Читать книгу Sleepover Girls in the Ring - Fiona Cummings, Louis Catt - Страница 6


It was pretty obvious to my parents that something was wrong when I arrived home from Fliss’s so early. Plus, Dad was already standing in the hall holding the phone receiver about a mile from his ear. I could hear someone screaming and yelling on the other end. No prizes for guessing who that was! Mum reluctantly took the receiver from Dad and leant against the hall table.

“Hello Nikky, it’s Valerie. I think you’d better start from the beginning.”

The sobs from the other end of the phone quietened a little, and Mum went into her patient-listening mode. I crept up the stairs and sat down near the top. I kind of wanted to know what Fliss’s mum was saying, but I daren’t really go any closer.

After what felt like about six hours, Mum finally put the phone down and had a muted conversation with Dad. Then she called upstairs angrily:

“Laura McKenzie! Get yourself down here, now!”

Oh-oh. This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all.

As I walked into the lounge, Molly shuffled out, smirking.

“You’re for it now, dog-breath!” she goaded.

I didn’t even feel like punching her.

“Sit down!” Both my parents had their “this-is-very-serious” expressions on.

“That was Fliss’s mum on the phone,” Mum began, like I couldn’t guess that for myself. “She is very upset…” BLAH BLAH BLAH… “we’re very disappointed in you…” BLAH BLAH BLAH… “thought we could trust you but you’re obviously still acting like a toddler…”

Sleepover Girls in the Ring

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