Читать книгу Variety Show: Twenty Years of Watching the News Parade - Frederick Griffin - Страница 4



Table of Contents

Some of the newspapermen covering the Prince of Wales’ 1919 visit to the Maritime Provinces snapped in a New Brunswick valley 64
The Prince of Wales on his 1927 visit welcomed to Toronto by the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario and his lady 66
The author meets an old-time prospector in the Northern Ontario gold fields 109
A photograph which was a world scoop: the Bremen on Greenley Island 235
Tense moments following Duke Schiller’s landing on Lake St. Agnes, Quebec, with Fitzmaurice, the Irish flier, as rival photographers search his plane for hidden pictures 236
Remarkable photograph, taken as the Vestris canted, shows sloping deck of doomed ship as lifeboats were loaded and launched 250
Mary Pickford, with her husband, Douglas Fairbanks, on her first visit to her birthplace, Toronto, since she had become famous 274
Visit to his summer home at Campobello, New Brunswick: President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the helm of his yacht 275
Col. Charles Lindbergh and his wife, Anne Lindbergh, on their flight via Canada to the Orient 290
Jim Fahey, reputable citizen of Jasper, Alberta, alias Frank Grigware, escaped lifer from Leavenworth Penitentiary, and his wife, as he appeared following release by the Canadian authorities 292
Lenin’s Tomb in the Red Square is grandstand for viewing Moscow’s big parades. Stalin looks down from extreme right 314
Dr. Locke of Williamsburg, Ontario, at one of his first clinics 316
Johnstown flood, first visitation, 1889: a tree trunk scores a hit 335
Moment of Dr. D. E. Robertson’s emergence from Moose River Mine after imprisonment of 242 hours. Second figure from left, he electrified onlookers by walking out smiling 337
Variety Show: Twenty Years of Watching the News Parade

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