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Note on Sources

Introduction: Concepts and Contradictions

1. ‘I am a member of the bourgeois class’

2. Dissonances

3. Bourgeoisie, middle class

4. Between history and literature

5. Abstract hero

6. Prose and keywords: preliminary remarks

7. ‘The bourgeois is lost . . .’

I. A Working Master

1. Adventure, enterprise, Fortuna

2. ‘This will testify for me that I was not idle’

3. Keywords I: ‘Useful’

4. Keywords II: ‘Efficiency’

5. Keywords III: ‘Comfort’

6. Prose I: ‘The rhythm of continuity’

7. Prose II: ‘We have discovered the productivity of the spirit . . .’

II. Serious Century

1. Keywords IV: ‘Serious’

2. Fillers

3. Rationalization

4. Prose III: Reality principle

5. Description, conservatism, Realpolitik

6. Prose IV: ‘A transposition of the objective into the subjective’

III. Fog

1. Naked, shameless, and direct

2. ‘Behind the veil’

3. The Gothic, un déjà-là

4. The gentleman

5. Keywords V: ‘Influence’

6. Prose V: Victorian adjectives

7. Keywords VI: ‘Earnest’

8. ‘Who loves not Knowledge?’

9. Prose VI: Fog

IV. ‘National Malformations’: Metamorphoses in the Semi-Periphery

1. Balzac, Machado, and money

2. Keywords VII: ‘Roba

3. Persistence of the Old Regime I: The Doll

4. Persistence of the Old Regime II: Torquemada

5. ‘There’s arithmetic for you!’

V. Ibsen and the Spirit of Capitalism

1. The grey area

2. ‘Signs against signs’

3. Bourgeois prose, capitalist poetry

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The Bourgeois

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