Читать книгу The Affair at the Inn - Findlater Jane Helen - Страница 1


An account of certain events which are supposed to have occurred in the month of May 19 – , at a quiet inn on Dartmoor, in Devonshire; the events being recorded by the persons most interested in the unfolding of the little international comedy.

The story is written by four authors, each author being responsible for one character, as follows: —

Miss Virginia Pomeroy, of Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A., by Kate Douglas Wiggin, Author of 'Penelope's Experiences,' etc.

Mrs. MacGill, of Tunbridge Wells, by Mary Findlater, Author of 'The Rose of Joy,' etc.

Miss Cecilia Evesham, Mrs. MacGill's companion, by Jane Findlater, Author of 'The Green Graves of Balgowrie,' etc.

Sir Archibald Maxwell Mackenzie, of Kindarroch, N.B., by Allan McAulay, Author of 'The Rhymer,' etc.

The Affair at the Inn

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