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The following Schiller short stories drag us into the intricacies of human destinies as the main characters and events of these novels were all gleaned from real life.

Lost honour”: This short story made his fame as a sensitive and humanist writer. It tells about the progressive descent to hell of a landlord’s unfortunate son, his enrolment into a secret group and finally, his emancipation from a life of crimes.

In “A walk under the lime trees”, two young men who have recently known their destinies are discussing about some truths they have been made aware of about the world. The first one has fully accepted his destiny and sees the future brightly, the other is still full of thoughts about the whole process.

The mind reader” relates the tentative of some officers to extirpate one of their fellows from the mental imbroglio woven around him, during a stay in Venice, to incorporate him into a secret society. Intrigues, deceit, crimes are unravelled in this long and original writing which is the only mystery novel written by F. Schiller.

In “A remarkable feminine revenge”, a middle aged woman is abandoned by her younger lover and sets up a subtle and devastating plot to avenge her humiliation.

The whims of destiny” is a dark and implacable story of revenge among court members. “A good deed” is a surprising love triangle involving two brothers, a short story also based upon real events.

The Short Stories

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