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Two days later, I knew that the prodigal son had returned and that Master Francis had had his share of the fatted calf. He came to early Mass and with Fatty on one side and Hogarth on the other approached the Holy Table. It was the beginning for him of daily Communion.

I found on my desk that morning a somewhat withered apple, under it a note which read as follows:

“Dear Brother:

I thank you for your visit. I thank you for seeing my Ma and she likes you the same as I do. Here is my pledge. I solumny promis never to steal again, and I’m going to have no secrets. Ma says to tell you, and I will.

“Your friend,

Francis Reardon.”

December was a sort of golden age in the fourth grade. Harmony, friendliness, good order, hard study, true piety—a piety built largely upon the purity of heart that comes from daily Communion.

Francis was fast coming to the leadership of the class; within calling distance of Hogarth—who was constantly devising new societies—and a trifle ahead of Edward Stevens. Yet, the boy was at times nervous in his dealings with me. Gradually it dawned on me that he felt some doubt as to my trust in him. I had known him as a thief; could I look upon him as in the days of our early acquaintance?

I was puzzling for some time as to the best way to reassure him, when, unwittingly, Master John Hogarth gave me the proper key.

“Brother John,” he said one afternoon, toward the close of class, “the kids want to get up a ball team in the spring, and we’re going to get ready now. Will you be our president?”

“With pleasure.”

“And we’re all going to put in a penny a week, so’s to be ready to get suits and bats and balls. I guess I’m to be vice-president and secretary myself, and we’d like you to appoint a treasurer, some fellow who’ll be sure to take good care of the money.”

Quick as a flash, I saw my chance.

“I appoint Francis Reardon.”

There was applause, but I let it go on unchecked, for I was looking at Francis. He knew now that I trusted him and I knew at last my moral victory was complete.

Candles' Beams

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