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This book would have been written by Vic Blundell, but for his lifelong dedication to the instruction of mature students who have sought solutions to social problems through an understanding of the science of political economy. The duty to write the book, then, fell to one of his pupils, and it is with pleasure that I express my deep gratitude to him for the generous help that he gave me in the development of some of the key ideas contained in this work.

Some of the research was undertaken while globe-trotting on assignments for my newspaper, The Sunday People. A succession of Editors have flown me to locations that made it possible to witness at first hand the workings of the land market in places as diverse as Hong Kong and Sydney, Athens and Kingston (Jamaica). When the Sunday deadlines were met, I was able to switch to on-the-spot investigations that extended my appreciation that the world is one single economy, and that we must work together to find solutions that will serve the common interest. I thank my Editors, whose unwitting role in the production of this book absolves them from any responsibility for the views expressed herein.

Many people helped me during my travels, and I would particularly like to acknowledge the assistance received from Walter Rybeck in Washington, Allan Hutchinson in Melbourne and the late Professor Philip Finkelstein in New York.

Writing is the most civilising of man’s arts, but for its dedicated practitioners it is also the most anti-social. And so I record with humility my greatest debt, which is to my wife Rita and daughter Nina, who bore my absence from family routines with fortitude.

The Power In The Land

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