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"Die Traumdeutung," 1900.

For example, Bleuler and Jung in Zürich.

Compare the picture "Triumphal Procession of Priapus" by Salvisti u. Fuchs, "Das erotische Element in der Karikatur," 1904.

Bleuler, "Freudsche Mechanismen in der Symptomatologie von Psychosen," Psychiatr.-neurol. Wochenschrift, 1906, No. 35 and 36.

Since then the wonderful analysis of Freud has appeared: "Der Wahn und die Träume," in W. Jensen's "Gradiva," as the first volume of these "Schriften." Unfortunately we know too little of the psychological relation in which the poet of this Pompeyan phantasy stood to it. Probably in a very intimate relation; it is one of the "living" poems.

The same idea is at the bottom of the fairy tale of the "Little Tear Jug"; see following.

Jung, "Ueber die Psychologie der Dementia praecox," Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1907. See Monograph Series, No. 3, for translation.

The question of the causality of these factors will here be left open; certainly there exists a tension between the attainable and the wished for.

Wishfulfillment and Symbolism in Fairy Tales

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