Читать книгу Hector and the Secrets of Love - Francois Lelord - Страница 7


‘ALL we have to say to him is: “My dear doctor, you’re going to help us discover the secret of love.” I’m sure he’ll consider it a very noble mission.’

‘Do you think he’s up to it?’

‘Yes, I do.’

‘He’ll need persuading – you have the necessary funds.’

‘The most important thing, I think, is to make him feel he’ll be doing something worthwhile.’

‘So we’ll need to tell him everything?’

‘Yes. Well, not everything, if you see what I mean.’

‘I understand.’

The two men in grey suits were talking late at night in a big office at the top of a tall building. Through the picture windows the bright city lights shone as far as the eye could see, but they didn’t take any notice of them.

Instead they looked at some photographs they had taken from a file. They were glossy portraits of a youngish man with a preoccupied air.

‘Psychiatrist, what a strange occupation!’ said the older man. ‘I wonder how anyone can stand it.’

‘Yes, I wonder, too.’

The younger man, a tall, strapping fell ow with cold eyes, replaced all the photos in the file, which was marked ‘Dr Hector’.

Hector and the Secrets of Love

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