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List of Abbreviations

Bl. Com.Blackstone’s Commentaries.
Co. Lit.Coke upon Littleton.
D. B.Domesday Book.
D. G. R.Deutsches Genossenschaftsrecht.
D. R. G.Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte.1
E. H. R.English Historical Review.
Fitz. Abr.Fitzherbert’s Abridgement.
Fitz. Nat. Brev.Fitzherbert’s Natura Brevium.
Harv. L. R.Harvard Law Review.
Lit.Littleton’s Tenures.
L. Q. R.Law Quarterly Review.
Mon. Germ.Monumenta Germaniae.
P. C.Pleas of the Crown.
P. Q. W.Placita de Quo Warranto.
Reg. Brev.Registrum Brevium.
Rep.Coke’s Reports.
R. H.Hundred Rolls.
Rot. Cart.Charter Rolls.
Rot. Cl.Close Rolls.
Rot. Parl.Parliament Rolls.
Rot. Pat.Patent Rolls.
Sec. Inst.Coke’s Second Institute.
Sel. Chart.Stubbs’s Select Charters.
X.Decretales Gregorii IX.
Y. B.Year Book.
The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I

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