicity of his heart, than of his experience in the ways of this world
CHAPTER XVII. A dialogue between Mr Abraham Adams and his host, which, by the disagreement in their opinions, seemed to threaten an unlucky catastrophe, had it not been timely prevented by the return of the lovers
CHAPTER I. Matter prefatory in praise of biography
CHAPTER II. A night scene, wherein several wonderful adventures befel Adams and his fellow-travellers
CHAPTER III. In which the gentleman relates the history of his life
CHAPTER IV. A description of Mr Wilson's way of living. The tragical adventure of the dog, and other grave matters
CHAPTER V. A disputation on schools held on the road between Mr Abraham Adams and Joseph; and a discovery not unwelcome to them both
CHAPTER VI. Moral reflections by Joseph Andrews; with the hunting adventure, and parson Adams's miraculous escape
CHAPTER VII. A scene of roasting, very nicely adapted to the present taste and times
CHAPTER VIII. Which some readers will think too short and others too long
CHAPTER IX. Containing as surprizing and bloody adventures as can be found in this or perhaps any other authentic history
CHAPTER X. A discourse between the poet and the player; of no other use in this history but to divert the reader
CHAPTER XI. Containing the exhortations of parson Adams to his friend in affliction; calculated for the instruction and improvement of the reader
CHAPTER XII. More adventures, which we hope will as much please as surprize the reader
CHAPTER XIII. A curious dialogue which passed between Mr Abraham Adams and Mr Peter Pounce, better worth reading than all the works of Colley Cibber and many others
CHAPTER I. The arrival of Lady Booby and the rest at Booby-hall
CHAPTER II. A dialogue between Mr Abraham Adams and the Lady Booby
CHAPTER III. What passed between the lady and lawyer Scout
CHAPTER IV. A short chapter, but very full of matter; particularly the arrival of Mr Booby and his lady
CHAPTER V. Containing justice business; curious precedents of depositions, and other matters necessary to be perused by all justices of the peace and their clerks
CHAPTER VI. Of which you are desired to read no more than you like
CHAPTER VII. Philosophical reflections, the like not to be found in any light French romance. Mr Booby's grave advice to Joseph, and Fanny's encounter with a beau
CHAPTER VIII. A discourse which happened between Mr Adams, Mrs Adams, Joseph, and Fanny; with some behaviour of Mr Adams which will be called by some few readers very low, absurd, and unnatural
CHAPTER IX. A visit which the polite Lady Booby and her polite friend paid to the parson
CHAPTER X. The history of two friends, which may afford an useful lesson to all those persons who happen to take up their residence in married families
CHAPTER XI. In which the history is continued
CHAPTER XII. Where the good-natured reader will see something which will give him no great pleasure
CHAPTER XIII. The history, returning to the Lady Booby, gives some account of the terrible conflict in her breast between love and pride; with what happened on the present discovery
CHAPTER XIV. Containing several curious night-adventures, in which Mr Adams fell into many hair-breadth 'scapes, partly owing to his goodness, and partly to his inadvertency
CHAPTER XV. The arrival of Gaffar and Gammar Andrews, with another person not much expected; and a perfect solution of the difficulties raised by the pedlar
CHAPTER XVI. Being the last in which this true history is brought to a happy conclusion
Отрывок из книги
Parson Adams came to the house of parson Trulliber, whom he found stript into his waistcoat, with an apron on, and a pail in his hand, just come from serving his hogs; for Mr Trulliber was a parson on Sundays, but all the other six might more properly be called a farmer. He occupied a small piece of land of his own, besides which he rented a considerable deal more. His wife milked his cows, managed his dairy, and followed the markets with butter and eggs. The hogs fell chiefly to his care, which he carefully waited on at home, and attended to fairs; on which occasion he was liable to many jokes, his own size being, with much ale, rendered little inferior to that of the beasts he sold. He was indeed one of the largest men you should see, and could have acted the part of Sir John Falstaff without stuffing. Add to this that the rotundity of his belly was considerably increased by the shortness of his stature, his shadow ascending very near as far in height, when he lay on his back, as when he stood on his legs. His voice was loud and hoarse, and his accents extremely broad. To complete the whole, he had a stateliness in his gait, when he walked, not unlike that of a goose, only he stalked slower.
Mr Trulliber, being informed that somebody wanted to speak with him, immediately slipt off his apron and clothed himself in an old night-gown, being the dress in which he always saw his company at home. His wife, who informed him of Mr Adams's arrival, had made a small mistake; for she had told her husband, "She believed there was a man come for some of his hogs." This supposition made Mr Trulliber hasten with the utmost expedition to attend his guest. He no sooner saw Adams than, not in the least doubting the cause of his errand to be what his wife had imagined, he told him, "He was come in very good time; that he expected a dealer that very afternoon;" and added, "they were all pure and fat, and upwards of twenty score a-piece." Adams answered, "He believed he did not know him." "Yes, yes," cried Trulliber, "I have seen you often at fair; why, we have dealt before now, mun, I warrant you. Yes, yes," cries he, "I remember thy face very well, but won't mention a word more till you have seen them, though I have never sold thee a flitch of such bacon as is now in the stye." Upon which he laid violent hands on Adams, and dragged him into the hog-stye, which was indeed but two steps from his parlour window. They were no sooner arrived there than he cry'd out, "Do but handle them! step in, friend! art welcome to handle them, whether dost buy or no." At which words, opening the gate, he pushed Adams into the pig-stye, insisting on it that he should handle them before he would talk one word with him.
Adams told him it was now in his power to return that favour; for his extraordinary goodness, as well as that fund of literature he was master of,1 which he did not expect to find under such a roof, had raised in him more curiosity than he had ever known. "Therefore," said he, "if it be not too troublesome, sir, your history, if you please."
The gentleman answered, he could not refuse him what he had so much right to insist on; and after some of the common apologies, which are the usual preface to a story, he thus began.