Читать книгу BurnOut - BurnInside. Rekindle Your Inner Flame With the Jin Shin Healing Art - Frain Benton - Страница 3


Copyright © 2017 Creative-Story, München

Frain Benton

BurnOut - BurnInside: Self-Help and the Rekindling of Your Inner Flame with Jin Shin Jyutsu. The evolution of a disease and your re-evolution to health by applying the Jin Shin healing art.

Preface by Felicitas Waldeck


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E-Mail: info@creative-story.com

Find us on the Web at: www.creative-story.com

Author’s-Website at: www.jin-shin-fee.com

Cover design and graphic digitalisation: Creative Web Projects, München

ISBN: 978-3-942603-12-6

(Alternative formats and eBook versions of this title available.

For more information please visit: www.creative-story.com.)

BurnOut - BurnInside. Rekindle Your Inner Flame With the Jin Shin Healing Art

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