Читать книгу The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Selected Tales of the Jazz Age Сollection. Адаптированная книга для чтения на английском языке. Уровень B1 - Френсис Скотт Фицджеральд, Френсис Фицджеральд - Страница 8

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Chapter 7


In one thing, at least, the friends of Hildegarde Moncrief were mistaken. The wholesale hardware business was extremely successful. In the fifteen years between Benjamin Button's marriage in 1880 and his father's retirement in 1895, the family capital was doubled – and this was due largely to the younger member of the firm.

Of course, Baltimore accepted the couple in the end. Even old General Moncrief made peace[33] with his son-in-law when Benjamin gave him the money to publish his History of the Civil War in twenty volumes, after nine famous publishers had refused to take it.

There were many changes in Benjamin himself during these fifteen years. It seemed to him that the blood flowed with new energy through his body. It began to be a pleasure to get up in the morning, to walk with an active step along the busy, sunny street, to work long hours with his shipments of hammers and his cargoes of nails. In 1890 he produced his famous business revolution which led to a surprising success: he made the suggestion that all nails used in nailing up the boxes in which nails are shipped are the property of the company-receiver of cargo. The suggestion was approved by Chief Justice[34], became a law, and saved Roger Button and Company, Wholesale Hardware, more than six hundred nails every year.

In addition, Benjamin discovered that he was becoming more and more attracted by the active side of life. He felt his growing enthusiasm for pleasure – he was the first man in the city of Baltimore who bought and drove an automobile. The citizens about the same age, when they met him on the street, were looking with jealous eyes at the picture he made of health and energy.

«He seems to grow younger every year», they remarked. And old Roger Button, now sixty-five years old, who had failed at first to give a proper welcome to his son, was trying to compensate for his mistake at last by looking at Benjamin with admiration.

And here we come to an unpleasant matter which should be passed over as quickly as possible. There was only one thing that worried Benjamin Button; his wife didn't attract him any longer.

At that time Hildegarde was a woman of thirty-five, with a son, Roscoe, fourteen years old. In the early days of their marriage Benjamin had loved and admired her very much. But, as the years passed, her honey-colored hair became dull brown, the blue enamel of her eyes turned into a cheap dirty dishes – moreover, and, most of all, she had become too set in her ways[35], too calm, too satisfied, too lifeless in her excitements, and too rational in her taste. As a bride she had «pulled» Benjamin to dances and dinners – now the things changed. She went out socially with him, but without enthusiasm, driven by that habit of inertia which comes to each of us one day and stays with us to the end.

Benjamin's disappointment grew stronger. At the start of the Spanish-American War in 1898[36] his home had so little charm for him that he decided to join the army. With his business influence he got an officer position as captain, and showed such talents at the work that he was made a major, and finally a lieutenant-colonel just in time to participate in the celebrated attack up San Juan Hill.[37] He was slightly wounded, and received a medal.

Benjamin had loved the active and exciting army life so much that he regretted to give it up, but his business needed attention, so he resigned his officer position and came home. He was met at the station by an orchestra and escorted to his house.


made peace – (идиом.) примирился


Chief Justice – (юр., амер.) председатель Верховного суда США


set in her ways – (идиом.) закоснела в своих взглядах, привычках


Испано-американская война в 1898 г., в ходе боевых действий которой США захватили принадлежавшие Испании с XVI в. Кубу, Пуэрто-Рико, Филиппины


Битва за холм Сан Хуан к востоку от Сантьяго-де-Куба у юго-восточного побережья Кубы, где произошло решающее кровопролитное сражение, обеспечившее победу американского флота в морском сражении при Сантьяго- де-Куба

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Selected Tales of the Jazz Age Сollection. Адаптированная книга для чтения на английском языке. Уровень B1

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