Читать книгу Britain in the Middle Ages: An Archaeological History - Francis Pryor - Страница 5


Archaeological Period* Dates (AD) Defining or transitional events Notes
Roman 43–410 Withdrawal of last Roman troops from Britain c.409
‘Sub-Roman’ or Post-Roman 410–50 This is sometimes Post-Roman included in the Early Saxon period
‘Early Medieval’ c. 410–1066 A term generally used to describe pre-Norman times
Early Saxon 450–650 Previously known as Pagan Saxon
Middle Saxon 650–850
Late Saxon 850–1066 Norman Conquest (Battle of Hastings 1066)
‘Saxo-Norman’ 850–1150 A general descriptive term
Middle Ages (or ‘Later Medieval’) 1066–1550 These may be subdivided thus:
Early Middle Ages 1066–1350 1348–49 first wave of Black Death
Later Middle Ages 1350–1550 Dissolution of the monasteries 1536–40. The Reformation (Church of England legally established 1559) Sometimes referred to as the ‘Transitional Period’
Post-Medieval 1550–present

* Terms placed in quotes are used in a general sense. They are not archaeological periods sensu stricto.

Britain in the Middle Ages: An Archaeological History

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