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Seventh of Colquhoun and Ninth of Luss [1406-1408].


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On the 30th of June 1407, “Robert of Colqwhone, Lord of Lus,” received from William Wallace, Lord of Cragy, a confirmation of all the lands held of the granter, reserving to him his serfs according to law. The following is the confirmation:—

“Be it kent tyl al men throw thir presentes lettres, me, William Wallas, Lord of Cragy, til haffe approfit, ratifiit, and confirmit, and be thir presentis lettres ratifiis and confermis, al euidences, condicionis, gyffyng, sellying, or wadsettyng, that Marion Wallas hase made tyl Robert of Culqwhone, Lord of Lus, of al the landis haldyn of vs, eftir the tenor of the euidencis of the said Marion tyl the saide Robert tharapon made, in all fourme, tenor, and effect, as thai purport, and beris wytnes, suffand tyl vs oure serfis, acht and custumit of law. In the wytnes of the qwhilk thyng, I, William Wallas, hes set til mi seele at Perth, the last day of Junii, the yher of oure Lorde thousand foure hundreth and sefyn.”[1]

Robert of Colquhoun did not long enjoy his estate, having died in or about the year 1408. He was succeeded by his younger brother, John.

[1]Original Confirmation at Rossdhu. The seal of this writ is lost. A facsimile of this grant is here given.
The Chiefs of Colquhoun and their Country

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