Читать книгу Trapped in the Jungle! - Frederick Sadleir Brereton - Страница 2
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ОглавлениеIn the centre of a pool of light cast by a couple of swinging
No heroic figure has appealed more in this global war to
The peninsula of Bataan offered such a stretch of country,
“I understand that you gentlemen have risked much to
“That’s me, sir,” declared Elmer.
“And one British?”
David nodded.
“Further, I hear that you have news of an impending
As briefly as possible first Elmer and then David gave an
“This is all of the utmost value,” said the General.
Elmer and David looked at one another swiftly. It had
“If one could get aloft in a plane, yes, sir,” said David
“And a plane would be shot out of the sky the moment
A staff officer stepped across to speak to him, and for
“We have observation posts right forward where this
“Sure, if it’s a case of getting the right plan, why, of course,
There were smiles on the faces of the General staff.
“Then at dawn to-morrow,” said the General. “My
They boarded a jeep and took the road for the front,
“Sometimes we run off the road,” laughed the driver, a
Some miles farther on, when the jungle had increased
In a very few minutes stronger rays would pour down upon
“We must make the most of the darkness,” said the staff
He led the way to a cutting which descended into a trench
“The hour when the Nip likes to hit out at us,” laughed
Elmer grunted his impatience. David grinned.
“Sure prepared,” he drawled. “What would be the use
“You’ve said it,” echoed the American. “I want to find
“Then you’ll presently see,” came the answer. “I’ve
The deadly silence which had overhung their surroundings
A huge tree reared its massive shape before them, and
“Not so very pretty to look at,” laughed the officer.
“That so?” reflected Elmer dryly. “Say, sir, what
“You’ll see,” came the smiling rejoinder. “We’ve learned
He led the way up the rough ladder, and David and Elmer
“Take a breather for a few moments,” the latter said.
There was a loud clang and the shelter in which they found
“Say, that’s just suicide,” admonished the officer. “There’s
There was a telephone in one corner of the rough, square
“There’s a Nip after us. You boys look out for him.
There was another sharp clang against the side of the
There came to their ears the sound of a fusillade from the
“O.K., sir,” they heard a voice. “That Nip was fixed
They got to their feet and stooping low peered over the
“Look!” the officer pointed. A bundle suspended from
“Just war,” observed the officer. “Horrible, no doubt,
He smiled. “But that’s enough of growling. Let us pick
“That’s the hill on which our prison stood,” cried David
“Police? Jap police?” asked the officer.
“You bet. Nips all right. We’d given the guys the slip,”
They bobbed down to consult the map, and fortunately
“Say, there’s another trying to hole our boiler plate,” he
The drumming roar of a machine-gun almost cut the
“O.K., sir. That one got him. We shot off the branch
For more than an hour the three occupied the crow’s-nest,
“You’ll hear the result as dawn breaks to-morrow,” said
“We do,” Elmer told him without hesitation. “It’s like
The officer sat back on the floor of the O.P. with his
“It’s dandy to hear and to look at you two,” he laughed.
“Singapore!” shouted David. “That’s British, one of our
“Was,” grunted the officer curtly. “These Nips are past