Читать книгу Schizotypal Personality Disorder: A Case Study of the Movie Classic TAXI DRIVER - Francine R Goldberg PhD - Страница 3

Outline of Scenes


Introduction: Schizotypal Personality Disorder (STPD)

Schizophrenia spectrum

Negative and cognitive symptoms


Odd cluster

Introduction of STPD to DSM

Scene 1: Start

Scene 2: Travis Bickle

Vocational issue

Peculiar ideas

STPD and the military

Useful psychological testing

Vague descriptions

Childhood symptoms

Biosocial formulation

Functional impairment

Psychosocial rehabilitation

Tangential digression

DSM-IV-TR criterion A(4) for STPD: Verbal deficits and speech patterns

DSM-IV-TR classification system

The challenge of interpersonal relationships

Scene 3: Tom & Betsy



Frontal confrontation

Scene 4: Wizard’s Court

DSM-IV-TR criterion A(6) for STPD:

Affective style

DSM-IV-TR criterion A(5) for STPD:

Suspiciousness and paranoid ideation

DSM-IV-TR criterion A(9) for STPD:

Excessive social anxiety

Cognitive-behavioral formulation

DSM-IV-TR criterion A(1) for STPD: Ideas of reference

Scene 5: A New Volunteer

Unusual language, idiosyncratic phrasing and construction

Impaired reality testing

DSM-IV-TR criterion A(2) for STPD:

Telepathic, paranormal and superstitious communication

Bizarre fantasies

DSM-IV-TR criterion A(7): Odd behavior and appearance

Another look at speech patterns

Scene 6: Charles Palantine

DSM-IV-TR A(4) for STPD:

Odd thinking and speech

Empathetic and understanding interviewing

Scene 7: Aborted Fare

Ideas of reference

Scene 8: A Date with Betsy

DSM-IV-TR Criterion A for STPD

Social and interpersonal deficits

Inattentiveness to social conventions

DSM-IV-TR criterion A(3) for STPD: Impaired reality testing

Transient psychotic episodes

Scene 9: Confrontation

Unkempt appearance

A trigger: Close interpersonal relationships


Therapeutic relationships

Internal/external rage

On being an object of an obsession

Unusual words or concepts

Psychodynamic formulation of STPD

Scene 10: Curbside Cuckold

Dangerous absence of insight

Ideas of reference

Scene 11: A Word with Wizard

DSM-IV-TR criterion A(8) for STPD: Lack of close personal relationships

Inability to reach out to mental health professionals

Scene 12: Running into Iris

Ruminative cognitive style

A psychologically variant theme

Diminished desire for intimate contact

Biosocial formulation

Impaired reality testing

Scene 13: Easy Andy

Psychodynamics of a stalker

Scene 14: Henry Krinkle

Sinking lower into derangement

Odd appearance

Social skills deficits

Cumulative effect of ideas of reference

Scene 15: You Talking To Me?

Out of his mind

Scene 16: Market Robbery

Metaphors become different characters

Permission for violence

Scene 17: Late for the Sky

Last bit of reality

Scene 18: Dear Father and Mother

Those most vulnerable to stalking

Idiosyncratic phrasing and construction

Impaired reality testing

Familially of STPD-psychodynamic, biosocial, interpersonal

Scene 19: TV Critic

Intensity of the stalker’s emotions

Scene 20: Looking for Action

Affective style of a person with STPD

Inattentiveness to social conventions

Scene 21: A $10 Room

Diminished desire for intimate contacts

Inability to deal with sexuality

Scene 22: Breakfast with Iris

Impaired reality testing

Ideas of reference

Fearful and dismissing attachment style

Verbal episodic memory deficits

Scene 23: Dancing with Sport

Imagining his rival with Iris

Danger when reality conflicts with distortions

Scene 24: The Palantine Rally

Odd, eccentric and peculiar appearance

Pharmacology for STPD

Scene 25: Suck on This

STPD: Stability vs. psychosis

Scene 26: Shooting Gallery

Psychotic violence

Scene 27: Bang, Bang, Bang.

STPD: Most are not dangerous

Scene 28: Dear Mr. Bickle

Madman vs. sane man

Normalcy does not last

Insight-oriented psychotherapy

Supportive psychotherapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Family and group therapies

Introducing medication

Diagnostic Note

Travis meets DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for STPD

Schizotypal Personality Disorder: A Case Study of the Movie Classic TAXI DRIVER

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