Читать книгу A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public - Frank Bertram Wade - Страница 12

Table Giving Character of Refraction in the Principal Gems

Refraction Single:
Garnet (all types)
Difference between highest and lowest refractive indices
Refraction Double:
Sphene .084
Zircon .053
Benitoite .047
Peridot or chrysolite .038
Epidote .031
Tourmaline .020
Kunzite .015
Ruby and sapphire .009
Topaz (precious) .009
Amethyst and quartz topaz .009
Emerald and aquamarine .007
Chrysoberyl .007

The student should now put into practice the methods suggested in this lesson. Look first for the visible doubling of the lines of the back facets in peridot (or chrysolite); then in zircon; then in some of the less strongly doubly refracting stones; then try the sunlight-card method with genuine stones and with doublets and imitations until you can tell every time whether you are dealing with singly or doubly refracting material. When a stone of unknown identity comes along, try the method on it and thus assign it as a first step to one or the other class. Other tests will then be necessary to definitely place it.

Differences in Refraction Due to Crystal Form. The difference in behavior toward light of the singly and doubly refracting minerals depends upon the crystal structure of the mineral. All gems whose crystals belong in the cubic system are singly refracting in all directions: In the case of some other systems of crystals the material may be singly refracting in one or in two directions, but doubly refracting in other directions. No attention need be paid to these complications, however, when using the sunlight-card method with a cut stone, for in such a case the light in its course within the stone will have crossed the material in two or more directions, and the separation and consequent doubling of image will be sure to result. For those who wish to study double refraction more in detail, Chapter VI., pages 40–52, of G. F. Herbert-Smith's Gem-Stones will serve admirably as a text. As an alternative any text-book on physics will answer.

A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public

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