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There are seven lines of code as follows. Line 1: # This is a comment line that begins with a pound sign “#”. Line 3: # Example 1a: assigning a string value to a variable creates a string object type variable. Line 4: trip_id = “da7a62fce04” # This assignment is assigning a string to a variable named trip_id. Line 5: print(“The data type for the trip_id variable is:”, type(trip_id)). Line 7: #Example 1b: assigning an integer value to a variable creates an integer object type variable. Line 8: trip_seconds = 180. Line 9: print(“The data type for the trip_seconds variable is:”, type(trip_seconds)).

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The output is titled, RESTART: I:/Fig 2_1 Python code example 1.py. There are two lines of output. Line 1: The data type for the trip_id variable is: <class ‘str’>. Line 2: The data type for the trip_seconds variable is: <class ‘int’>.

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There are six lines of codes as follows. Line 1: # Example 2a: assigning a float value to a variable creates a float object type variable. Line 2: trip_miles = 1.1. Line 3: print(“The data type for the trip_miles variable is: ”, type(trip_miles)). Line 5: # Example 2b: assigning a boolean value to a variable creates a boolean object type variable. Line 6: trip_completed = True. Line 7: print(“The data type for the trip_completed variable is: ”, type(trip_completed)).

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The output is titled, RESTART: I:/Fig 2_3 Python code example 2.py. There are two lines of output. Line 1: The data type for the trip_miles variable is: <class ‘float’>. Line 2: The data type for the trip_completed variable is: <class ‘bool’>.

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There are three lines of code as follows. Line 1: # modify the following line of code so that a string data type variable is created. Line 2: variable_created = 12.5. Line 3: print (“The data type of the variable created is: ”, type(variable_created)).

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There are nine lines of codes, as follows. Line 1: # Create a few variables with numeric values. Line 2: first_number = 4. Line 3: second_number = 8. Line 4: third_number = 2. Line 6: # Two assignment statements with mathematical formulas using the variables. Line 7: result1 = first_number + second_number * third_number. Line 8: result2 = (first_number + second_number) * third_number. Line 10: # The following line of code displays the values of the results. Line 11: print(“Result: ”, result1, “Result2: ”, result2).

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There are three lines of codes as follows. Line 1: # Add parentheses, a subtraction operator, and an exponentiation operator. Line 2: # so the following code prints the value 25. Line 3: print( 8 3 2 ).

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There are two lines of code as follows. Line 1: value_entered = input(“Please enter a number between 1 and 100: “). Line 2: print(“The value that you entered was: “ value_entered). The statement value_entered in the second line is highlighted. A dialog box, titled SyntaxError, displays the message, invalid syntax. The OK button is at the bottom of the dialog box.

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The output is titled, RESTART: I:\Fig 2_8 Python code with exception.py. There is one line of output as follows. Line 1: please enter a number between 1 and 100: 50. Text under the output continues as follows. Traceback (most recent call last): File “I:\Fig 2_8 Python code with exception.py”, line 4, in <module>. Print(“The value that you entered was: ”, value_entered). NameError: name ‘Print’ is not defined.

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The output is titled, RESTART: I:\Fig 2_10 Python code with TypeError exception.py. Text reads, Traceback (most recent call last): File “I:\Fig 2_10 Python code with TypeError exception.py”, line 3, in <module> result = first_number + second_number.

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There are five lines of code as follows. Line 1: first_number = 10. Line 2: # Remove the quotation marks in the following line to resolve issue. Line 3: second_number = “20”. Line 4: result = first_number + second_number. Line 5: print (“The result is: ”, result).

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There are seven lines of code as follows. Line 1: # Create a few variables with numeric values. Line 2: first_number = 4. Line 3: second_number = 8. Line 5: # Calculate the average of the numbers by adding them and dividing by 2. Line 6: average = first_number + second_number /2. Line 8: # The following line of code displays the result. Line 9: print(“The average of ”, first_number,” and ”, second_number,” is ”, average).

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There are five lines of code as follows. Line 1: first_number = 4. Line 2: second_number = 8. Line 4: # Modify the following line by putting parenthesis around the two variables added. Line 5: average = first_number + second_number /2. Line 7: print(“The average of ”, first_number,” and ”, second_number,” is ”, average).

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There are eight lines of codes as follows. Line 1: # First prompt user to enter trip cost components to string variables. Line 2: fare = input(“Please enter the taxi fare: “). Line 3: tip = input (“Please enter the tip amount: “). Lines 5 and 6: print(“The amounts entered for fare and tip was : ”, fare, tip). Lines 7 and 8: print(“The data types for each are: ”, type(fare), type(tip)). Line 10: # now add up float values and assign to trip_total variable. Line 11: trip_total = float(fare)+float(tip). Line 12: print (“The total trip cost is: ”, “$” + str(trip_total)).

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The output is titled, RESTART: I:\Fig 2_14 program to add up trip costs.py. There are five lines of output as follows. Line 1: Please enter the taxi fare: 5.25. Line 2: Please enter the tip amount: 2.00. Line 3: The amounts entered for fare and tip was: 5.25 2.00. Line 4: The data types for each are: <class ‘str’> <class ‘str’>. Line 5: The total trip cost is: $7.25.

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There are three lines in the syntax. Line 1: def function_name, left parenthesis, left square bracket, parameter(s), right square bracket, right parenthesis, colon. Line 2: code_statements. Line 3: left square bracket, return value(s), right square bracket. The terms def and return are in bold, while the other components of the syntax are italicized.

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The first flowchart starts with begin. When the syntax begins, its code statements are processed, leading to function 1 parameters. The parameters are passed to the second flowchart, and Function1 begins. Its code statements are processed, the values are returned to function 1 parameters in the first flowchart, and the process in the second flowchart ends. In the first flowchart, function 1 parameters process the code statements, after which the function ends.

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The output is titled, RESTART: I: \Fig 2_22 error using function with incorrect parameters.py. Text reads, Traceback (most recent call last): File “I:\Fig 2_22 error using function with incorrect parameters.py”, line 4, in <module> hello (“John”, “Joe”). TypeError: hello() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given.

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There are eight lines of code as follows. Line 1: # The following is the definition of the function Find_Average. Lines 2 and 3: def find_average(first_number, second_number): return (first_number + second_number)/2. Line 5: # The following is executable code. Line 6. # First create a few variables with numeric values. Line 7: number1 = 4. Line 8: number2 = 8. Line 10: # The following line of code displays the values of the results. Line 11: print(“The average of the two numbers is: “,find_average(number1, number2)).

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There are three lines of code as follows. Line 1: # modify the user-defined function so it prints the average of x and y: Lines 2 and 3: def my_function(x, y): print (x + y). Line 5: my_function(4, 5).

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There are two lines of code as follows. Line 1: # The following is the definition of the function find_average. Lines 2 and 3: def find_average(first_number, second_number): return (first_number + second_number)/2.

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There are seven lines of code as follows. Line 1: import Fig_2_28_Find_Avreage_Module as fam. Line 3: # The following is executable code. Line 4: First create a few variables with numeric values. Line 5: number1 = 4. Line 6: number2 = 8. Line 8: # The following line of code displays the values of the results. Line 9: print(“The average of the two numbers is: ”, fam.find_average(number1, number2)).

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The first screenshot shows one line of code as follows. Lines 1 and 2: def my_function(x, y): return((int(x) + int(y)) / 2).

The second screenshot shows four lines of code as follows. Line 1: # Add a line to import the UserFunction module with the alias UF. Line 4: value1 = input(“Please enter a value: “). Line 5: value2 = input(“Please enter a second value: “). Line 7: print(“The average of the values entered is: ”, UF.my_function(value1, value2)).

Introduction to Python Programming for Business and Social Science Applications

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