Читать книгу The Mum Who Got Her Life Back - Fiona Gibson, Fiona Gibson - Страница 15

Part Two Sex and the Empty Nester: Things to Know


 • Your friends will go on about how you can ‘swing from the chandeliers’ – or your IKEA ‘Maskros’ pendant lamp – now the kids have left home. There may be an expectation that you are doing it constantly. You might feel obliged to say you are.

 • Even ordinary sex is better now that you don’t have to be silent.

 • You might find yourself being super-noisy and shouty – more than you ever were pre-children – just because you can.

 • Being able to wander about in the nude feels like a wonderful novelty of which you will never tire.

 • It’s important to enjoy this stage while it lasts – because it might not.

The Mum Who Got Her Life Back

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