Читать книгу Social Policy - Fiona Williams - Страница 2




Title Page



A Note on Terminology

1 Introduction Continuities and changes Structure of the book Notes

Part I Orientation 2 A Critical and Intersectional Approach to Social Policy Introduction Remarginalization of the social An intersectional approach for social policy A critical approach to social policy Conclusion Notes 3 Intersecting Global Crises and Dynamics of Family, Nation, Work and Nature: A Framework for Analysis Introduction Neoliberalism, welfare and austerity Frame 1: Intersecting global crises Frame 2: The intersections of family, nation, work and nature Conclusion Notes

Part II Analysis 4 Unsettling/Settling Family–Nation–Work–Nature: From Austerity to Pandemic Introduction 1: Work, family and nation: the depletion and devaluation of care 2: Bordering practices in the post-racial settling 3: Necropolitics, nation and nature 4: Not all of a piece Conclusion Notes 5 The Social Relations of Welfare: Subjects, Agents, Activists Introduction The turn to agency The dynamics of agency Agency in the social relations of welfare Logics of contestation and resistance Conclusion Notes 6 Intersections in the Transnational, Social and Political Economy of Care Introduction A story of changes and continuities Micro-intersections layered in close encounters Institutional intersections at the meso-scale The transnational political and social economy of care Conclusion: towards care-ethical global justice Notes

Part III Praxis 7 Towards an Eco-Welfare Commons: Intersections of Political Ethics and Prefigurative Practices Introduction Ethics grounded in the struggles of care, the environment and decoloniality Translating ethics into practical eco-social politics Towards the eco-welfare commons Conclusion Notes 8 Conclusion: Multidimensional Thinking for Social Policy Introduction Reconstituting the knowledge base of social policy Relational knowledge and practices Reconstruction and reimagination in post-Covid-19 futures Notes

10  Appendix I: Elaborating Family–Nation–Work–Nature and Welfare

11  Appendix II: Situating the Author in Social Policy

12  References

13  Index

14  End User License Agreement



Table of Contents

Title Page



A Note on Terminology

Begin Reading



10  End User License Agreement

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Framing the intersections of neoliberal welfare

2 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Letter to an NHS trust

3 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Forms of agency exercised by people in poverty

4 Appendix IIFigure A.1 Poster used in the May ’68 student-worker rebellions, produced by…Figure A.2 Poster for public-sector workers’ rally, 1973Figure A.3 Demonstrating against the cuts: Islington High Street, March 1973 (I have the…

List of Tables

1 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Intersecting scales and categories of analysis











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Social Policy

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