Читать книгу History of Ancient Art - Franz von Reber - Страница 4

The Influence of Greece 411
Artistic Manufactures 411, 412
Sgraffiti. The Importance of Etruscan Art 412
The Conditions of Civilization Similar to those of Etruria 413
Primitive Walls 414, 415
Gates. Vaulted Canals 416
Temples: their Tuscan Character. The Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus 417
Hellenic Influences 418
Prostylos and Pseudo-peripteros 419, 420
The Tuscan Order 420
The Doric Order 420, 421
The Ionic Order 421, 422
The Corinthian Order 423, 424
The Composite Capital 424
Constructive Advances. Arching and Vaulting 425
Aqueducts and Sewers 425, 426
Baths 426–429
The Baths of Agrippa. The Pantheon 427
The Baths of Caracalla and of Diocletian 428, 429
The Circus, Theatre, and Amphitheatre 430–436
The Theatre of Marcellus 433
The Flavian Amphitheatre (Colosseum) 436
Funeral Monuments 436, 437
Commemorative Columns 437
Triumphal Arches 438–440
Public Buildings. Basilicas 441–443
Dwellings 444
Private Courts of Justice the Prototypes of the Christian Basilica 445–447
Lack of Statues during the Earliest Period. Decorative Work 447, 448
The Influence of Etruria 448
The Influence of Greece 449
Rise of Sculpture after the Samnite War 449, 450
Importations of Statues from Greece 451
Coponius 452
Portrait Sculpture 453–455
Iconic Statues 453
The Horses of St. Mark’s 454
Shortcomings of Roman Reliefs 456, 457
Historical Representations 457–459
Trajan’s Column 458
The Arch of Titus 459
The Monument of Antoninus Pius 460
The Degeneration of Sculpture 461
Portraiture 461, 462
The Arch of Constantine 463
The Earliest Paintings by Greek Artists. The Temple of Ceres 464
Fabius Pictor 464, 465
Pacuvius and Metrodoros 465
Battle-scenes 465, 466
Panel-painting. Collections 466
Wall Decorations after the Alexandrian Fashion 466–470
The Golden House of Nero 467
Landscapes. Architectural Ornamentation 468, 469
Mosaics 470, 471
From Herculaneum and Pompeii 471
Conclusion 471, 472
The Christian Paintings of the Catacombs 472
GLOSSARY: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X, Z 473
INDEX: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Z 479
History of Ancient Art

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