Читать книгу Letting Go With Dr Rodriguez - Fiona Lowe, Fiona Lowe - Страница 3


Dear Reader

A couple of years ago I was fortunate enough to attend a polo match. Watching those nuggety polo ponies strut their stuff was awe-inspiring. With their hogged (roached) manes and braided tails, they have amazing agility and can turn on the spot. Polo players will tell you that their game is eighty percent horse and twenty percent their own skill.

Ever since that sunny Saturday afternoon I have wanted to have a polo match in a book, but each story ended up on a different trajectory and the polo match didn’t fit. Until now. I mean how could I have a gorgeous Argentine hero and not have a polo match?

However, I didn’t realise how important this polo match would be to my characters until I wrote the book and the polo match became another character in the story.

Marco is from Argentina and living in Outback Australia. He answered the call to come to Australia to help fill the doctor shortage, and now he is there his greatest wish is to stay and carve out a life for himself and his young son, who has mild cerebral palsy.

Lucy Patterson grew up in Bulla Creek, Western Australia, the much-loved only child of the local doctor. In keeping with family tradition Lucy became a doctor, and had plans to join her father—until her mother died and her world was turned upside down.

I’ll let the book tell their story. Meanwhile, if you want to see the pictures and videos that inspired the book head to www.fionalowe.com. I love to hear from my readers, and you can find me on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.

Happy Reading!


Fiona xx

Letting Go With Dr Rodriguez

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